Dilema re losing weight

> I have a body fat scale and hate it, but
>I know they are pretty innaccurate. Recently there was an
>aricle I read in Consumer Reports that said on average it
>measures a woman 8% higher than what she really is...so,
>see...you DON'T have to lose fat!!LOL!!

Oh cool!! I have a body fat scale too!! Did you see that article on the internet?

Danielle :7
I'm not Janice, but I think your onto something when you mentioned the speed of the Pyramid tapes. IMHO if you are trying to build muscle you need to slow it way down really concentrate on lifting heavy. If you haven't tried that for a longer period of time, give it a shot. I've almost abandoned cardio (and I'm not saying this is right - I could increase this a tad) for heavy weight lifting as this is really FINALLY increasing my muscle. I'm not tall and thin, but I am an ecto type. PUB was way too fast for me, but I LOVE the ab work and when I do it I use the pause A LOT!! Just a few thoughts.

No, I would not consider the Pyramid tapes pure strength. I think they are also very endurance driven. Lately, when I do Pyramid, my first set is relatively light and essentially I pyramid "up" but not "down". I just do extra sets with the heavy weight, less reps. See?? I don't think Pyramid is worthless, but I like to change it in this way to get my strength up there. I think you might benefit by doing the same...
What kind of poundages are you using???

Yes, Danielle, I saw it on the internet. However, I don't remember how I pulled it up. Sorry. I do know that there are many variables that will effect a body fat scale analyzation, the major one being hydration levels. You WANT to weigh in the AM, but don't. Your weight will be the lowest, but you are more dehydrated, assuming you drink H2O throughout the day. I always get my best readings after a bath in the evening (softens up the skin on my feet). I just play with this however. I don't give a damn what the thing tells me, we just like to see if we can get it to read lower...LOL!!!
RE: Hey, Janice

I do agree, Annette. Thanks for responding and not bringing your cat scratch jacket with you (LOL)! Since I believe I am atleast 10 years younger than you, I guess i have some time to catch up to your attitude. It has already improved loads in the last 10, so I should be very well adjusted in another 10!!!

RE: Re: Throwing the scale away

The bottom line is: if it works for you, whatever "tool" you favor, be it scales, tape measure, whatever, then do it! We are all different. My weekly pig-out day along with six days of being careful may not work for everyone. IS DOESN'T HAVE TO! Weight Watchers does not work for everyone. You have to try various workouts and eating plans and find out what is the magic for you.
Just chiming in only because I went through a weight
issue on Monday. I had two doctor's appointments. One
with my girlie doctor who is female and one with a
neurologist who is male. I have not owned a scale for the past few
months as mine fell into the tub and busted into an million
pieces. I knew over those past few months I was gaining
weight,(due to new medication I was on that posted this
as a main side effect) but had no idea how much. My female
doctor was very disturbed that I had gained 10 pounds in
less than 6 months and told me to ask my next doctor
to change my perscription. She looked over my chart and said that
my weight had not fluctuated for over 6 years and that 10 pounds
was very concerning. I left felling very down and discusted with
myself. Anyhoo, I went to my next appointment and was not even
weighed. The doctor looked me over very throughly and said I
did not have anything to worry about, I was in great shape and
preportion. He could not see why I was alarmed. He did however
have better medication to put me on that was not known to cause
weight gain. Boy, was I ever relieved. My point is, what a
difference in judgement over this. One doctor only looked at
the numbers, the other doctor looked at preportion. I will not
be replacing my scale, I will just keep checking my favorite pair
of jeans for proper fit. I think if I had had a scale over these
past few months, I would have been in a deep depression over
something I had no control over. Thank goodness for the Intensity
series. I'm sure I would be dealing with a bigger weight gain if
it wasn't for the heavy training I've been doing.

RE: Re: Throwing the scale away

Here's my two cents:

I don't trust doctors' scales, because I've noticed that most aren't reset to zero, so who knows if they have the same accuracy as the last time I was there?

I don't own a scale, either. My weight probably fluctuates by around 5-8 pounds. I don't worry about numbers because they don't tell the whole story (i.e. is it fat or muscle?).

Rather than weight, I go by how I feel. If it takes more effort to do things, then I usually suspect I'm losing fitness. Plus, I notice if my clothes fit tighter or looser (taking into account any changes in my activity level).

If you don't want to use a scale or don't trust clothes fit because you wear elastic waistbands, you could periodically take some body measurements (e.g. bicep, waist, hip, thigh, calf circumference).

What I wonder is, even if you are in blissful denial, don't you notice more shortness of breath or extra strain on your knees if you gain 30 lbs.?? I guess that must depend on what percentage of your total weight 30 pounds is. Still, I think one would notice something.


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