Dilema: my pants don't fit:'(

I have to offer up some ((hugs)) too ~ I know it sucks.

BUT...take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Like someone else mentioned, do you have beautiful curves and new muscles?

I'm almost 5'7", and I used to be 115 lbs. I have a small frame too, so that was freakin' skinny (at one point, I dropped to 109). I could wear teeny jeans, however I had zero curves and no muscle. I also still had some cellulite. :mad: Grrr...figure that out.

Somewhere around the age of 33, the weight started creeping up even though I had continued to work out. I didn't weight train, but I ran, did kickboxing, The FIRM, Spinning, etc. I wasn't eating differently either, so why? It really dumbfounded and frustrated me. At one point, I was actually letting it depress me.

Yes, diet may be an issue, but I honestly think as we age, our metabolism really does take a dip. No, we don't have to succumb to it completely (as in gain 30 lbs. and give up), but we do have to be realistic. Maybe some of us CAN continue to stay the size we were in high school. And maybe some of us will experience a change in body composition that we have to fight.

That doesn't have to be a bad thing though. I did give away all my old jeans, and I am a size larger (a loose 10 jeans and 130 lbs.), but I look good. I'm showing visible muscle (without flexing, mind you), and I've got some shape finally. That damn cellulite is still there, but I have hope now that weight training, a clean diet, and some patience may alter that. Truthfully, if I stayed just as I am now, I'd be happy.

Don't feel bad. :) Change doesn't have to be a negative thing. Work out, eat right, treat yourself once in a while, and be happy.
My goodness, how old are you? Aren't you a little old to be shopping in the jr dept? You no longer have the body of a teenager and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! You're a woman with a woman's figure and you would probably have better luck shopping in the misses dept. ;)

You right,I went in the store and I just grabbed the first pair of short I saw and I'm 37 and some times I bought jr size, (price is better some times) but still my pants size 2 are VERY TIDE... What happen, maybe I was never ever a workout-holic before, I just start not to long ago the most 2 1/2 years workingout like that is my job 6 days a week...
and this is the body I create with heavy weights, my body is solid before I was skinny fat...
about food I'm very carefully about my food I don't measure but I know I don't even buy fast food, I'm mexican I don't even cook mexican food..

I hope I feel better today.....
Your exercise is OK, which leaves diet. Tracking your food is good advice. You might be eating too little even! Why don't you post your findings after a few days with the calorie total for each day along with a list of everything you ate. If you started today, you would have 4 days of info to post on Monday.

So hold off on the garage sale for a while.
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I have to offer up some ((hugs)) too ~ I know it sucks.

BUT...take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Like someone else mentioned, do you have beautiful curves and new muscles?

I'm almost 5'7", and I used to be 115 lbs. I have a small frame too, so that was freakin' skinny (at one point, I dropped to 109). I could wear teeny jeans, however I had zero curves and no muscle. I also still had some cellulite. :mad: Grrr...figure that out.

Somewhere around the age of 33, the weight started creeping up even though I had continued to work out. I didn't weight train, but I ran, did kickboxing, The FIRM, Spinning, etc. I wasn't eating differently either, so why? It really dumbfounded and frustrated me. At one point, I was actually letting it depress me.

Yes, diet may be an issue, but I honestly think as we age, our metabolism really does take a dip. No, we don't have to succumb to it completely (as in gain 30 lbs. and give up), but we do have to be realistic. Maybe some of us CAN continue to stay the size we were in high school. And maybe some of us will experience a change in body composition that we have to fight.

That doesn't have to be a bad thing though. I did give away all my old jeans, and I am a size larger (a loose 10 jeans and 130 lbs.), but I look good. I'm showing visible muscle (without flexing, mind you), and I've got some shape finally. That damn cellulite is still there, but I have hope now that weight training, a clean diet, and some patience may alter that. Truthfully, if I stayed just as I am now, I'd be happy.

Don't feel bad. :) Change doesn't have to be a negative thing. Work out, eat right, treat yourself once in a while, and be happy.

You know what. I just should be happy for what I have, after 4 kids I feel wonderful my daughter's said that I'm fine,they said...SEE that happen when you workout and lift heavy that's what you want,don't you? So my evil side said YES that's what I wanted ...
and I should be happy....
it could be your thyroid

If you are seeing an unexplainable weight gain it could be your thyroid. Its an easy test. Just go to your doctor and ask to be tested. Also, age shifts hormones and can cause weight gain. Watch out for non organic dairy products because they have a different effect on the body than the organic dairy does. It has to do with eating a greens based diet (grass) versus a grain based diet (corn.)

But over all. You are upset about wearing a size 9? :confused:
Your exercise is OK, which leaves diet. Tracking your food is good advice. You might be eating too little even! Why don't you post your findings after a few days with the calorie total for each day along with a list of everything you ate. If you started today, you would have 4 days of info to post on Monday.

So hold off on the garage sale for a while.

That's is a good idea, I will keep eye and write down what I eat I'm going to do a list...
but look yesterday I have
7:00 am 2/3 of a cup of oatmeal whit a tps of vanilla protein
2 egg whites and 1 whole egg
1 cup of coffee.

11:30 1 cup of skim milk with
1 scoop of vanilla protein
strawberry and blueberry

2:00 pm 1 slice of whole wheat bread
tuna,little fat free mayo,and some
avocado,and jalapenos.

4:30 snack piece of fruit or 1 slice of bread
with natural peanut butter .

6: dinner brown rice, beans and chicken
with salsa.
and after that I try not to eat maybe a cup of tea and lot of water,I drink a lot of water..
This is my recovery week, but since I don't feel good this week I been doing circuit training
I know that Cathe said no weights during rest week, but I been using 5 pounds only.
what do you think .....
Sorry every one if I'm been so annoying...
If you are seeing an unexplainable weight gain it could be your thyroid. Its an easy test. Just go to your doctor and ask to be tested. Also, age shifts hormones and can cause weight gain. Watch out for non organic dairy products because they have a different effect on the body than the organic dairy does. It has to do with eating a greens based diet (grass) versus a grain based diet (corn.)

But over all. You are upset about wearing a size 9? :confused:

Probably size 9 JR and size 6 woman... I don't know
I shop in the juniors department, but I wear a size 9 or 11 :0 I try not to worry about what the tag says, as long as it looks good! And please, oh please DON'T try to squeeze into too tight pants and give yourself a muffin top!

I HATE that!! :eek: There's nothing worse than seeing (even younger women) any woman in pants/shorts, etc. that are one size too small to where they do that "hang over" thing! It's almost - yes, only almost - as disgusting as men whose bellies hang halfway down to their knees over their pants! Ugh!
OP, I feel your pain. I shop in Jr. mostly for pants and stuff because not all 2 and 4 women's clothes fit me. I'm also very short 4'11 and Jr. fits me much better than petite.

That being said, I know when my diet is causing my body to suffer. I feel it and boy does it show especially in the legs. I agree to watch the diet and if you need too even though your doing STS, add in a little more cardio. My body needs the cardio. You might be the same way.
Assuming you are not overeating (from your food list, that appears to be the case - if anything, it doesn't look like enough to me!)...
Have you considered that getting larger thighs/glutes may be a POSITIVE result of your strength training? If your legs were stick-skinny, or your rear area was flat "before", then perhaps the muscle you added may be a more attractive (and healthier) condition. While women seem to be conditioned to the idea that having to go UP a clothes size is a warning flag, in this case it is validation of a successful plan. The same can be true of old shirts feeling tight in the chest or arms as your upper body gains muscle and strength.
I hate to say it, but ever since I started working out with Cathe, I have mostly GAINED weight. At first I thought, "These workouts are sooo tough, I'm going to lose A LOT of weight." WRONG!

But, here's the thing. I was adding muscle. It's a good thing, but it's still hard to outgrow your clothes, doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle, going up a size is not fun. It wasn't until I started working with a personal trainer and REALLY starting watching my diet (think figure competition diet) that I started to SEE all that hard earned muscle.

I wouldn't change going from skinny with little muscle to adding muscle to my frame, but I have to keep the diet clean.

I'm about 6 months pregnant right now and the diet is healthy, but I keep thinking about how I'll have to get right back on the super clean eating wagon after this baby is born to fit into pre-preg clothes.

So don't despair about your size changing: your body is changing and it is changing for the better!

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