It sounds more like you kind of went from one side of the scale to the other in way too short of time. If you would have been able to go skiing I don't think you would have had such a body shock. As that's what you are currently in. You went so extream your body is actually shocked and doesn't know what to do, and doesn't want to do anything. The one thing I always tell people when they take a rest week is not to just sit down or lay in bed. But to move, stretch, workout but on an easier level. Since your body is in shock, go slow take it easy, and you'll get back to whee you were, your body just has to figure out what the heck you were doing to it, and then it will kick in again. But also it does sound like you were working it a bit too hard, as even if you did decide to sleep for 18 hours a day every day on your rest week, you should still be able to come back and do most of what you were doing. Sometimes you will have a bad day after a rest day and it's hard to get started, that's usually a sign it wanted more recovery time. So you kind of did a double on your self, your body is in shock and it was working too hard, so it kind of crashed. Most people who over train have the symptoms you are having, they'll rest for a few days and they can't hardly even half their normal workout. Their find if they do it every day because of the endorphins, but once that actually gets out of their system. They find out real quick it was the chemical that they were producing that was actually working and not their true energy that they got from food stamina etc.
I'm really sorry this happen to you, but its better now, that you found about it then your body doing this to you one moring and you can't get out of bed. I've personally have had that happen and it's like your about 230 years old, it takes like 10 minutes to just sit up, and another 10 to get your feet toward the end of the bed, and when you step on the floor, your on the floor because your leg muscles didn't kick in.
Take a second rest week, start stretching and have a really clean diet and more carbs then usual(good carbs), if you already don't have a good clean diet, then start adding cardio and weights back in, but go really easy on the cardio the first couple days, stay at about 60 - 70% of your max heart rate, then day 4 or 5 day or so go up to 70 - 80%, and that's the same with the weights, drop the pounds you lift in half, then climb back up, by adding a few pound every other day, or each day if you feel that you can do it. Also don't feel back if you got to go lower on some things, your body is recovering from, the 180 you did to it. You'll give your body a few more days to recover and get out of shock and when it does you'll be back up and making it threw the videos.
Next time you go skiing take some workout videos or memorize a workout in case you get stuck in the cabin all week, and then you'll have a workout to do, if you can't ski. Or go out and play in the snow, and run around and throw snowballs, and build a snowman, that will give you a bit of a workout right there, especially if you build a huge snowman and have to lift his head up really high.
But generally for a rest week you want to go down to half intensity that you normally do but keep moving and working and stretching. Never stop exercising cold turkey. I know you didn't have a choice this time, but in the future, it might be a good reference. And if you notice what your feeling right now again your some how over training, and your actually running on endorphines. Which while your working out doesn't seem like a bad thing until you crash. You actually have pretty light symptoms compaired to some, you can at least make it threw most of Cathe workout. I've known serious Altheletes who've crashed and they struggle to even pick up a 2 pound weight and do two or three reps with it, and it takes a while to get them back to where they were before.
Good luck take it slow and give yourself a break and take more rests in between your 18 days straight of working out, that should help some, if your getting any signs from a single day off you know to cut back so you don't go into a server crash a little bit later. As those are really hard to pick yourself up from, and can take months to half of what you were doing.