Different observations of BB Series

I love the workouts but I had a hard time with the "Deserts miss the rain" song after the second time through the series.
But then I saw a thread on another site about the words of some other songs pertains to death...now I have a hard time concentrating on the workout because I'm thinking about people dying. Since this makes me very very sad, I'm having a hard time getting into happy mode to build up my muscles.
Funny what subliminal suggesstions do! Hopefully I can shut the words out of my mind and go back to thinking about what I'm doing.

I think perhaps Kathryn has a point about using instrumentals in workouts. You can make your own visuals that way. Then the music can be all things to everyone.

This is my different musical observations of the BB series in comparison to the IS and the CTX series.
I don't understand why a company, that puts together workout music, has to put 'downer' type music in. I feel it should be all "up" "happy" to get you up off the couch.
I guess the differences in us is what makes us unique, eh? :)
"In the Living Years" is a beautiful song (although be it sad) but when it's done techno and upbeat like it is in the BB series, it is motivating. Also, I am so busy lifting and working, that I don't really focus on lyrics. I, for one, love the music in the BB series, especially the Prince songs (woo hoo - two tracks in Step Blast!), Legs and Glutes, Supersets, and "Abracadabra" from SJ&P.

P.S. I usually refrain from talking about the cast members' bodies, but I think they all look great. Rhonda is so insipiring to me. She always has a smile on, even during the very last portion of each workout she's in. Her abs are phenomenal!
I also love all the music in this series. I used to teach aerobic dancing, so I love vocal music for workouts. I was burned out on cardio for a very long time and rarely get myself to do cardio. I have actually done cardio every day this week, but one and I owe it to the music in these workouts. I think it is so fun. And it is funny how we all view things differently. With my first preview of Body Blast, I called my son into the room to see the section with the song of "In The Living Years." At least I'm guessing that is the song everyone is talking about. I thought it fit perfect. Yes it does kind of make me think of death (and Stir of Echos with Kevin Bacon), but this was what I said to my son, "This section of the workout is going to kill me and this song is perfect." A lot of people have also complained of having a Nirvana song in the workouts. Is it because this is a rock song? If so, these people would not have enjoyed my aerobics class. I taught in the late 80s and I used hair bands for my music, i.e. Poison, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Van Halen, etc. Everyone loved the upbeat music that I played and really go into it.
Rhonda herself posted in a lengthy post in October 2002 about the different looks that people have had over the years. I would post the link, but I'm "computer-challenged." I think everyone looks fabulous in this series. They are all OBVIOUSLY very fit and healthy and I would love to look like any of them.
A lot of people have also complained of having a
>Nirvana song in the workouts. Is it because this is a rock
>song? If so, these people would not have enjoyed my aerobics
>class. I taught in the late 80s and I used hair bands for my
>music, i.e. Poison, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Van Halen,
>etc. Everyone loved the upbeat music that I played and really
>go into it.

I think it's not because it's rock. It's because it's been remixed with a techno beat which I suspect would just about kill Kurt Cobain if he weren't already dead! But I think it's funny, not off putting. Your class was probably awesome because you were using the real music!

Thanks Kelley for giving me something else to think about during these songs. I just lost a best friend and my husbands' uncle in a 3 week space of time this past month.
While funerals are a time of reflection, I wasn't ready to 'reflect' during my workout. I shall try to turn this around and use the idea that you mentioned.....'Cathe is killing me.'}(
Aaahhh, thanks Micki. That makes sense and yes I did use the original artists for my music and it makes a big difference.
Sorry for your losses Wanda. Hopefully you'll be able to get through your workout with a more happy tone next time. Just think of Kevin Bacon :p
I really liked that Nirvana song in there - how different was that? I thought it was pretty cool. I enjoyed Nirvana's music and I thought this was a good remake :)
I really have to reply here, since I am an 80's baby. I LOVE the BB series music! It makes me totally want to move. I think most of the aerobics music out there is too synthesized and boring. That makes it hard to move. I liked her Intensity series music (Elvis remakes), but these songs are SO much better! I sign along with them the whole time. She's great!
Rhonda looks the best she's ever looked. However, she was about the same size she is now in Mega Step Blast! I was doing it the other night and it hit me, I saw her in the back, she's about the same now as then.

I think Rhonda's just genetically thin. She's also genetically pretty :+


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