difference between Imax and Imax 2

Hi everyone!

Well, I'm absolutely loving the Intensity Series so far - every single workout makes me happy. I was wondering one thing, though - I have Imax and love it too - was feeling bad, though, because I can't use the step height everyone else does (have to take it down a step). So, naturally I was thrilled with Imax 2 because the step height is lower - does anyone know why? Does this suggest we should do Imax 1 with a shorter step height (please, someone say yes!)
You should use the step height that is comfortable for you. In Cathe's earlier videos, she always used 8" and then around about the time of CTX or Step Fit she went to 6". You don't HAVE to use what she uses, use what is challenging enough for you. There is nothing wrong with using a 6" step for IMAX. So YES use a 6" step if you prefer! :) There are many people who use 6" and/or 4" in some cases!

I think the reason she lowered it was simply b/c it's easier to teach if she's not knocking herself out stepping. I noticed that in her older videos she always used an 8", but in her newer ones she's using 6". In fact, in Power Max--I could be imagining this--but in the third segment there might be a voice over or two.

Frankly I don't know how she does it--she doesn't ever sound out of breath when she's talking, even during the most intense routines.

Edited to add: sorry Runcrazy, I think I just said the same thing you did. ;-)
I thought I read in a previous post that she moved down to a 6" because of issues with her knees. Then she realized she could still maintain her intensity with a 6" as she did with an 8" so she stuck to a 6"

Its just interesting, because I'm noticing that since I started to feel ok using just 6" (if Cathe does it, suddenly it becomes ok with me - anyone else like that?) I am enjoying exercising so much more - I always enjoyed it, but rather than being only "dreaded favorites" I actually feel more like its going to be fun. I definitely don't have to stop for breath now, but still feel like I'm stil getting a good workout. Just want to make sure I'm not being lazy - I need to make sure I remember that 8" is still a goal for me and not to get too complacent with 6"...
I sort of remember a post that said that Cathe moved to a 6 inch step height because she wasn't back to 100% after the birth of her second son. She looks fantastic, but she was getting too winded to speak at 8 inches.
If I use an 8" & get tired, I start tripping. I hurt my ankle badly a few years ago when I ignored the warnings from my body (tripping) & fell off the step. Ouch! Took over a year to fully recover.

I say use the lowest step height you can which still aerobically challenges you. (As learned from Charlene Prickett.) And even then, keep yourself aware in case you're extra tired or whatever...listen to your body!

My .02 for the day.


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