Did working out make labor easier?


I never once insinuated that I knew more than you. I do not know why you are so defensive and rude about this comment on genetics. Experience is what gives people knowledge.

Sounds to me like you have a big chip on your shoulder.

And by the way, it looks like you never even read my first post if you had to ask how many children I had.

No, I am not a grandmother, yet.

If you have to be rude to people you shouldn't even comment. I have never been treated so unkindly by someone that I don't even know. I guess there are all kinds in the world.

RE: Cheryl...can I please ask you...


No, I have never had an amnio. I have had my last five children over the age of 35. It didn't matter to me what any test results would have said because I knew I would never do anything to change the pregnancy. That would have just made me worry more. I know of a woman who had one and the test said yes, down syndrome, but it didn't happen. So, you cannot rely on any test results to be 100% correct.

You need to make the decision for yourself, such as what would you do with the information. I just trusted in the Lord. All of my children were born very normal - even the last one when I was 45 - so keep that in mind. You are not that old to have a baby.

Good luck and I will be praying for you,

I'm not being rude at all. I don't like it when people say "I think I know more than you or everyone else". It sounds like an ego thing to me. So what if you know a little more than I do but don't say I think I know it better. It sounds like a chip on your shoulder, too. Don't forget we're talking on the computer so we can't really tell the tone. We can only see words and it can be interpreted in the wrong way even though we don't mean it to be in the wrong way. Even women with big pelvics cannot have vaginal deliver sometimes as well. And I know having a lot of kids doesn't mean they pop out easily. I know the more kids you have, the more stretched out it is down there. Frankly I'm kind of surprised you would have more kids in your late 30's and early 40s because it really increases the risk for children being born to older women to have a disease of some kind. Hopefully your children doesn't have any of them. Anyway, I'm sorry if I came off being rude but don't say you know it all. I and many other people hate that. Thanks


Where in any of these posts did I even imply that I knew it all. I will be the first to admit that I do not know it all. I never even said that.

Well, this will be my last post to you - it isn't even worth my precious time.

what business is it of yours when I choose to have a baby - or if I do not choose to have a baby. My children are all very healthy. There are alot of women on this forum who are having babies in their late thirites and early forties.

I am open to having as many children as the Lord wants me to have. Obviously, I have made the right decisions, because all of my children are healthy.

Good for you, Cheryl. I don't really have a problem with older women having children but I do have a little problem with it because a lot of kids are ridiculed for having an older mom or dad. My friend whom I grew up with, she's my age (24) and her mother is in her 70's and her dad in his 80's now and she was made fun of a lot because they were her parents, not grandparents. I felt it wasn't fair for older people to have kids at an older age. Also, what if God forbid, you die in your 50's....And your child is not even a teen yet, what will happen to him/her? I just feel it's not fair to the child if you had them in your 40s, and 50s. Your case is different because you have 10 kids.
About know it all, you did say in one of your post to me that you know quite a bit about it. Also, if I was such a waste of precious time to you, why keep responding? Frankly, I'm not a rude person but I can get rude if someone has a chip on their shoulder regardless the gender of the person. I do not know everything about everything like you think I do. I wish I did know everything about everything but it's impossible for a human being to know everything about everything. Again, I apoligize if you think I have been rude.
You've got to be kidding me here...

Deciding to not have a child later in life because of fears of what other people will think is totally unbelievable to me. The people doing the ridiculing are ones with the problems. Thank goodness my in-laws didn't listen to this logic or I wouldn't have my husband!!

I have several friends who waited longer than what was considered "traditional" to start having children (over 35). Their kids are healthy and happy. As someone who is waiting longer to have children, I consider them to be my role models.

As to "what if you die", anyone, regardless of age, should consider the "what ifs" before the child is born and plan appropriately.
THIS THREAD STOPS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the moderator of this forum I must remind you that this is a forum for exercise and pregnancy questions. We are also an online support group for women during this special time in their lives. I am very concerned about the tone that this thread is taking, therefore I am taking the appropriate steps to stop the thread. Personally I am also taken aback at some of the comments because I was the oldest mom in the preschool and will be among one of the oldest moms at high school graduation for both of my kids who are now only 7 and 4. This forum is not the venue for this type of banter. Women come here for support, not put downs. Decisions such as when to have children and whether or not to have tests such as amnios should be left to the parent(s). That is a personal decision that only they can make depending on individual situations.

If you have something to say to another member that is not related to exercise and pregnancy or support during this time, please email them directly. Again, this forum is not the place for that.


Sheila (48 years old in May and Mommy to Dani, 7 and Austin, 4)

aka. Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness

and moderator of this forum and today the forum policewoman!

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