Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?


I watched the first 5 min and I thought I was gonna throw up! And its so true, things we never even thought about.
To those who didn't see it.She stopped and talked to a police officer who hadn't slept in 5 days.He started telling her of some of the sites he had seen at the stadium (or whatever you call it) when he walked it.He said there were people being beaten and children being raped and there was nothing he could do about it b/c he didn't have the manpower.My heart sunk and I didn't want to hear anymore.All I thought about was a child with no parents around to protect them.When I think of the things that had happened, I always think that people are pulling together to help one another but it some situations its not true.
I never dreamed of things like this happening but I guess when things like this happen, all the crazy people in the world are out as well.I think some of these people need our thoughts and prays more then we expected.
I think it's pretty scary that in the matter of a couple of rough days people started raping and killing each other. Makes me think all some people need is an opportunity.

God help us if this is who we are as a country.


. . and what the hell does rape have to do with starvation and flooding . . ?

People look to justify anything these days.

Yes, I saw it. Alot of what I heard disturbed me. I cried when this one man could not part with his dog of 10 years. Lucky for him, he did not have to in the end as Ned came to the rescue and said he would provide a home for the dog until the man was ready to get him. I love my little friends and I could not imagine parting without them.

It was heartwrenching. As distressig as the show was, I think the images are only going to get worse. I spent the entire hour sobbing while watching Oprah, her coverage hit me harder than the news coverage because she focused of the victims of Katrina. As difficult as it will be, I will most likely watch the program today as well.
I have to add something else cause I am feeling ornery today :p

I didn't see the Oprah, but, if this guy saw beatings and rapes, especially of children, why not go get nine, ten other people and put a stop to it?! There were 5000 people in that building...why did the good people let it happen?


I didn't see this, but news reports on NPR say similar things. And my brother in law is a state trooper here in Arkansas. There is a refugee camp in our county, and he has to go out there to break up fights, stop looting, etc.

I just don't understand why people have to become so evil under stress. It only makes matters worse. As negative as this may sound, I'm afraid it may be the true human nature coming out.
how could anyone even speculate that the mayhem in NO could represent what "we are as a country"??

75% of the residents of NO got out without looting and murder, in an orderly fashion as directed. the people that were left were government dependant projects dwellers on whom the state of louisiana unconscionably let loose the populations of its PRISONS in the aftermath of the levee break.

"we" as a country are the people who swoop in to help in a crisis, not the sordid few who take advantage of it.
I have Oprah recorded everyday on Tivo, so after hubby got home we both sat down and watched the show. We both cried the entire show..it was just incredibly horrible what these people have been through and what has happened!

The worst part was raping of children when they went to use the bathroom...the raping of babies while they slept..OMG!!!!;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

The gangs taking over, and shooting at people and killing people, how horrifying!!

The story of the man who did not want to leave without his dog was very sad! The one sight that I found very upsetting was the woman that had died on the side of a road or bridge alone, with a full orange juice bottle just out of her reach....

I was just speechless after the show ended!!!

:-( ;(
I Tivo the show everyday as well. I usually save it to watch when I do my treadmill runs. This one, I knew would be a tear jerker so I watched last night after I put the kids to bed.

I've seen so many interviews, but one that I remember said all the bad stuff (shootings, looting, rapes, etc.) that has been reported is really such a small percentage of what was going on down there. Don't get me wrong it's just awful. The incidents in the bathrooms. Children were left for dead there. The shootings in the Superdome. I guess from reports the gangs were trying to take over. It's a good thing they got everybody out of there finally. Where in the world are the people in Houston going to go? Those living conditions can't be all that great either. Hopefully, there's more law and order there. I know that a town over from me there's a huge shelter set up. I know that evacuees started arriving last night. I'm so excited because I've been cleaning out closets lately. I can drive all my bags over there and know that all the clothes, toys, etc. will be put to good use.

I was speechless as well. There's a part 2 on today. Have the kleenex box handy.

"if this guy saw beatings and rapes, especially of children, why not go get nine, ten other people and put a stop to it?! There were 5000 people in that building...why did the good people let it happen?"

Not sure, but apparently there were gangs in the dome... with assault rifles in some cases. The Dome was pitch black... with the exception of any daylight that came in through the cracks in the ceiling. A couple of families they spoke to walking the streets left the dome because they didn't feel safe and have been walking the streets. I got the impression it was absolute chaos.
"one that I remember said all the bad stuff (shootings, looting, rapes, etc.) that has been reported is really such a small percentage of what was going on down there"

I heard that too, they said something like 1% of the population is being focused on because of the bad stuff.
I did see it. I was crying so hard. Especially at the part about the man and his dog Rafiki! Nate Berkus and the guy with the dog. I lost my mind. I mean the guy was 24 and had the dog since he was 10 and here he was having to chose between staying with the pooch or getting shelter and food. The thing that got me even more that the guy and his dog had rescued a man and that man said he wasn't going anywhere without the dog either. I was a mess.

Hearing about the babies being raped by gang members! That was hard for me to even type out. DH and I were both crying. I felt so bad for all of the innocent people. There was no order. 80% of the police force is homeless. The gang members even tried to hold the chief of police hostage.
I agree with you. These people need our prayers. Desperately. Everone was a victim of Katrina. But to be a victim to starvation and live without the basic needs....and to be raped on top of that.....unbelievable. You would think that was coming from a third world country, not the greatest country in the world. I have to hang my head low when I think of the people that would hurt anyone, let alone children, even under the best conditions. Some pople just have no conscience. These victims definately need our prayers.

With all the ugliness of the aftermath of Katrina, a lot of the good is being ignored. Don't get me wrong, the first thing I heard about was the shooting, looting and raping too, and at first I thought to myself "There is no way in hell I'm going to send money to help the b*******!", and then I starting seeing images of the real victims. I like so many others am doing what little I can to help.

What about the couple that let 27 refugees stay at their house? Feeding them and clothing them. What about all of the things people around the country are doing to help raise money. The bake sales, the hair cut-a-thons,the donations of cash, food, sanitary items, blankets. Donations are coming in from us as individuals and from the big corps, the sports teams, Carnival cruise supplied ships to help move people out. Vegas hotels are supplying rooms, food and cash for some of the victims and so on. As a whole, I'm very proud of the way people are coming together to help the Katrina victims and their pets.:)

As far as the looters, killers, and rapist that took advantage of the situation? I believe they will get theirs. Karma, she can be quite the bitch.:)
"if this guy saw beatings and rapes, especially of children, why not go get nine, ten other people and put a stop to it?! There were 5000 people in that building...why did the good people let it happen?"

I saw one interview with a man at the Superdome who said they caught one guy abusing a child and a group of men beat the snot out of him and threw him over the railing (to his death). So I guess in some cases people are taking matters into their own hands.
I did not see Opra yesterday but I'm with the original poster on this one. I don't want to see it. I've heard enough and feel sick to my stomach and am about to cry just thinking about it! Those poor people that are stuck in such a mess, I wish that somehow I could just swoop down there like a mother bird and pick up the innocent people, children and babies and take them to a safe place.


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