Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?


I find it ironic that after 40 years plus of a US embargo that punishes ALL of the Cuban people, not just their dictator that they would even offer help. I also find it ironic that after the bastion of conservatism, Pat Robertson, said that Venezuala's Chavez should be assisinated (on his own network) Venezuala was the FIRST country offering aid.

Your blast at "government dependant project dwellers and prison population" are they not human beings as well?

In our previous exchanges on other threads you bash me for being a "liberal", how would you know what my thinking was? I personally don't bind myself to a particular news source or political thinking, I often find myself looking at a lot of sides of an argument. I may have my opinion but can usually see validity in others opinions as well. Can you say the same? Implying that I am anti american? I will match my military service record and community service record against yours at any time.

I really try not to listen when you hear the things about the kids (believe me it's hard). It reminds me of the man who tried to snatch Sarah my daughter in the library parking lot. I got to her before he did. He got so close I could have spit and it would have hit him. I saw him going straight for her. When he saw that I got to her first, he goes"DAMN!" and then turned right around and started running. The look on his face was like his total focus was her. She was 3 at the time and was always trying to take off from me. I had Isaac as a newborn in a stroller. I hurried and put him by my blazer and then walked 2 cars over for Sarah. On my way I noticed him. I never went back to that library. The officer took his description as that is all I had. I also invested in the Kids Kuff which hooks around your wrist and the childs.

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