Did anyone have really weak legs starting out?


I have been doing Cathe's program for a couple months, but this past month, I am trying to concentrate more on lower body. On Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders,and on PLB, boot camp and kick punch & crunch, my legs are SO weak. They are just a little sore afterwards, but during, I cant make it through all the sets without a break. I have not experienced this on PUB, chest& back or Tricepts & bicepts. While doing squats, pleaeu (sp?) I am using light weight usually about 10 lbs. Anyone have any advice for me? Is this normal? If I am doing 2 body parts per week, how long should it take to become easier on my legs.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for everyone being so nice to me, it is hard being a beginner and new on here.


I was extremely weak in my legs when I started training at home after a long layoff from working out at the gym. My first serious home DVD was FIRM Standing Legs (which is a toughie, and before I knew about Cathe) and for a month or so I couldn't even complete it using weights. Keep in mind that bodyweight is a good bit of weight, so your legs are indeed quite strong. And if you keep challenging yourself by adding 3 pound DB, 5 pound DB, and on, I think you'll be surprised and pleased with how quickly you gain additional strength (and muscle tone).

Good Luck,
Joanna, the S&H way of working out is tough, and if you easily fatigue doing regular weighted squats, doing very slow reps will be even tougher. PLB is a hi-rep workout, and going up a pyramid is already hard enough. Well, once you reach that peak, you go down, and even with lighter weight, you're already fatigued. KPC works your legs in a different way. You may not be using weight but your elevated heartrate makes repeated kicking very challenging.

Try using the PLB premix (up or down) first. Then when you're comfortable with that, try doing the pyramids in their entirety. After that you might want to go back to S&H. You might also want to break KPC into workable segments that you can put together once your legs get stronger. Just keep at it, be consistent, don't give up.


I would suggest you do the lower body exercises without any weight until you can complete all repetitions with good form. Once you achieve this, start back with incorporating your 10 pound weights. You will find that over time you'll be using the same weight as Cathe. Trust me on this. It will happen sooner than you can believe.

Good luck and keep us posted with your progress!
Thanks for all of your suggestions......I am going to stick with it, and just do what I can do until I get stronger. I would love to have Cathe's legs! I have lost about 18 lbs now, but have not seen any change in my legs yet, hopefully it will come soon.

Thanks again guys!

My biggest weakness with leg work is the leg press...and it's even harder now that I'm pregnant...must be the extra weight I am currently carrying...

Don't get discouraged. You will get stronger with time...and don't be afraid to lighten the weight if you need to also!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


OMG.. YES! when i first started working out... i would get sooooooo frustrated doing tamilee's legs in "i want that body".... i remember the first time i got all the way through.. i cried i was so proud of myself!

and i remember the first couple of times i did bootcamp.. i cussed cathe out (yes i did!) with those freaking ice breakers! i HATED them! my legs got soooooo sore.... i about collapsed... now i can do them no problem! woo hoo!

it just takes T-I-M-E!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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