I have been doing Cathe's program for a couple months, but this past month, I am trying to concentrate more on lower body. On Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders,and on PLB, boot camp and kick punch & crunch, my legs are SO weak. They are just a little sore afterwards, but during, I cant make it through all the sets without a break. I have not experienced this on PUB, chest& back or Tricepts & bicepts. While doing squats, pleaeu (sp?) I am using light weight usually about 10 lbs. Anyone have any advice for me? Is this normal? If I am doing 2 body parts per week, how long should it take to become easier on my legs.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for everyone being so nice to me, it is hard being a beginner and new on here.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for everyone being so nice to me, it is hard being a beginner and new on here.