DHC olive virgen oil


I know there have been lots of posts out there, but here's another. I have a sample of the OVO (sounds like EVOO a la Rachel Ray!) and it seems to make my skin soft.
I have 51 yr old skin ;) and it is very dry. Has anyone tried this and what do you think? Except for the smell, is it the same as the oil I have in my cupboard? Is is worth it? TIA
From what I read in "Don't Go To the Cosmetics Counter Without Me" it is the same stuff that's in your cupboard only more expensive and you get less of it.
So are you saying you can use the olive oil from your kitchen to cleanse your face? I was just about to order the version from DHC because I kinda liked the sample I got in the mail, but if this works I'll try this in a heartbeat. Do any of you actually use regular OO? It removes the makeup and impurities, right? And you follow up with a cleanser to then remove the oil? Someone please educate me on this! :) THanks!
I'm off to the library to get Paula's book :) The OO that I got as a sample wasn't for cleansing, but rather to apply after washing to moisturize. It said to use lik 2 drops and pat on face. It seemed to moisturize well, and if I use the stuff in my kitchen :eek: I'll just use it at night!
>So are you saying you can use the olive oil from your kitchen
>to cleanse your face? I was just about to order the version
>from DHC because I kinda liked the sample I got in the mail,
>but if this works I'll try this in a heartbeat. Do any of you
>actually use regular OO? It removes the makeup and
>impurities, right? And you follow up with a cleanser to then
>remove the oil? Someone please educate me on this! :)

Product confusion alert! DHC carries a moisturizer called "Olive Virgin Oil". This is not to be confused with their cleansor called "Deep Cleansing Oil".

I think you'd be an oily mess if you tried to cleanse with olive oil out of your kitchen.

I have used both the DHC Cleansing Oil and Olive oil from my kitchen, and I have to say, I really like the DHC product better for removing make up and washing my face, It seems like plain olive oil, however it is not greasy and it washes right off your hands right away without leaving any greasy residue, like the kitchen olive oil did. It also smells a little nicer. I know it's expensive but for me it works great, I use it at night only and it serves as a makeup remover and a moisturizer all in one.

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