detox or cleansing


Does anyone know anything about herbal cleansing or body detox (not from drugs or alcohol) to rid the body of toxins? I've read conflicting reports about the process, the necessity of it and its efficacy, and am wondering if any of you do it and what your results are. I'll trust all of you more than anything else I read on the net :)...

Hi Kerrie,

I am currently on a 30 day cleanse that I got from I haven't had any scary things happen like they tell you about on the website. It's been very easy and doesn't give you diarrhea or gas pains or anything. So that's a good thing. I don't really feel any different but after reading the stories I figured I should give it a try, for peace of mind if nothing else.

Hi Kerrie, like Bev I am on a cleansing program right now too. No problems at all and in fact it has alleviated my IBS w/constipation....mine is Renew Life, this is thier site. ...:)...Carole
Hi Carole!
I just went to see my holistic nurse a few days ago and I'm starting a cleanse also, this company is called Advanced Naturals (, but she always gives me tapes to listen to by Brenda Watson so I am very familiar with RenewLIfe!! Have you used their products before?? I am also using digestive enzymes and fiber from Advanced Naturals.
No the Advanced Cleanse is the first product of Renew Life I have tried, but have read alot about them. I tried digestive enzymes from another company and they helped a bit but so far this cleanse is really nice. I am using their Fiber too. I know some people are against any type of cleanse but I am happy to hear your holistic nurse recommended it! Thanks too, I'll check out the site you posted...:)...Carole

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