I was just looking at all the drop down menus for determining our 1RM. Overwhelming, to say the least. HELP me please?!!!! I can't find any info on how to go about setting up these calculations.
Just click on the
you will see at the bottom of the 1RM calculator and instructions on how to use the 1RM Calculator will appear. We will have a a really nice video tutorial shortly on the subject too. I've copied the text that appears when you click on the
1RM Calculator
To calculate your 1RM you will need to find the maximum weight you can lift for about 10 times (for best results you should be able to do your test weight at least 8 times but not more than 12 reps for each exercise).
Our new user friendly Workout Manager software makes it easy for you to enter and store your testing data and will automatically calculate your 1-rep max for any exercise you choose to do. It will even print a workout card with the all the exercises and weights you will need for every STS workout (more about this later). As your fitness level improves just change your information in the Workout manager.
It's easy. Let me show you how it works:
First, please go to our website at
www.thecathenation.com/workout and login. Then click on the 1RM link in the tools menu.
Next, check the radio button for 'Show All STS Exercises' (you may also select the disc number to narrow you list) and then select the exercise you wish to test for from the dropdown menu you will see above. To perform a 1-rep max test simply select a weight that you think you can lift at least 8 times, but not more than 12 and enter the weight in the step #2 box. After performing the 1-rep max test enter the number of reps you actually did with good and correct form - no cheating now - into the box in step #3 and then click the calculate button. Your one rep max for this exercise will be shown in the big orange box. Finally, just click the 'save button' in step #4 and your 1-rep-max data will be saved so you can retrieve it and change it whenever you need to. Now, complete these steps for every exercise as many exercises as you wish making sure to take at least a 5 minute break between exercises. Once you have taken a 1RM test for an exercise you may use the results for any workout you do even if it is not an STS workout. You can also easily tell any exercise where you have completed a 1RM test as it will be shown in a red font and will be listed in the 1RM tab in the Workout Manager.
If you already know your 1RM for an exercise or you know the maximum weight you can do for 10 reps, then you may enter this information directly into our 1RM calculator. It will probably take you several weeks to test for every exercise in STS, but testing now will save you time later and will help you maximize the results with the STS program. Though you don�t necessarily have to do a 1RM test to do the STS program, we strongly recommend you take as many 1RM tests for as many exercises as possible.
You are now ready to start your STS program and your 1-rep-max test, along with our Workout Manager, will make it easy for you to always know the correct weight to use for every exercise.