Denise Austin


Have you seen the Denise Austin's web site. There is an infocomercial of skin products. I can not imagine Cathe saying this
in her web site:

I want my skin, like my body, to be fit for life! That's why I've paired with noted skin-cell biologist Dr. Stephen Hsu of the Medical College of Georgia to create a daily regimen of skin-care products. I wanted something that would reduce facial lines and wrinkles, plus increase elasticity to keep my skin from thinning with age — the major cause of sagging!

No skin-care product can work miracles on its own, but combined with a healthy lifestyle that includes physical fitness, a balanced diet, and a sound self-image, my new skin-care line will enhance your radiant glow and keep you looking your best!

Just answer the questions below to get your free, personalized Skin Fit Profile and a step-by-step routine to keep your skin — like mine — fit for life

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
I always start worrying about people who start offerering so-called "related" products in addition to whatever they're supposed to be experts at.

Hi Mariangeles! Good to see you. I read about your lumbago...SO sorry you have to go through that. I know with your medications & lots of rest you'll be better soon. My experience is even if you get injured from working out (or anything else), if you're fit you heal faster. Just start slowly when you go back. We'll be reading about your amazing workouts soon I'm sure!

LOL Becky! I swear that woman must be stopped. She must be the most opportunistic woman in the fitness industry. I bet if MacDonald's paid her $1 million to sell Supersized fries she'd come up w/some reason they're good for you.
Thank you very much Ruth. I have missed you in the forums.I am glad to have you here again.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
OMG I really can't stand Denise Austin - hope I won't be stoned for that. Her personality is too much for me. I like cheerful and motivating but not sickenly sweet. Yikes.

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
I actually *gasp* WATCH Denise Austin every morning--while I'm on the treadmill doing cardio. I flip between her and the morning "news" programs, which are just as sickening to me, if not more so! I mute the show and watch only a bit at a time. But it passes the time for me at a time of day when there's nothing motivating on TV to watch while I'm exercising (Fit TV has either Gilad or Caribbean Cardio on then...shudder..!).

Anyhow, cheesey product endorsements aside, I think Denise has a place: Back in the Stone Age, when I knew nothing about exercising or weight lifting, I happened onto her show and started to workout with her. So I always think of her as being appropriate for raw beginners or maybe for my aunt, a sweet elderly woman who has never worked out a day in her life but wants to learn.
I can't stand Denise Austin's style -- she is not a good fitness role model; she is pure cheese!

She might be a nice lady in person, but her image is certainly not enhanced by those stupid "sweat suits" and what you just wrote above.

Another "fitness guru" who makes my kidneys turn to raisins is Tony Little!

Is that ponytail real?
Goodness... Denise Austin's workouts never worked for me. Her moves hurt. I couldn't follow her for five minutes without feeling something in my back or neck. That's why reading her ad makes me shudder.:+

She's peddling Hersey's Protein bar too, among many other things. She's always gotten on my big nerve but I do think she's great for beginners. She looks great but I think that's as much her genes as her fitness lifestyle. And she's tan, which is scary since melanoma rates continue to rise, in fact, I believe it's the fast rising cancer and so preventable.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I have to chime in because I cannot stand watching Denise Austin.:( A lot of it has to do with her breathy voice. It irritates me to no end. Secondly, she's always on a freaking beach somewhere. Anyone who is hanging out on a beach when I'm getting dressed for work is not a friend of mine. Finally, (I'm really going to get stoned for this one) I don't like her body. She's a little on the thick side - which I'm not criticizing because so am I, but in comparison - I watch Cathe and I think "yeah yeah, I want abs like those" and I squeeze out some more of those evil pikes on the ball, or "yeah yeah, I want my butt to stand up like that", so I wipe away the tears through my plie squats, but there isn't anything on Denise that I like.

Just MHO
>Another "fitness guru" who makes my kidneys turn to raisins is
>Tony Little!
>Is that ponytail real?

Everytime I see him, I want to grab a pair of scissors and hack it off!
>Anyhow, cheesey product endorsements aside, I think Denise has
>a place: Back in the Stone Age, when I knew nothing about
>exercising or weight lifting, I happened onto her show and
>started to workout with her. So I always think of her as being
>appropriate for raw beginners or maybe for my aunt, a sweet
>elderly woman who has never worked out a day in her life but
>wants to learn.

I agree! years ago, Denise Austin was the person that made me work out. From there, I learned more about fitness and "graduated" to different workouts. But if not for her, I would not have ever started! Everyone has their place :)

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