I wouldn't think a one-star rating here & there would be considered cyberstalking, but when it happens every single time a person posts by a couple of people who apparently created their own webring & actually strategize about it (I mean seriously? Isn't there some lunch money from first graders you could be stealing instead?) I would call that cyberstalking.
I think there are many forms of cyberstalking. But I guess I would define it as some kind of repeated intentionally negative behavior by one (or more) person towards another.
Liann, I am glad my thread gave you a venue to make your point
I have been one-starred many times and NEVER EVER did it cross my mind that some one might be cyber-stalking me. Now I am ascared
This goes back to my post on another thread of you can never really be sure who is one-starring. What you are going on is second hand info and frankly have been wrongly accusing people.
But have you been one starred EVERY time?
Honestly, this has been going on for like a year now. I ignored it for as long as I could and never even really drew attention to it. But since Jonezie was kind enough to stick up for me after someone one-starred a totally innocent b'day thread just b/c it was mine, I felt compelled to finally speak up. And I'm glad I did. Heck, I've got nothing to lose, since I don't much come here anymore. Mostly b/c of the one-star cyberstalking.
Probably not Laura, I'll give you that. And I think one-starring a birthday thread is pretty low. I just think one should be careful when discussing these issues and pointing fingers because really when all is said and done who knows who is doing it.
And I apologized for that. What else would you suggest I do?
Catherine I rated your thread 5 stars today You always make me laugh and have a good voice for reason.
Catherine You always make me laugh and have a good voice for reason.
I think the best example of cyberstalking can be seen in the movie "The Terminator."
I second that!!
Now THAT is funny.