Def.Rotation Check-in Week2


Good Morning Ladies...
Yeah! We made it through the first week(and some of you the second):) I obviously must like this rotation b/c I am still excited about following it.I think the key for me was to throw in my new vidoes as much as possible so that I wouldn't get bored.I was always the kind of person who worked out to whatever I felt like that day.In thee end there were body parts that were being left out.
I treated myself last night to a glass of diet pepsi and some Doritos.I figured I could have a treat after all week not eating in the night time.And if I had went to the cabin I would have ate alot more then I did last night.
I woke up to a big snow storm.I said today was gonna be my rest day but I can't see myself sitting in this house all day.I may have to do something.Could always play board games with my 7yr old.I don't know how long the storm is going to last but I thought it was all day.Its not TO bad out there right now.I managed to get my coffee!:7
Beccat-I did a little bit of chrismas shopping yesterday.I got my sister-in laws gifts.That would be two of them.I am diffently following the rotation this week.I am going to throw in my new workouts when I can.I think I had step blast replaced with one day but I think I might do Imax2 instead.
My stomach did get flatter this week and the jeans I wore yesterday felt more comfy.
What are we going to do after this? I know we may not all be interested in the samethings but I think we should stick together.Atleast until christmas.We could keep doing this rotation..or we could do the BB rotation..We are all looking for the same results.We are great motivation for one another.:7 And we are only a small bunch which keeps it a bit more personnel.I think I am going to stick to rotations from here on in.Or we could use this rotation after 4 weeks and spice it up a little!
Anyway,looking forward to our next week together.I am even going to try and clean up my eating alittle better.
Hey Lori & gang:

I know it, another week here we come!!!

I have done some Christmas shopping, too, it's a great feeling to get some of the presents out of the way. I have noticed that the malls are getting extremely packed lately. Holidays are here! :)

I had a pretty good week, but I haven't noticed anything as far as weight loss or looser clothes, but I'll keep truckin' away. I am going to do Step, Jump, Pump today.

I love our "little" group and the rotation that you chose and I still have tons of motivation, but my mind is creaping ahead to the holidays and how I want to look/feel and I'm starting to think I won't get there - HELP - stop this crazy thinking in my head, please! I know I didn't put this weight on overnight, but boy it would be fun to lose it overnight - wouldn't it?!?!!? :)

Well, have a great day everybody and I'll be back later.

Cheers, Marcia :)
I know what you mean about the malls.They are getting extremely packed.I did some on-line shopping today.I got 3 pairs of p.j's for $60.Its worth your while to go to the site.I am not sure if they ship to the states but if they did you would get a even better deal.
I also know what you are saying about the extra poundage.How much do you have to lose? I would love to get these pounds off before santa gets here.
I haven't worked out today (yet).Still not sure if I am going to.The storm settled and we got groceries.I have to really stick to my healthy eating.I haven;t been that great today but tomorrow's a new day right?
Talk to you later,
Happy SUnday everyone!

Today is my off day and I am enjoying it! I am excited to start week two of this rotation and our great check in. It really does help to be able to check in with you daily. I appreciate all the kind and supportive words. Thank you.:)

I did a little shopping today myself. I was actually looking for a full size step to use for the step aerobics, because the one I have, although made by the original "the step" company, is about a foot and a half shorter in length than the 44 inch one Cathe uses. I went to Walmart, Sportmart, Target and Kmart and could only find the smaller size, which I already have. Do any of you know where I can get the "original" size, like what Cathe uses??? Do you all use the larger one as well? I was thinking it would be good to get this so I can use it with my new high step risers and double it as a weight bench as well.

Lori....What website did you find your p.j's? Just curious. Also, I like your idea of keeping this until Christmas. If my weeks go as well as this one did, I will for sure want to repeat this rotaion in December. :)
Marcia..hang in there. If you follow the rotation to the "t" plus follow WW points for your eating....You WILL see results!

I hope I don't blow my eating at Red Lobster. :eek: I will treat myself to a Bloody Mary (low points, for a drink,right???) and skip the biscuts. Have a great night. BodyMax for me tomorrow! Check in with you all soon!

Oh Becca...the biscuits at red lobster are the best! I think I would pass up the drink for some chewable carbs....:9 You can find the p.j's at and then go to the canadian site.I got one set for $12.I only ordered one pair like that b/c I want to see what they are like first.
I had a good workout today.I wouldn't fo worked out but I ate to much so I wanted to feel a little better about myself.:-(
Get this..I did 1/2 of bootcamp,then I did Step & Intervals and then I did the rest of bootcamp.It was a good workout.My abs are really sore from yesterdays workout as well.Its nice to feel sore}(
I haven't decided yet but I may try to cut back on my carbs some.Maybe no carbs after 4p.m or something like that.I love toast and sweets so it would be a little difficult.Its just a thought,nothing may come of it. i go again...
Hey Girlies,

Like I said yesterday, today was rest for me because I was in rehearsal for my new show all day...this one looks like it's going to be lots of fun (it's a really funny comedy) - the last one I did was a heavy drama. Look's like y'all were shopping today!
Tomorrow I think I'll do BootCamp. Lori, looks like you had a good workout what point did you stick in Step 'N Intervals?? Maybe I'll give it a try, if I have time.

You know, switching over to the low carb "way of eating" (low carbers call it WOE) was pretty hard, but I'm soooooo glad I did it. I feel so much healthier and energized than when I was eating low fat/high carb. My digestive system is very thankful too - no more bloating and water retention. I love it! I really recommend it to you guys!

Talk to y'all tomorrow!

Just can't seem to hit the sack! I ended up watching extreme makeover and cleaning my kitchen in between.And then I thought,I should run downstairs and see what everyone is up to.You guys have me addicted to the computer.;)
Robin-I stuck Step and Intervals in after the 4th round.Then when I was done with that I had 4 more cycles of Bootcamp to go.It was pretty tough getting back into Bootcamp b/c the first thing I had to start with was Terminator Climbers.But I did it
I went to the website you recommended but I didn't get a chance to read up on it.I also purchased the South Beach diet book last summer.How did you start? How low is your carb intake now? Whats a day of eating like for you? I did the high carb/low fat thing for a while as well.I did see great results but thats when I just turned over to a healthier lifestyle.I didn't weigh myself that much.I just started exercising and eating anything that said low fat.Do you treat yourself very often? I know that some diets can be a little dangerous but it can't be that bad if Cathe cuts back on her carbs from time to time.
Anyway,thanks in advance for all the info you will let me in on.:7
Hey gang:

I'm interested, too, Robin on your low carb eating. I try to eat less carbs, but it I had something to follow that would coincide with WW that would be awesome.

Thanks Becca for the vote of confidence - I agree - if I stay on target things will happen, I believe. ;-)

I agree, Lori, I'm totally addicted to this website AND your awesome thread. We have all become such good friends, I think, just in this week alone. :)

Have a great week everybody and I'll be back later.

Cheers, Marcia :)
Hi gals,
Happy Monday. How is everyones day so far? I am so impressed by all the workouts you all are doing. Robin, I'm curious about how you started the low carb eating as well. I have tried to cut back some and follow the Body For Life plan while staying in the ww points and found it difficult.

I did the step and power circuits of Body Max this AM and will do the strength part this afternoon. I think its stepfit for me tomorrow and TWO days off this week. Are you all taking the days off? Have a great day

Hi Becca:

Man - I just LOVE this thread. I feel like I'm really starting to know all of you. :7

I tried to do the same thing with BFL and WW and that's too much work for me to figure out. :) Hopefully, Robin will be able to shed some light on this subject for us.

I have such an unbelievable schedule this week. I'm going to try and not take two days off, only one tomorrow (WW weigh-in that evening) but who knows what the week will bring. I think I'm going to have to try and fit in some workouts in the morning before I go to work which means getting up at 4:30am - don't know if I can do that, but I just might have to give it a try.

Talk more later, Marcia :)
Hello Ladies!
How much are we alike? I have tried following BFl and on the other side of the page, I would have how many points I have eaten.:eek: I only did it for about 2 weeks though.I didn't find it to hard but I had my cheat day and found it hard to get back on track.I may try eating no carbs today after 3 p.m. I would rather guide myself in then jumping right in.I should be aboue to manage one meal a day with no carbs.
I am not sure waht days I will be taking off yet.Next week I am going to be gone on Mon,so I am going to have to do Step Blast on Thurs.I am also going to be gone Sun.We fly out on Sat morning.I think my week may look like this:
Tues-Imax 2
Wed-MIS (or some other strength tape)
Sat-A small cardio before I hit the road.

There I got it sorted out.This looks good b/c I work both jobs on Wed and Fri and I only have time for an hour workout.
I haven't done anything today.Im gonna get ready now.This house as been driving me crazy b/c there is so much trash around! I went nutso today.I cleaned everything upstairs.I was throwing things out left,right and center.Tomorrow I will tackle downstairs.Summer clothing need to be packed away.
Now where Robin with her details?;-)
Phew...glad I dusted that one off.I haven't fone that workout in a long time.Not long enough that i didn't know what was comming next though.
Anyone else notice that all the members disappear for the ab part but then they return for the stretch? Maybe they did the ab part after the stretch.Maybe they did the stretch first b/c everyone had something else to do...hahaha:) And man what a difference in Rhondas body from then till now.I think I read that her Dr.said she had to gain weight to help her get pregnate? I could be wrong though, but she looks absolutely amazing in the new workouts.
Anyway,another great workout under my belt.Must go get a well deserved shower!:eek: :7
Good job, Lori - it's always nice to get the workout out of the way. I agree - it's kind of funny when the members leave and then come back. :)

I also agree, Rhonda looks great in the new vids!!!

I have a meeting late tonight, but I'm thinking about getting up early tomorrow to fit something in even though I have weigh-in tomorrow night. I usually never do because somebody in my WW group said it could affect the number on the scale. But, ya know - after joining this group I've come to realize that the number on the scale isn't always the best to go by. If it's a matter of getting a workout in or not I'll go for getting a workout instead. Don't you think?

Hey Ladies!

Here's the 411 on my low carb diet. It's called CKD (Cyclical Ketogenic Diet) and basically it's a very low carb diet for 5 or 6 days a week with a 1 or 2 day "carb up." The diet was designed by bodybuilders, because on a consistantly very low carb diet (basically Atkins Induction or South Beach Phase 1) a person loses too much muscle along with the fat. Basically, your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs when your're on the low carb days and then on the carb up days (which are also low, low fat) you refuel your muscles for the next week of workouts.

I love the diet! It's harder for me than most because I am a vegetarian (for almost 35 years!) and the low carb days are mostly meat and eggs, but I eat alot of soy, tofu, cottage cheese; cream cheese and nut butters for fat and low carb veggies (my percentages are 50% fat, 40% protein and 10% carbs). On carb up days, I eat lots of low fat grains, yogurt, milk, sweet potatoes and my favorite boxed cereals. I've kept my muscle definition and also am getting a four pac abs (yes!) by lowering my body fat percentage, which I consider pretty good for a, let's say "mature" female going through menopause.

My body has adapted nicely to this way of eating over the past 6 months and actually, where I used to look forward to carb ups so I could pig out on my favorite foods (you also up your calories on those days - it''s called a "refeed"), now I kinda dread them becuase they make me sleepy and bloated...which shows me that high carbing was not the greatest thing for my body, anyway.

Here's some great links:

For basic low carb info, here's a great site (check out CKD under the exercise forum)

For more hard core CKD info try these:

For common myths about the so called "dangers" of low carb diets :

And for a CKD personal calculator:

Good luck and let me know what you think! I'm open to any questions you have!

I off to start week 3 (probably with Circuit Max...whoo hoo!)

Good Morning Ladies,
How is everyone today? Thanks for all of the info Robin.I printed some stuff off at work last night but there is alot of other stuff that I haven't got around to reading.What kind of proteins do you eat? And you say you have more energy? What do you put in your salads and how big are they usually? I think this is going to be a hard diet for me to break into b/c I was always the high carb queen.
Can I still do this with eating lean meat.Like chicken breast and salmon or should I eat some grease to?
I guess we are probably not aloud to have coffee either? Well, that I CAN"T give up.I only have one in the morning:9 If I had to give up my coffee I would not be able to do any diet.
I saw an advertisment for South Beach Diet the other day and it said no restricted foods!Why do people have to lie like that.There are lots of things you can't eat.I guess it is just to get people to look at the diet.When I read the book (1/2 of it;-) )it said that you didn't have to give up your coffee, we won't do that to you.Oh,but it was decaf.What use do I have for dacaf coffee?
What about protein shakes? I have one that as 35g protein and 20 g carbs.Am I aloud to drink this?
I am sure the diet is not as complicated as I think it is.
Sorry for all the questions!:7
I am not sure which cardio I will be doing today.It is a holiday here so we may do something as a family.I may go for a run.How many times do I say I am going for a run?

If it's not too late I would love to join your check-in for the Definition Rotation. I have been a long time lurker and this is my first post! This is my second week on this rotation and I feel I am off to a good start. Last night I did Bodymax and boy did it kick my butt! I was not able to do the ab section as I was already drenched in sweat and ready to faint!:) I forward winded to the stretch and left it at that. Today it will be Step Fit, wish me luck.

Welcome Lily:

You can sure join us - we'd love to have you in our group. :)

I agree, BodyMax is a kickin' workout - whew....I bet you are glad you are done with it, huh!?!?!

I have weigh-in tonight - so keep your fingers crossed that there will be a little scale movement, but if not, I'll keep on truckin' :)

It's a beautiful day here in Minnesota - mid-50's :)

Cheers, Marcia.
Thanks Marcia!

Yes, I am really glad I am done with Bodymax. Hope you weigh-in goes great tonight.

Here in Texas we are a hot 79 degrees! I actually had to sleep with my windows open last night!

Thanks Robin for all the links to the CKD plan. I was surfin' through a few of them and boy am I more confused. I hope I will understand more as I keep reading.

Thanks, Marcia.
Lori, I'm sitting here right now drinking my French Press full of coffee with choloate flavored liquid splenda and REAL CREAM...ummm. I have to have my morning coffee! (No cream on carb up days, though, only skim milk. )
Yes, lean meats are good, but you must get in some fats for energy (good ones like olive oil or flax seed oil)...being a vegetarian, I LOVE my nut butters and coconut milk! I supplement with soy protein shakes every day. On this diet you must have 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to keep muscle (use the calculator link I gave you to check your percentages - Basically, the three things to remember for the low carb days are:
-1g protein per pound of body weight
-20g or less carbs
-The remainder of your cals come from fat. )
I was a carb queen too, but then I realized how much damage a high carb diet was doing to me (especially the sugar) - now I love low carb, and hey, you always have those carb up days to fill up those muscles with glycogen...have to do it!

Lily, welcome!

O.K., guys, I'm off to do MIC (fueled by my coffee!)


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