Cathe Friedrich

Thank you for your valuable input. We have decided to leave the tape as originally planned: Cardio and Weights. I honestly thought that the choice for an all step tape would be unanimous due to how many weight tapes were already offered in the intensity series. I apologize for making this assumption. If I had any idea the vote was so split I would never have even considered this option so late in the game.

I know many have suggested a compromise and/or asked for both but I really don't think that will work at this point in time. If for some reason I am able to offer an extra all step tape I will let you know but for now rest assured there will be NO CHANGE to the original VHS/DVD Intensity Series Pre-Order Package Deal.

Again, thank you for your input and time:).

Thank you Cathe! I am excited for the Cardio and Weights tape, but I would buy any video that you make. Thanks for asking for our opinions!
Thank you, Miss Cathe!

Now, you know what's on tap for you to produce in 2003! I can just see it now: a 4-hour all-step workout. You could call it "Gone With The Step."

Who says you can't be all things to all people!

Annette Q. Aquajock
Glad to hear that it will not be changed :) THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!

You are so great for asking for our input. Your company has the absolute BEST customer service :)
Thanks Cathe for your response. Honestly I would have been happy either way. You have changed my life for the better and have provided me with so much motivation!
Keep the good work going!:D

Paragonah, Utah
Thank you so much. I'll say it again, I love circuit training and I cannot wait to get that tape. :)
Your work is awesome Cathe!
Thank you for asking our opinions and caring for so many fans!
Take care of yourself.
Thanks so much for keeping the cardio and weights as planned. I love your workouts and can't wait to get the new tapes! Thanks again!
Cathe - that sounds terrific. I would have enjoyed either option. Cardio Weights it is - on pins and needles now!
Thank YOU Cathe for taking the time to ask us. It was fun to dream of the other step tape for the few hours that I got to this morning :).

But I think you made the best decision and at least now we'll know what may be in store for future workouts (Rhythmic Step 2, 3, 4 & 5? :)) Like many have said, all that you produce is top notch. So we look forward to whatever you are working on for us with this series!

I am with you on whatever you want to do thank you again for keeping us up to date with your thoughts and plans. I will alway by whatever you decide

Thanks so much Cathe! You seriously do rock. I agree that since pre-orders were already taken that the best route to go would be to stick to your original plan so people don't end up feeling disappointed...but obviously you know that an All-Step tape is at the top of the list for next time! ;-)
Thanks again Cathe, for asking our opinion. Whatever workout you design is going to be great. I know I will buy WHATEVER you come up with. This isn't blind faith. It is based on knowing yor workouts really really work!
If Cardio/Weights is something like the classic Firm workouts, using aerobics and weights at the same time....the Cathe touch is really going to be awesome!!!! (perhaps even as frightening as putting Cathe and Bootcamp in the same sentence) :D :D

Thanks so much for asking, Cathe! :) I would have been fine with either video, but I think you made a wise decision considering there's a significant number of people who wanted Cardio & Weights. Hey, I pre-ordered the DVD version, so I'll be able to program my own all-step workout anyway if I want to! ;-)
I'll be happy either way, but it was good to dream for a short while, wasn't it??

I know I don't feel dissappointed because as stated on my other post I wanted the all weights workout af first but given the second option I opted out for an "all step" workout instead.

Cathe, thank you for asking our input that's really cool of you!


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