December Rotations


Time to start on December Rotations, even though it's already into the second week of December...

Monday, Dec. 8th -- Did a sprint workout. Jogged for 10 minutes to warm up, then did a 70 yard sprint (about 20 seconds for me) fourteen times. Cooled down by walking for 5 minutes, then stretched. Total time was about 40 minutes.

Tuesday -- Muscle Endurance -- gee, I love this tape -- muscles were trembling afterwards -- felt good though. I really love this tape.

Wednesday -- usually I take this day off and stretch, but this week I'm going to do Rhythmic Step -- I've had this tape for 2 weeks now at least and it's about time I did the workout.

Thursday -- Either IMAX, or IMAX 2 or Mindy Mylrea's anaerobic tape. Need the plyometrics and anaerobics.

Friday -- Power Max or perhaps bootcamp if I want some aerobics with the strength tape.

Saturday -- Either a step tape or a circuit tape -- like Circuit Max -- another tape I totally adore.

Sunday -- rest -- stretch.

That's it for this week -- I'll take it week by week.:7
Wednesday -- Wow, did Rhythmic Step today -- Good workout -- reminded me that I need to include aerobics endurance workouts to my rotation. I do pretty well now with getting in the weights and anaerobics and plyometrics, but have cut short sometimes the good ole aerobics.

Gee, but the footwork in this video is hard. I have stumbling all over myself trying to get it down and more times than not just jumped up and down to keep the aerobics going -- will keep trying to get it, though. Worked up a really good sweat.

Tomorrow is my anaerobics and plyometric day -- haven't decided which tape I'll do yet, but it'll either be IMAX or IMAX 2 or Mindy Mylrea's Body Bar workout.
Karen Kay,

I loved your comments about high-heels -- you and I have a lot in common! I can't give them up, and I'm willing to sacrifice a bit for beauty. LOL!!!! As I mentioned earlier, my achilles tendon is sore so my workouts are limited to strength with a litte bit of low-impact cardio.

So far, this weeks rotation has been:

Monday -- Cathe's Push/Pull (love this dvd!)
Tuesday -- FitPrime's Up & Down

I'm not sure what today's workout will be, but your talk about Muscle Endurance is tempting me.

By the way Karen Kay, you are mighty brave to try Rythmic Step already! I am finally mastering Step Blast, but I think it may be some time until I'm ready for RS.

Have a great day!

-- Jeanie:7
Hi Jeanie,

We really do share alot in common. I laughed at your comments about high heels, too. What we do for beauty, huh? As I get older, I realize how important these workouts are -- they do keep you younger, I think.

You know for a while I'd done something to my knee when doing the high step with a FIRM tape, and so I got one of those supports that you can get at the drug store for the knee and continued to exercise with the support, making sure I took it easy with that knee, and after 2-3 weeks, the knee injury completely cleared up. I don't know if this is advisable or not, as I'm not trained in this area, but I think they have those kinds of supports for the foot and ankle area -- and maybe that might help to heal this tendon -- that way when you're exercising, you're not constantly putting pressure on that injury. It's a thought -- only because I understand how important it is to wear those high heels...;-)

Anyway, thanks for your kind comments about Rhythmic Step -- it really was beyond me -- and like I said, after a while I just jumped up and down -- but it really was a good workout, so I'm sure I'll be doing it again.

Sounds you have some good workouts planned.

Okay, so today I did IMAX 2 -- gee, I like that tape -- it's really fun -- went well, although I stop it now and again to drink water -- I think one needs a lot of water when doing anaerobic exercise.

So tomorrow is Power Hour, I believe. Or maybe I'll try Bootcamp -- just to get a little bit of aerobics in there, too. We'll see.

Have a wonderful day, Jeanie. :)
Hi Karen Kay,

Yes, what we women do in the name of beauty & fashion! I'm going to have to look for those supports. My tendon is still sore, so yesterday was Muscle Endurance. I don't want to do any type of aerobic workout right now -- I think the jumping and/or stepping would aggrevate my tendon.

I love IMAX 2 -- it may very well be my favorite workout of all time!

I'm not sure what's on my plate for this evening. Doing all strength workouts is really limiting!

Talk to you soon!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

Yes, I really think shoes with the arch support will help -- I know it does with me. I honestly find it hard to wear heels without that arch support -- but with it -- like I said, I can go all day.

Yeah, doing only strength tapes could be limiting, I agree. But on the up side, I'm sure you'll be over this quickly.

Did Power Hour today -- boy, it doesn't seem so tough until after the workout -- my muscles are still trembling... I think this is a good thing, though. Also, just as she says I find my posture better after that tape.

I didn't go real heavy -- still using my body bar from the FIRM in place of the weighted bar -- my body bar is only 3 pounds. Still, it's really a challenging workout.

Tomorrow I plan to do Circuit Max -- one of my favorite workouts.

Have a great weekend, Jeanie.

Hi Karen Kay,

You are really tempting me with Circuit Max. I seem to enjoy any type of circuit tape and this is one Cathe I don't have yet.

I didn't get a workout in today but yesterday was TLP Core Foundations. That's not one of my favorite tapes, but I still can't do anything aerobic due to my tendon. Do you have any of the TLP's Karen Kay? Actually, Core Foundations is the only one of the series that I don't care for. Core Cardio is an absolute favorite of mine.

How is your brother-in-law doing? I pray he's on his road to a full recovery.

Have a great day Karen Kay, and please don't send any more rain!

-- Jeanie:)
Hi Jeanie,

Gee, I love our chats.

You know, I don't have any of those Core tapes -- are those the ones that Tracie has done? I have heard you all say such wonderful things about them -- I really should try them.

My brother-in-law is doing much better. The cancer did not spread to his other lymph nodes and so the possiblity of there being cancer in the rest of his body is only about 5%. However, he is taking about every nutrient know to man right now to ensure that the cancer is actually gone from his body. After the holidays we'll then have him get a blood test to see if there is any sign of cancer elsewhere. Hopefully not.

Sounds like you are doing really well on your workouts regardless of not being able to do aerobics. That would be a hard one for me as aerobics is the backbone of all my workouts, pretty much.

Oh, yes, I adore Circuit Max -- it's really a fun workout and it's not so hard to learn either -- not like Rhythmic step -- which I like, but the footwork in that is beyond me at present.

Anyway,I didn't get a workout in on Saturday as I spent most of the day shopping:p But yesterday, Sunday, I did my stretching and a FIRM tape -- with Nancy -- I think it's called Calorie Killer. It's a great tape and I used to think it was difficult -- but that was until I discovered Cathe -- now I simply think it's a good workout -- it's only 30 minutes.

Anyway, today I did sprinting and did either 14 or 15 sprints -- I lost count and then walked for about 5 minutes, stretched, etc. I really like these sprinting workouts -- they go quickly and I feel so good afterwards.

Tried a new cosmetic last night and had a bout of asthma from it -- haven't had asthma for years and years and years -- the company angers me, as it was advertised as a purely natural product with no chemicals and yet this morning when I read the ingredients, they had an ingredient that is a chemical and is "harmful when ingested, absorbed on the skin or inhaled." And this was the 4th ingredient in it.;( Seems to me that they shouldn't be able to label something all "natural" when it has chemicals like this in it -- I actually called the company and complained.}(

Anyway, here's what I'm planning for the rest of the week.

Monday: Sprint workout

Tuesday: Bootcamp

Wednesday: An all step tape

Thursday: IMAX the original or Mindy Mylrea's anaerobic tape -- Body Bar

Friday: Muscle Endurance

Sat: Rest -- stretch

Sun: Tae Bo circuit or Janis Saffell's tape or Circuit Max

Have a great one, Jeanie.:7
Hi Karen Kay!

I truly look forward to our chats too! I feel like we're getting to know each other better every day.

Yes, the Core tapes are Tracie Long's. I have Core Foundations, Functional Strength, Dynamic Strength & Power, The Whole Shebang (which is a compilation of the first three), Core Strength and Core Cardio. Core Cardio is my favorite (bet you'd love this one!) but there's too much impact for me to do it right now. I hope this darned tendon heals soon.:(

I love Calorie Killer also. I always seem to work up a pretty good sweat doing it, and Nancy is too cute! I love when she says "there you are"! during the one floor aerobic segment.

Cesar and I will be doing some power shopping this weekend. We bought our son a car for Christmas, so he's finished. I have a long list of people to buy for and not a clue on what to get them!

Karen Kay, I'm so glad to hear your brother-in-law is doing well. I bet your husband will be a big help as far as supplementation goes.

Well, off to work. Have a wonderful day!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie!

Wow, what a great Christmas gift for your son -- a car -- something a fellow really needs when he's a teenager. Luckily I have most of my shopping done now -- the ones out of town, I got done real early and got their packages sent off, but now I have the ones closer to home -- but even they're mostly done -- just have my daughter and her husband to shop for -- but she likes to go shopping with me -- right before Christmas -- so she can pick out what she wants -- and then she has to act surprised when she gets the gifts. We've been doing this for ages, and it's always fun to see the "surprised" look on her face and the "it's just what I wanted" phrase.

Gee, I just got back some heavy (and I mean heavy) revisions for my book so I'm going to be quite busy over the holidays -- as though I weren't busy enough. Keeps me on my toes, at least.

I just love Nancy on that tape, too. And I love it, too, when she says "there you are." That's one of the best cardio tapes around, I think. I really do work up a sweat.

Isn't it fun to go shopping? Always makes my day -- even when I have to wait in line -- I just shrug and think, well, it is the holiday season.:p

Those workouts of Tracie's sound wonderful and I'm always hearing our friends on the FitPrime lo carb forum talking about them. Where do you get them, by the way? I know she has a website, but I'm not sure what it is.

Don't these new workouts of Cathe's look great? Gee, my cards are going to be in for it soon...

Okay, so today I did Boot Camp and liked it -- those cardio sections are tough, though. This was the second time I'd done this video and I really liked it better the second time.

Tomorrow I'm planning a cardio day -- sort of a day off from the intensity workouts -- not sure what I'll do yet...we'll see.

Yeah, I'd be biting at the bit, too, if I couldn't do cardio -- I hope these injuries heal soon, too.

Have a great day, Jeanie -- hope to come back to FitPrime soon -- just in a very busy season right now and have a huge work load at the moment. But I miss all the guys there.

I, however, am really enjoying our chats.

Have a great one.:7
Hi Karen Kay!

Yes, we bought our son a 1998 Honda Civic Hatchback. We gave it to him early and guess what? Someone backed out of their driveway and hit it! And to make matters worse, they don't have insurance! Oh well, we'll just to have run it through our insurance and pay the deductible. I'm always amazed that honest people like us have to pay for irresponsible people. At least no one was injured.

I hate to shop! I try to buy everything I can on-line. is my best friend! My family and friends are getting beauty products this year.

You can check out Tracie's videos at They are awesome, but some people have had trouble with the way she copied the dvds -- some dvd players don't seem to play them.

Guess who else did Boot Camp yesterday? Yep, my calf felt fine and I went for it! I actually love Boot Camp. I'm with you -- I can't wait to get my hands on Cathe's new workouts!

No workout today -- I have a haircut and meetings this evening.

Talk to you soon,

Hi Jeanie,

Oh, I see. Now some comments made on the lo carb forum at FitPrime make sense. That's what you were talking about. Gee, it's too bad that you had to run it through your insurance. Here in CA, your rates would have skyrocketed, even though it wasn't your fault. I know, it's amazing to me that honest people have to foot the bill for the not-so-responsible. But then that seems the way of things -- the world seems to run on the backs of a few desperate men and women.

Actually instead of taking the day off today, I did the Cardio Kick Janis Saffell tape -- I think I may go back to taking Wednesday off and just stretching. I seem to do better having two days off a week, actually. The workout went well, but I missed my stretching -- so I think I'll return to what I was doing when I was doing well, and just continue on from there.

Isn't boot camp fun?:p There is one move I'd had trouble with and so was avoiding the tape -- that's the one where you jump down to your hands, jump back, do a grounded sizzor, jump back and then jump in the air. That's one tough segment -- this last time, I just did what I could and didn't try to keep up with everyone else, and it went much better. But I really like that tape now.

How did it go, by the way? Did your ankle hold up okay? I hope so.

Well, instead of doing the work I really need to do, I spent several hours today with a friend and her 3 grandbabies. It was fun and it was great to talk and catch up. I figured I'll be burning the midnight oil soon, and so I can afford a few hours with a friend.

Anyway, have a terrific evening. I'll be back at FitPrime as soon as I carve out a moment.

Till then...
Hi Karen Kay,

Yes, I'm bummed that we bought Ces a car for Christmas and someone hit it already. The body shop says it won't be done until after the holidays. :( And OUR insurance will probably go up, even though the other driver admitted he backed into it while it was parked. Life isn't fair sometimes. On the other hand, we are healthy and can afford to pay insurance. Things could be a lot worse.

Sounds like you are talking about the "terminators" in Boot Camp. They are tough! My ankle has been holding up just fine. Guess all the rest and stretching worked.

I'm glad you had a nice visit with friends. If I had my way, we'd do away with exchanging gifts and instead just visit or go out with friends over the holiday. Love is the true meaning of Christmas anyway.

Well Karen Kay, don't stay up too late! Heck, 11:00 P.M. is late for me!!!

Take care,

Hi Jeanie,

Sorry I was gone for the day yesterday and have been really busy today too. Busy time of year, I'm afraid.

I must admit that I love how you put that -- that things could be worse -- you can at least pay for the insurance and you have your heath -- let's knock on wood -- I did as I wrote this. I love your viewpoint and really admire how you put that.

My car is in the shop right now just getting some tuning -- I found when I got it back from the body shop, they'd cleaned it -- and whatever they used, had me gagging -- I couldn't even drive in the car without getting dizzy -- so we had it checked, just to make sure there's nothing leaking into the cabin, and then a little tune-up, etc.

Anyway, those are called the terminators, are they?x( I can see why -- goodness but they're hard. Now at least I know what people are talking about when they're talking terminators.

Okay, so I did IMAX -- the original yesterday -- found it difficult... Did Muscle Endurance today -- found it difficult. Hmmm...maybe I need more sleep or something. I love the holidays, but I do think my adrenals get stressed during this time period.

Am resting tomorrow -- probably will stretch -- and then plan on Circuit Max on Sunday -- I really like that tape.

I've noticed, since I've been doing Cathe tapes, that I am really trimming up -- the FIRM really went a long way toward that -- the original FIRM -- but I've noticed that since doing Cathe, my body is really beginning to shape up -- kinda nice -- especially at my age.

I know what you mean about just visiting friends -- in this day and age, with all our entertainment, sometimes I just don't think we see enough of each other -- I remember when I was growing up, all the Bridge parties and dances my parents held or went to -- nowadays, we get a movie and sit around and watch it instead of chatting.

Okay, so I'm off again for the rest of the day. Sometime soon -- when I can carve out a moment, I'll be back over at FitPrime Lo Carb. I miss everybody there.

Have a good one.:7
Hi Karen Kay,

I always try to look on the bright side of things. Life is always full of unpleasant surprises, but we have to deal with them and then move on. Not much good stressing over what is already done, huh?

My best friend is very sensitive to any type of cleaning products. She has to use all natural products. The other day she was over at my place and started gasping for breath. It turned out to be from the candle I was burning! I love candles -- I burn them all year round. Guess I'll have to remember NOT to burn them when she's coming over. We were at my brother's home last evening for a Christmas party, and I develped a bad headache due to all the smokers in the house. Neither Cesar or I smoke, so I tend to be very sensitive to the smell. When I woke up this morning, I still felt a little headachy. There must have been 50 people smoking in the house.:-(

I've heard that IMAX is extremely tough -- tougher than IMAX 2. I've always felt that ME is tough too. I feel much more challenged by Cathe workouts, but the biggest change is that I don't seem to get back or neck pain since I've switched over to Cathe. My body just doesn't seem to like the FIRM lately.

Well Karen Kay, I'm off to do some housecleaning. I'm sure the ladies over at the FitPrime low-carb board will be thrilled when you can pop over again -- they are an awesome group, aren't they?

Take care,

Hi Jeanie,

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Spent the last 3 days shopping -- what a "strain" (joke -- I love shopping). But outside of a few last minute gifts, I'm officially done. My cards and my checkbook -- and mostly my husband -- will thank me.

I must admit that since I switched to Cathe, my neck no longer gets injured either. I really do think all the pointers on form -- that Cathe continually tells us about -- really helps. That's one thing missing from the FIRM tapes, and I know that I was doing some of the exercises incorrectly with the FIRM tapes-- I know it now because Cathe keeps talking form -- which is really, really good.

I like IMAX, but I do think it's slightly harder than IMAX 2 -- not sure why, but I would agree with the general consensus on this.

You know, they must put all kinds of chemicals that aren't necessarily good for you in those cleaning products -- I know a chiropractor friend of mine said that more people get asthma attacks in the cleaning section aisle of the grocery store than any other aisle. Interesting.

Okay, so I used to be a smoker -- quit sometime in the 80's -- and I, too, get headaches when I'm in a room for any length of time where people are smoking. But you know something, (here's some research trivia for you) -- Indians traditionally used smoking to cure certain lung diseases -- since it was a way of getting medicine into the lungs -- however, they never smoked anything with chemicals in it -- they used only the traditional herbs (which were highly sacred and planted only according to ritual). Today, the paper of a cigarette has a chemical in it to make the paper burn faster -- the tobacco has chemicals in it to do much the same sort of thing -- so my thought -- seeing the research is this -- is it the tobacco causing the problem, or the chemicals that are added the it?

Of course the Indians only smoked in heavy ceremony and never continually, either -- so that's a difference as well. But even today, tobacco is considered sacred.;-)

Anyway, sounds like you're having some great Christmas fun -- and I really love your thoughts on life, Jeanie.

Okay, so here's my workout plan for this week.

Monday: Sprinting workout outside -- did this yesterday -- did 12 sprints -- was tired for some reason and only did 12. Also forgot to stretch afterwards -- felt a little silly for forgetting:+

Tuesday: Either Muscle Endurance or Power Hour

Wednesday: Stretch

Thursday: IMAX 2 -- love that tape

Friday: Either Muscle Endurance or Power Hour, whichever one I didn't do on Tuesday

Saturday: Either Circuit Max or Bootcamp

Sunday: Off

Have a great one, Jeanie -- I love the company at FitPrime and can't wait to get back there. At present, what with a January 15th deadline for revisions and a course that I'm taking and Christmas things I must do, I don't have much extra time.:-(

But hope to be back there soon.:7 Thanks for sticking it out here with me.
Hi Karen Kay!

Hey, don't apologize for not being able to post -- this is YOUR journal. I just love to stop over and see what you've been up to and what your rotation for the week looks like.

I've been shopping with a vengence. Unfortunately, I keep coming home with clothes for ME! I'm dangerous when it comes to clothes, shoes, cosmetics and fragrances. My husband is impossible to buy for. He's very picky, so anything I get him usually ends up going back.

I love your knowledge on the Indian way of life. It is so interesting to read the little tidbits you offer.

I don't have a rotation planned for this week. The weather here is frigid and since I workout in my unheated garage, it's hard to get motivated. Yesterday was Winsor Pilates Buns & Thighs. Today was FitPrime G-Force. Hopefully I'll get a space heater soon and get more motivated again.

Don't work too hard!

-- Jeanie
Hi Jeanie,

Gee, I know the problem on going shopping and finding things that I want instead of keeping my attention on the task at hand. But isn't it fun? Usually I get the things I want and then tell my husband that this is what he's getting me for Christmas -- he hates shopping, so it usually works out great.

Luckily, my husband isn't too picky and so he's easy to buy for -- plus he hates shopping so I think he'd rather keep anything rather than have to take it back...

The Macy's here doesn't help with all their sales -- can get so many things there right now at 60% off:9 -- hard not to take advantage of it.

I can understand not wanting to get to exercizing in a frigid room -- usually I exercize in the living room -- my husband has complete command of the garage -- it's HIS space...

Anyway, today is a rest day, though I'll probably take a quick walk before I stretch -- read somewhere on Cathe's site that this was a good thing to do before a stretch.

Oh, aren't those little tidbits of into fascinating? I just love all the research.:7

Anyway, have a great day.
Hi Karen Kay,

Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Mine was nice and relaxing. I visited with friends and family, ate lots of junk and received wonderful gifts -- what more could I ask for?

Yesterday's workout was Cathe's Cardio & Weights, which I love. I haven't worked out yet today, but I plan to soon.

I was just over at FitPrime, and Rhea from the low-carb board wanted to let you know that she read your latest book and loved it. In fact, she said she read it in one day. She said she was bummed to see that Walmart doesn't carry your books. Anyway, I'm off to pick up some Karen Kay books also. I love to read, but haven't done any real "active" reading in sometime (I AM addicted to fitness magazines, beauty magazines, and clothing catalogs).

Talk to you again soon!

Hi Jeanie,

It seems like forever since I posted here or anywhere. The holidays have been very hectic and I'm only now starting to catch my breath. Deep sigh. Oh, gee, you reminded me that I need to get back to FitPrime and check to see how everyone is doing.

That was a very, very sweet thing that Rhea said. Please tell her thank you, and that I'll be back soon. My editor gave me a bit of an extension on my deadline for the revisions and so I'm not feeling quite so desperate.

Thanks so much for your support, too, Jeanie. It really means alot to me that you keep checking in on me.:)

I have a real "find" to tell you about -- of course, I love muscials and Broadway and such. But I got for Christmas the original Rodgers and Hamerstein's Cinderella musical -- the one broadcast in 1957 staring Julie Andrews -- an extremely young and dark-haired Julie Andrews. It's truly magical. I've been watching it and watching it -- I think I might be a little romantic -- sigh;-)

Anyway, have been doing well on exercising but am afraid to get on the scale as I went totally off my diet -- spent all day the 24th cooking and baking -- plus a good part of the day on the 25th, as well. It's hard to bake and not eat -- especially when you bake with stevia, as I do -- everything needs tasting.

At least I wasn't cooking with sugar -- but I did fix real cookies with whole grain flour -- something I usually avoid.

I'm with you on the catalogues and fitness magazines and books -- add to that that I'm addicted to research...

I'm so glad to hear that you've been keeping up with your exercise. I, too, love Cardio and Weights. Anyway, thought I'd also post my schedule this week.

Monday -- Did IMAX -- found it difficult -- not enough sleep, I don't think.

Tuesday -- Power Hour -- love that video -- and it went well -- I'm too light on some of my weights, but I'm giving myself some slack since I've been a bit tired from the holidays

Wednesday -- Did one of the FIRM's 30 minute cardio and weights workouts, plus stretching with Janis Saffell

Thursday -- IMAX2 -- this went well -- I was surprised how much better I do when I actually get enough sleep...

Friday -- plan to do Muscle Endurance -- one my all-time favorites

Saturday -- Rest -- will probably need it since I'll be up late.

Sunday -- High Step Advanced -- or Circuit Max

Anyway, Jeanie, I hope to be back at the FitPrime board soon. Hope your holiday is wonderful, and that all your wishes for the New Year come true.

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