**December Rotation****almost over!


Wow it is christmas morning and I have been up since 4am wrapping the last of the gifts. Put the kids stockings on their beds and now have a moment to check-in with you all.

It has been a really long couple of days. With last minute shopping and my DH having problems with his knee surgery.
Had to take him in and have his knee looked at again. He has been having pain in his lower leg and we found after from the Ultrasound that it was a blood clot.

It makes me mad to think they told us to rush right in to see the doc and then have to sit for 2 hours. (And the doc originally was worried about my DH taking a plane and sitting for that amount of time....so much for that!) Also the doc asked if my DH was taking his aspirin and my DH was like...."WHAT ASPIRIN????" The doc was all indignant..."Your suppose to be taking 2 a day!" No one told my DH that (especially the doc) and it was not on any of the instructions given to him when he left the hospital from day 1.

Geeesh! When will the incompetence end! So anywho....he is now taking aspirin and using a hot compress on that area. He felt much better by late last night to the point he felt like dancing. ;-)
I am so glad to see him feeling better I can tell you! It has been rather stressful for both of us.

Hi Kate and Rocky: Great job to both of you for getting in your workouts yesterday! :7
LIC sounds like a great one to do today for me!
OH YA! I get to open my 4DS today! Might have to check this one out instead. ;-)

Have a wonderful day with your family's! :) BBL Heidi
Merry Christmas Heidi, Kate, & Kathy, I hope that all of you have a great day. Heidi have fun with the 4DS, I have done LIS & HIS. They are fun when you master the moves, time goes by quickly. I had to slow motion some of the moves, and did better the second time that I did the DVD's.
I haven't done Kick Box or Bootcamp. I will do those on an off day.
I am planning on Rythmetic Step today.
I just wanted to do a quick checkin as I feel bad for disappearing the last few days. My workout schedule just stopped (unplanned) last Thursday due to holidays. I feel like I haven't had a minute to myself the last few days. Tons of family events, people from out of town, parties, etc. The last few days have been a big blur. I've ate bad and not worked out for 5 days straight but I've had a great time spending lots of time with tons of family many who I haven't seen in awhile. We got one more family dinner tomorrow with another round of gifts. Tomorrow is Boxing Day in Canada and still a holiday. Then I will get back into the swing of things.

DH bought me P90X for Christmas and may do a round with me so will get organized over the next few days and hope to start soon. I'm off work for two weeks with the kids so once the holidays are over I'll have time to myself. The kids got a Wii for Christmas and had so much fun playing it all day today!

Hope everyone else had a great Christmas! Heidi, I'm so sorry about your husband's knee, that is terrible that they didn't give you better instructions post-operatively! Dis you spend Christmas day at the doctors??

Kudos to all of you who have been working out over the holidays!:)

Rocky, I believe that Cathe announces which day the road trip will go on sale and last year the road trip sold out within a few minutes! She gives a couple of weeks notice and info about the road trip so people can be prepared to registered as soon as they open that morning.

Hi Kim, Boy you have been busy. I feel tired just reading all that you've been doing. But, glad that you have been enjoying this busy time.
Don't worry, you will get back into your routine and be even more motivated, I have P90X and haven't yet done it. I wanted to complete all of Cathes workouts, and do some rotations. I also want my husband to do P90X with me.
Thank you for the info on Road Trip, I really want to go.
I would be sooo nervous though, and so excited.:eek:
HI and Good Morning,

Hello Kim: Good to hear from you. I have been sort of in the same boat about not being able to get in that workout. Just that for me it was work, DH and falling on my a...:eek:
DH went to the doc on mon and then to the hospital for the US. They found a blood clot in the lower leg. They told him to take aspirin and use a warm compress on it. That's it! Then they left me guessing what mg of aspirin for this sort of thing. Dosages range any where from 81mg - 500 or so. I called and I got the answering service...never go called back. So I was left with just giving him a mid range mg of 325 twice a day.
He was feeling better by mon night but was hurting again by christmas morn. This is going to take awhile I told him to clear.

We have our Cayman trip coming up next week and I hope he is better by then. The doc decided not to remove his stitches until he comes back for fear of getting it ripped open. x( I have been trying to sway DH to postpone the trip until a later time. It just seems more practical in case of more problems.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!

Today's Goal:
Get to work
Get house ready for the New Year's Celebrations.

BBL Heidi
Hello! I don't have much time right now, just wanted to say I read up on everyone - bunch of busy ladies! Our days have been full too but I have done my workouts! And even some extra here and there. Today is a rest day - yay! - and I am so tired and need it so badly. Will check back in later!
Hi Kate and Everyone,

Yah Baby! Got in my workout...finally something!:D

It is soooo funny how your whole perspective of things change after doing a workout.

First goal of the day finished: Treadmill 40min run and SJP abs

Now on to work....BBL heidi
Hi everyone!! Glad to be back home!!

I did workout while away..I did 4DS Kickbox cardio, stretch max segment one and one of the workouts on the ab hits DVD...Oh and alot of going up an down stairs for my MIL...

Great holiday and happy to be back at home and can get some sleep in my own bed...
Heidi - ^5 on the workout! Good for you!

Kathy - Welcome back! It's always nice to get away but somehow its even better to come home! Good for you getting workouts in!

I thoroughly enjoyed my rest day today. Thursday will be CircuitMax. I've never done this one - any tips?

See you!
Oh my Circuit Max, I have done it once so far.
If my memory serves me right. It's tough. Hang on to your Hat!!
I still have to go do 4Ds Kicker tonight.}( yikes it's late.
Hello and Good Morning,:)

Kathy: Welcome Back! Great job on getting in your workouts.:D

Kate: I can't remember doing Circuit Max recently...will have to check my notes. I usually write done how tough it was and whether or/not I liked it. Good luck with it and let us know what you think. }(

Rocky: How did you like the 4DS Kicker? I have yet to do any of these workouts from this series. Is this a kickbox cardio workout?

Getting ready for my trip is becoming more difficult with all the stuff I have to bring. I will still have to take care of my business stuff while gone. Spent all yesterday afternoon transferring data files onto my DD portable...(I didn't get mine for Christmas yet)
Trying to find summer type clothing right now is also hard.
Why did DH have to choose this time of year to go??? His knee...tax season for me and the lack of light weight clothing for a very hot climate...I won't ever know.

Today's goal:
Get in a weight workout
more work
get DS's hair cut

What are your goals for today?
BBL Heidi :)
Rocky - How late did you do your workout?! I usually do mine between 8-9 pm. You've got me scared to do CM!

Heidi - Just think how relaxed you'll be on the beach!!!! Take a DEEP breath!:) Are you an accountant?

Eating is great today and I'm about to drown myself in water consumption. Looking forward to my w/o tonight!
Hi Guys a I mean Ladies,
Kickbox thank goodness goes by quickly.
I workout no mater how late, usually wait until husband comes home around 6:00-6:30. If he does not workout I may do a workout at 10:00-11:00. After he goes to bed. Because I want to get dinner for DH, and spend time with him. :eek:. When I write DH it stands for Deployed Husband in Military. I feel funny using it for dear husband or darling?
Although he is a DOLL. Don't be afraid of CM you can do it.
I usually write down also what a workout was like. I just remember it being tough.}( }( But then all of Cathes workouts are...I'll be back, my doll(husband) is home.
Rocky, You and DH seem close - that's great. No kids? How old are you guys? I'm 28, DH is almost 31, we have 2 kids (3.5 and 5.75!) How about the rest of you?

I just finished CM - toughie, for sure! I was sweatin' buckets! Definetly will do it again. Today marks the last day of Dec. rot. for me. I'll get some cardio in tomorrow.

Good night!
Hi everyone!!

Kate: I am 37(38 on April 27th) and hubby is 43(44 on the 16th of Jan)..Kids are 10(11 on May 2nd) and 7(8 on the 27th of January)..

Checking in with LIC upper body and stability ball legs from PUB...Also, had lots of grocery shopping to do and a few gift returns...Oh and the laundry!!!!
Kathy - You and my sis have the same b-day! Laundry is a non-stop, daily thing here. My youngest changes her clothes no less than 4 times a day. I'll be gr.shopping tomorrow.

Sleep tight!
Husband & I are approaching our 50s}( Yikes
We are buddies, pals, best friends.
Very supportive of each other. And he spoils me.
My Birthday is 23rd January, not to excited about it.
I never worried about aging, as long as I am able to stay young.
I want to look young as long as possible.
Does that make sense? We have no kiddies. And that has kept us young. Only our black cat Thomas. :)
I have many nieces and nephews that I am very close with. I Love those kids soooo much.
If you'd like: You girls can google my husbands name, I am rather proud of him. :7 Col.Lewis Setliff or just Lewis Setliff.
My guy is the best thing about me.
Let me know what you think.
oh my word, Rocky! What a hero and all-around awesome guy! Handsome to boot! Lucky girl!

I'm having a very busy day today - hoping to get some cardio in, but its not very likely at this point.

Have a great afternoon!
Hello to you all,

Getting ready for the big day on Weds. Shopping with the kids to get last minute swim suits and shorts...if I can find them.

Kate: I am now 44 (BD was this month on the 21st) and have 4 children. They range in age from 12 - 22 and my DH is 50.
What are your plans for next months rotation?
Great job by the way of finishing this rotation!

I did PUB yesterday.

Today was:
iTread Set 1 20min run.
Abs from CoreMax #1

How has everyone been doing with their eating? Are you keeping it clean?:D

I want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR in advance because it is going to be really hectic here next few days. I may not be able to check-in everyday but will try over my vacation to see how you all are doing.

Take Care,
Kate, What a nice thing for you to say.
Thank you, my husband always says he has a face for radio not tv.
I think he is cute. :) He is my hero. As are my Mom&Dad
Glad you finished Rotation. I have CM to do then I will be finished too. This will be my first Rotation finished.
What workouts will you be doing until the 1st?
Have great workouts everyone!!

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