Good morning! Kathy, I thought you were going to say "today the schedule has me doing legs .... but I'm going to do.... instead."
Hope you enjoy the squat rack legs sans squat rack, of course.
Good luck with your shopping -- it must be really tough for you to find time alone! I have only a couple of more days and I realize that Dylan really really really wants a fingerprint safe, so, I'd better try to find one. Theoretically they aren't very expensive but I hope I can even find one.
Chris, I know what you mean about the mall -- hate it! I did order some jeans for Larry, but they aren't even shipping til January! So, I will wrap up the shirt I ordered at the same time, and put in the page that says the jeans ship later. Big who-te-do! I read something the other day that said when you start getting clothes for Christmas is when you no longer believe in Santa Claus.
I'm really ready to give it up because that whole trying to get the presents out while they're "asleep" totally stresses me out -- my heart rate goes through the roof! What a killjoy I am, I know....
I did kick max cardio leg blast this morning. I think I've lost cardio capacity. Shock cardio is probably going to kill me! I had to stop a bunch of times during her blasts. Also added on some of the pilates abs, but gave up near the end!
I am sore in the chest this morning!!
Oh, no, it wasn't hotpants. Imagine that! There's more than one Wendy in the pacific northwest!
I'll definitely look her up and we'll get a picture together with Hottie, ok?
Hottie, yes, I think you should get a pic with Evee. I have a friend who is older than I am with no kids and every year she sends a card with a picture. She does travel so she always is some exotic place with a Santa hat on.
My sister sent the funniest card this year -- they bought property to set up a Christmas tree & lavendar farm along with a place to have weddings (I know, sounds strange maybe, but hopefully it'll work). Anyway, they had a top ten list of things they've learned and it was things like "horses run really fast when they see an open gate." The previous owners left horses there for a while before they could move them, and there were a lot of funny horse stories.
Joanne, I'm pretty certain you're not reading, but if you are, yes, thinking about you so much. Hugs to you, friend.
I'd better get rolling.... have a good day!