Debbie....Meso/Endo Rotation....hows this?


total body
total body

On the cardio days im doing about 30-45mins and on the weight days im lifting light for my LB and heavy for my UB. My goal is to lose weight...alot,about 30-40lbs.

I value and respect your opinion....whenever you get a chance, please let me know if im doing this correctly!
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Amelia, this looks great. It should get you to your goal. Just remember, if you have a lot of meso in you, alot of cardio is not needed. However, with 30-40# to lose, this should work good for you.
Amelia, this looks great. It should get you to your goal. Just remember, if you have a lot of meso in you, alot of cardio is not needed. However, with 30-40# to lose, this should work good for you.

Debbie, I only have about 10 lbs. to lose. But I have a good amount of muscle built up but I just don't look sculpted. I'm looking too bulky. I wanna get that chiseled look. I am also a meso/endo. Will this rotation work for me too? Thanks!


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