Debbie/Fitness Freak ? about Dec Rotation


Hi Debbie - is it too late to start this rotation? And should I start with first week or jump into second week? Can I sub something else for GS (SH perhaps)? I'm 128 trying to lose 5 pounds so am I endo or ecto? You're a great fitness forum friend to have. I feel I can come to you and ask you anything about fitness and you are most gracious to answer.

Thank you and have a great day.

You can start the rotation any time you want and please feel free to post what you did on the checkin thread we have going each day.

Yes, you can use S&H instead of GS. And sounds like you just need to follow the rotation as is. See how your body reacts to it.

Hope to see you on the checkin's!!! ;)

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