Deanie & Co. ~~Sleepy Sunday~~

Good morning girls.

I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday so I'm doing it today. I did LIC yesterday but I only did the cardio and abs. I'm not sure why I didn't do the whole thing????

Deanie - How did the party go? I can't wait to see the picture of the ipod brownies.

Cheryl - I think I got my bands at and they were very fast with delivery. I got my high step through Cathe.

I was very impressed with the blog pictures. I sure hope they are as good as they look. !!

We've had baseball again all weekend. We're in the championship game today and then possibly going out of town for a week of baseball. What will I do with my time when baseball is over? Ha!

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Good Morning Tracee and all who come after!

Today was a rest day, so I slept in. But with 3 11year olds, and 1 7 year old, I was still up at 7! Tomorrow is ME upper body split and BC upper body (with ME abs) I'm not sure if I am going to do BC upper~ what is the benefit if I'm already doing ME? That was not a reterical question:) so if anyone knows, I'd like to know!

Tracee~ The party was great thanks! The older boys and my DH went to see the new Harry Potter (I stayed hhome with my little guy~ He was afraid to go to the new movie) then we all had pizza at home, the ipod cakes and they played baseball till bedtime. This morning they were up early, played game cube, had bfast (I made choc. chip pancakes) and now they are playing football till the moms come! I think they all had fun! Congrats on the championship game! Older DS or younger? Going out of town for baseball could be fun. we've never done that. Is your son on a traveling team? I hope he wins his game!! I will send you pictures of the ipods today~ I am sending them to my mom too!:)

Gin~ Still enjoying your free time?

Marcy/Cheryl~ I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Have a great day all!!
Good Morning Ladies!

I AM going to do BB yoga this morning. I started it yesterday, but kept getting interupted with phone calls :) , so I will finish today. Hopefully that will be okay on a "rest" day.

Tracee--Glad you were able to do LIC cardio and abs. You'll have to the whole thing soon. I think the weights portion is more challenging than the cardio. I like curcuit workouts. Seems to keep you from getting bored.

Deanie--Sounds as if the party was a success. Your life (and Tracee's) sounds just like mine about 10+ year ago. Great memories! I guess I will do the BC upper also. I'm just curious. It's only 10 min. I have to be at work tomorrow morning at 8 and I run with my friends, so I hope I can get all the upper body in in time. I am still enjoying my free time, but ready for them to come home. Went to dinner with friends last night. Off to church this morning after yoga....

Man!!! I replied to this topic and it didn't post - this is the second time it happened...rats! oh well.

Since I'm in a hurry now (going to church) I'll make this quick.

Tracee - thanks for the info on the bands and good job on the catching up!

Deanie - could it be that the workouts are a bit different and you'll be able to have more exercises for each muscle (I don't know since I don't have the's a just a thought). Congrats on the party!!!

Gin - what is BB yoga? I can never seem to do yoga alone. I get antsy :)

Confession - I got into the chocolate ice cream this weekend, and all I can think of is the verse for Romans..."I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Sometimes that is soooo me.

I'm off to change myself. TOday is a new day and a new start. I'm going to buy a little notebook for my eating and start the tracking. I will never change my body if I continue.

Ok...I'm off to church!


quick question - fwonline has the bands but there are 4 levels. Do you know which level I'm supposed to get?


Hi Everyone!

Yesterday and today have been rest days. I got sick and had laryngitis yesterday. Have lots of chest congestion again so hopefully if I rest up, I'll be ready for tomorrow again.

Deanie - Glad your party went well. My DS saw Harry Potter yesterday. Tomorrow is supposed to be BM2 Double Upper Body premix for me. LIC biceps are tough. I also haven't done this since November's rotation but the bicep curls with the bbl and the band really killed me.

Tracee - Good luck with the championship. Just think, after baseball, more time to workout!

Gin - Thanks for the congrats. I saw your post on OD. I made needlepoint Christmas stockings for the whole family. The kids really liked them. I made one for the dog but just never got to finish the final detailing. That's the most tedious part.

Cheryl - I got my band at Cathe uses a 6 ft. medium tension band. I also got pilates bands at Modell's Sporting Goods. I don't know if they have them by you. I saw your e-mail and I'll send you pics tomorrow.

Off to go and look at the blog. Was having trouble getting into it. So does it seem like more of the same to you guys or a lot of different stuff? Some looked like the same but some looked new. I hope the music and choreography are different and she has some different strength moves. That will make a major difference to me.

Good Afternoon!

Well, my boys are back home safe and sound from Chicago!:)

Deanie--I previewed ME upper body and BC upper body so we could make a decision about what to do tomorrow.
Dbl Rows--8#
Bbl Deadrow and Clean and Press--30#
Bbl Bicep curls--20#
Pec Flyes--8#dbls
Seated chest press with weighted ball
Dips on mini step
Overhead Press--10# plate
Standing rotation presses --8#
Front and side raises --5#
Rear delt raises--5#
Side lateral raise--5#
abs with 8lb. med. ball

BC--upper body--no w/u
bbl overhand row
bbl underhand row
tricep dips on mini step
bicep curl with bbl
one arm row
overhead press with dbl
lying tricep extensions
hammer curls

Let me know what you think.

Cheryl--BB yoga is Baron Baptiste. Yoga is not my favorite form of exercise, but I know how good it is for you, so I do it and I much prefer a live class to a video. LOL about the chocolate ice cream. Try small change a week and it will soon become a habit, like brushing your teeth. Good for you for buying a notebook. Maybe that could be your one change this week.?

Marcy--Sorry you have been sick.:( I like LIC biceps with the band..good burn!}( Have you looked at the blog yet? The exercises look different to me and tough! YIKES STRIPES!!}( :p }(

Gin~ Here's what I'm thinking... ME itself is a good complete workout, plus there is kickbox Tues, and we are doing upper body PP 3 sets on WEd. that seems like plenty of upper body work to me. Also, in DM we do alot of shoulder work. So basically, I'm good with just ME upper body split. What do you think? Let me know what you are doing. I am going to be out tonight, and DS has camp tomorrow, so I hope I get up in time.:) OH! and you have school tomorrow! Have fun!

Marcy~ I hope you feel better. I hope your voice comes back!! I thought the biceps were hard on LIC too! Actually, I was surprised, but I have DOMs in my back!!today, I thought for sure I'd have them in my biceps.


eta: looking over the rotation, it seems Debbie has us do 1 day regular upper body only,1 kickbox, another day of "sets" of upper body, and interval step workout, legs, and a circuit. so if we do just ME upper tomorrow we should be okay.
And just an aside: I don't know if its from this last week, or a combination of last month and last week, but I have great definition in my arms!! I wish I had that definition in my lower abs!!:)
Deanie--Doing just ME sounds good to me. I know I am going to be in a time crunch anyway trying to run, do the workout and get to work by 8am. I'll have to get up by 4:30. I better go to bed pretty soon! :eek: Glad you are enjoying this rotation. I am also!

Tracee--I saw your e-mail and sent my picture.

Maybe if I just keep saying 'change is good' I'll start to belive it (with food). It's easy for me to get off track so I will try starting small.

I like the idea of the notebook being the first change...I'll probably eat less just so I don't have to write it down! LOL :)
Thanks Marcy!

I'll check them both out and compare prices. I have never heard of Modell's so we probably don't have one (or I don't get out much :p ).

Can't wait to see your pics!

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