Good Morning Girls
Today was LIC. Why did I think because its a circuit, it wouldn't be that hard! Man I was sweating!!! And why is the band soooo effective? I really felt it! Biceps were the hardest for me!! I used the same weights as Cathe. A great workout, and I really like the abs too.
Well, alot to do today before the party. My DH was/is very impressed with the ipods They really did come out looking good. He is going to take pictures!!! LOL~ I'm glad he and the kids like them, they took about 4 hours total to make, whew!!
Gin~ Enjoy your freedom. I used to do needlepoint too! Did you do LIC?
Marcy~ Are you having an open house today? I thought of you this morning with the LIC pushups! How'd you do? too easy? I thought they hard!
Tracee~LIC? sleep in? baseball?
Cherly~ I know you said you're in school, what you are studying?
The pictures on the blog are awesome, can't wait for the new dvds!!
have a great weekend all
Today was LIC. Why did I think because its a circuit, it wouldn't be that hard! Man I was sweating!!! And why is the band soooo effective? I really felt it! Biceps were the hardest for me!! I used the same weights as Cathe. A great workout, and I really like the abs too.
Well, alot to do today before the party. My DH was/is very impressed with the ipods They really did come out looking good. He is going to take pictures!!! LOL~ I'm glad he and the kids like them, they took about 4 hours total to make, whew!!
Gin~ Enjoy your freedom. I used to do needlepoint too! Did you do LIC?
Marcy~ Are you having an open house today? I thought of you this morning with the LIC pushups! How'd you do? too easy? I thought they hard!
Tracee~LIC? sleep in? baseball?
Cherly~ I know you said you're in school, what you are studying?
The pictures on the blog are awesome, can't wait for the new dvds!!
have a great weekend all