

Hi Cathe

When I do the deadlifts I can't go very heavy because I my arms start hurting and I feel like it is pulling me out of form but when I use lighter I don't really feel it that much. any suggestions.

Have you tried an alternating grip where one hand holds the bar overhand and the other holds the bar underhand? This has helped me a lot. I've read others use straps to hold the barbell.
Hi Renea. I use the grips (these are what I use and I love them because when you wrap the grip part around your bar you can almost lift the bar without your hands at all. So that when you actually go into the exercise, to can keep your grip looser and engage the back muscle more. I also use them for the one arm rows for the same reason. Loosening the grip lets you work the muscle more. Good luck.
Hey, Lorrie. What SIZE do you have??? I've had these in my cart 4 times over the past month and keep backing out because I don't know what size. And you do have the CLASSIC, right???

Hey, Lorrie. What SIZE do you have??? I've had these in my cart 4 times over the past month and keep backing out because I don't know what size. And you do have the CLASSIC, right???


Hey gf!! Yes, I have the classic style and mine are XS - they fit perfectly. Saw that reference to extra $$$ post bills - YAY you -- but ummm, don't you have to wait it out till after Easter? Hmmmmmm?
Hey gf!! Yes, I have the classic style and mine are XS - they fit perfectly. Saw that reference to extra $$$ post bills - YAY you -- but ummm, don't you have to wait it out till after Easter? Hmmmmmm?

SHUSH!!!!! I'm not cheating. (not yet, anyway) I'm trying to hold off, but it's TOUGH to give up spending $$$$$ on my fitness stuff! :)


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