
That's a great question Anna! Cathe uses deadlifts in both back & leg segments of her workouts, so I'd like to know the answer as well.
Hi Anna! Great question! Deadlifts are a fantastic exercise! Not only do they work the back and legs, they work quads, hams, calves, lower back, midsection, upper back, traps and forearms. You can focus on either by the positioning of your hands , and also by the slight bend in your knees! (Always Concentrate though on using back and legs at the same time when lifting .You wanna keep the body in proper alignment at all times)
To focus on your legs. The stiff-legged deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do for your hamstrings. The only problem is, it can also be one the hardest exercises to perform properly.This technique will help you- Elevate your toes on weight plates while you do the exercise. It's very simple and focuses on hamstrings. I will explain exactly how to set it up.
Set two 25-pound weight plates on the ground butted up against each other (one for each foot). They should be right beneath the barbell you will be using for the exercise and placed side-by-side so you can set your feet on both of them.Stand in front of the barbell with your feet half on the plates and half off. The front parts of your feet will be on the plates and your heels will be on the ground. Use the weight plates to brace your feet up so that your toes are up in the air and your feet are flexed up.Bend over and grasp the bar at about shoulder width with an overhand grip. Keep your knees locked but slightly bent while doing this exercise and keep a tight arch in your lower back.Look directly forward while you are coming up and going back down. This will help you to keep an arch in your lower back.Squeeze the bar off the ground slowly and deliberately, coming up only until your upper body is slightly above parallel. Any higher and you'll start to lose tension in the hamstrings and throw it on your lower back. The real value of this exercise lies in the stretch at the bottom anyways.Come down slowly, being absolutely sure to keep the arch in your lower back. As you near the bottom, stick your butt out and try to raise your toes as high up as possible. This dramatically intensifies the stretch you put on your hamstrings. Hold that stretch for a moment or two then reverse the direction without bouncing.Repeat this for 8 to 12 reps. If you've done this technique correctly and intensely, your hamstrings will probably feel it right away! I'll try to get pics to put on my photo album for you if you need better clarification!
Deadlifts for back
Grab the bar with both palms facing you(or one under and one over), space slightly more than shoulder width apart.
Always keep your back slightly arched, or at least straight. legs should be about shoulder width apart. Lift in one smooth motion, moving your hips and back at the same time. It may take some practice to get the motion down pat, but it's worth it.(proper form =Proper results) A common mistake is to straighten your legs, then your back, or vice versa. Keep the bar as close to your body through the entire motion. Keep your shoulders back, and look straight forward.
So to answer the original question you will be working both leg,back and others while doing deadlifts-just focus on proper form when working a particular body part that will emphasize on that area!
Ps forgot to add~You can always do the stiff deadlifts on a step for a greater range of motion too! HTH
deadlifts work both the hamstrings and the lower back (as well as the area where the hamstrings and glutes meet).

at the bottom of everyones posts there is a some bits written in a row, click on print friendly copy, and then Bobs Your Uncle !!!! :)

I always feel deadlifts more in my glutes and hamstrings than my back. Is there a way to focus more on the back? When Cathe uses them for back in CTX UB, it looks like she may be adding a little more bend to the knees so the focus is less on the hams. I tried it and it seemed to help. Thoughts, anyone?

Thanks Anna very helpful! Here's a link click on demos Nothing fancy here just showing you foot placement with the plates and on the step--You wanna crack up how these came about! The neighbor down the street came to my house with her daughter to sell girl scout cookies, I said I'll buy 4 boxes if you take some pics for me to demonstrate a certain move! This was not planned very spontaneus~ The pics are very amateur-she couldn't figure out the focus and some are fuzzy or I'm moving, the ones I didn't get a chance to download were my feet closer together on the step for more tension on the hamstrings, remember to keep the bar close to the legs as if you were shaving--how funny-now my neighbor know's I'm a nut! ;-) I'll be adding later gotta run to class:)
You can't take the glutes and hamstrings out completely (would you want to?), but you can decrease their involvement a bit by making sure to keep your knees in the same slightly bent position throughout the move. When you drive the weight up, feel the pull starting from your upper/mid back (though the move itself actually works more of the lower back).
Well, I like to alternate CTX UB and LL on consecutive days and both workouts use deadlifts, although in CTX UB it's a "back exercise" and in LL it's a "leg exercise." So, even though I know you can't make it entirely one or the other, I want to make sure I get the emphasis right, if possible.

I have been known to eliminate them from CTX UB since I'd rather use them to work my hams and glutes. Hams are a problem area for me.

WOW ! Thanks for that - great piccies ! How did you know that orange is my favourite colour ???????? :7

The pictures explain it brilliantly, Francine....


Hope you had a good workout !

Hi Anna! Cathe kicked our butts today at Bodypump!She showed no mercy! But I loved every painful moment!
Oh, I just organized and sequenced my pics for you with the version on the step(close feet and hip width apart) and there's a surprise in their for you!check it out!
under demos
Hint the guy is CHRIS(SNM)
RE: Angela!

Thanks, Debbie!

Ah, sounds like I'm on the right track. Through trial and error, I'd pretty much decided 1) knees slightly bent, 2) don't go but a little past the knees with the weights and 3) really mentally focus on the back.

I find deadlifts have made kneeling and bending over the tub to bathe my two Shelties much easier.:p

You know Anna, I knew I would go away and everyone would know how to use this forum when I returned except for me. I am still jumpimanless and now you have this cool jumpropeiguy......this is not cool.


Nevertheless I love your signature!!!!! Miss you all and will return home soon!!!

By the time I return you all will probably have "talking messages" next your signatures, etc.....

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