<--- De-clutter is the moto


<---posted <---same time as Judy
<---please forgive and ignore Emily's mushrooms
<---how's things Judy?
<--- waves good morning to the Rochacha gals;)
<--- misses y'all!
<--- is also hoping for a productive day today
<--- is on first day of vacation and has a big to-do list
<--- wonders how Mr. Joey Pants' party was this weekend?
<--- hopes Robin doesn't mind, but she copied her other <--- thread post to here so everyone could see it. See below;)

"<---hopes everyone had a wonderful weekend/Mother's Day
<---had a very productive weekend
<---had no plans and ended up cleaning bedroom, getting out summer clothes, putting away winter clothes, cleaning basement, preparing 5 raises vegetable beds for planting, hauling all the wood left on the patio to backyard wood pile
<---see, very productive
<---got a copper fire pit for patio for Mother's Day, so sat on patio after dinner and enjoyed fire
<---better to start 2 1/2 hour test now
<---can't wait to hear how Joey's B-day was
<---will BBL all you cat's meow tater chicks"
<---thanks Shelley
<---wouldn't have thought of that herself
<---wonders if Shelley started the Great Couch Hunt yet?
<--forgot to mention that <---also went out for a very nice dinner Sat night with DH, DS and MIL
<---DD and her boyfriend went to prom and were at same restaurant
<---DD and boyfriend were too tired (!??!) to go to post prom party which was good because party was busted and over 25 kids were arrested
<---was very relieved when <---heard DD come home about 1:30 Sat night
<---is in dreaded darkroom today, so will try to sneak up on unmaned computers whenever possible
<---shouldn't be too hard, since 2 people called in sick today
<---says de-what is de-who?
<---clinks morning beverage cups w/ robin, judy, shellers & all who follow
<---is contemplating spin this morning
<---must get behind in gear if gonna do anything
<---peeks outside to see a dreary, chilly day
<---lives for outdoor activities w/ a boybster
<---loves summer for that reason ;)
<---is interrupted in thought by a boyb roaring
<---says, my son is coming back as a bear in his next life
<---is off like a stinky gym shirt...

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<--wishes all a good morning
<--had a nice relaxing weekend
<--hung out with DH and read the Davinci Code
<--is awed by Robin's accomplishments
<--meant to clean out closets, but was too lazy
<--wishes Shelly Happy Vacation!
<--has a busy day ahead
<-- says hi
<-- gained a pound from last week
<-- says that apparently veganism has nothing to do with nothing
<-- can't believe that even if <-- runs 8 miles, if there is a box of crackers in the house <-- gains weight
<-- says, they aren't even the greatest crackers!!! the Trader Joe's stoned wheat thin things
<-- sighs
<-- thinks all y'all had lovely weekends!!! Yay!!!
<-- is off to bootcamp now
<--wonders if Amy is weighing herself too often?
<--thinks that once per week would be good, and once per month would be better, to eliminate the everyday (usually salt-related) ups and downs
<--has weighed the same on the doctor's scale every year for as long as she can remember, despite the daily/weekly ups and downs, mostly ups
<--is amazed every year all the same
<---tells Amy to step away from the scale
<---grabs Amy's scale, runs through mine field, jumps over barbed wire fence, crawls under parked cars and tosses the nasty thing into a dumpster in an unknown alley
<---tells Amy she is beoooooutiful and fooget aboot the scale, doggone it!
<---tells Nancy <---and Judy started this thread at the same time, which is why there appear to be two
<---says see what happens when Shelley goes on vacation - havoc and the end of the world as we know it, dogs of war and all that stuff
<---'s DH promised to work on internet-at-home this week
<---will promise him something with a fist if that doesn't happen
<---found a sneaky way to get online!
<---couldn't access Cathe from work but got around it!
<---no time - have to stay in sneak-mode...
<---will try back at lunch... oh no, have errands at lunch
<---waves a hurried hello to all and is OUT
<--- waves Hi and Bye in one swooping movement
<--- has been on the phone ALL morning
<--- has appt at the eye doctor in a few about 30 min and has to go
<--- is thinking about buying some of these wall plaques:
<--- likes the fruit, flowers, and birds
<--- will BBL
<--- *MWAH*

<--- jumps up and down and yells "MICHELE!!!" because she absolutely ADORES Sid Dickens memory blocks:)
<--- has no idea what to do with herself today
<--- is filling that void with food
<--- thinks this is not a good strategy
<---says late morning hello to Judy, Robin, Shelley, Shannon, Deb, Amy, Michele, Nancy, and all the other lovelies who enter
<---read the thread title and has been running in circles screaming ever since and tripped over all the stuff that needs to be de-cluttered
<---actually doesn't give a hoot today
<---translates, apparently we are a very giving family and DS has shared the sore throat
<---tells Amy and everyone to toss the scales
<---tells Robin to beat up the husband already for internet service
<---welcomes Judy over to declutter MY house
<---wonders if Shelley would notice <---'s to-do-list stapled to hers
<---wonders if Deb would notice 3 extra boybs at her house
<---tells Miss Nancy Pants not to sweat the closets <---can attest to the fact they'll be there for ya when you get to it
<---loves Michele's plaques and asks if she can p/u some new glasses for <---
<---absolutely hails Shannon as the new internet sleuth and still loves her camo
<---asks do we notice <---isn't up for doing a thing today:p
<---no washing machine recommendations here
<---is still using machine bought when we moved into house 26 years ago
<---also same refrig, dryer, dishwasher, oven
<---will probably all die at once
<---is not being very productive today
<---used up all <---'s productivity over weekend
<---just wants to take a nap now
<-- checks in again
<-- assures everyone that the last time <-- got on the scale was 5/7
<-- does not normally weigh herself
<-- only weighs herself when trying to keep body weight in the front of her brain (a.k.a. lose weight)
<-- is feeling kind of poopy about the whole thing; but then <-- realized <-- has been PMSing too so maybe it's not the biggest deal ever
<-- has been feeling rather thick around the middle lately
<-- is sure everything will get better once <-- can figure out how to quit the day job
<-- is sure that ain't gonna happen anytime soon :p
<-- is super sorry about Judy's washer!!!
<-- has had several unbalanced loads lately and feeling nervous
<-- was talking about the washer ^^^, LOL
<-- is excited about Robin's FINALLY getting online access from home!
<-- can't remember if it was Shannon who was sneaking around? Good job, my friend!! }(
<-- will be gone today, STUDYING
<-- misses you already
<---says study hard and get good grades
<---told DD that - she got an A and 3 F's
<---'s DD is no longer a student
<---should maybe tell Amy to goof off and flunk out
<---feels the need for a laugh and is looking for inspiration

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