Day after doing IMAX? (which workout do you do?)


I just wanted to know if it is good take a rest day the day after doing IMAX? I tried IMAX for the first time Wed. night and got all the way through it. I was so proud of myself. Then the day after, I tried Rythmic Step and my legs just gave out on me toward the end. I couldn't figure out how I could get through IMAX without even modifying but not all the way through RS? Is this because I should have rested the day after? Or could this be because it was my first time doing IMAX, my body was still in "shock"?

If you do workout the day after IMAX, which workout do you generally do?

Thanks in advance!!!

Danielle ;)
If this is your first time doing IMAX, I would definitely make the next day a rest day. Especially, if they feel like they are giving out. I think sometimes it is better safe than sorry (once you get an injury!) Generally, I would make the day after a light workout, rest or upper body. I usually like to save my rest days for a day after lower body strength training.
Yes it was my first time doing IMAX. I think I should have rested! I will definitely have to rest tonight.

Anything weights, but I could also do cardio. Actually now that I think about it I would avoid lower body the day after to ensure proper recovery..

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