Day 2 - 1 week CTX check in


Good day,

Today I have a rest day - AHHHHH
Looking forward to S&I tomorrow.

Sabine, I ready day 1 thread and saw how you did the All Step workout AND you got up at 4 AM! I think all step is a lot of fun too. It is really great to feel energetic and do all the power work. I know exactly what you mean about the flu shot and the shoulder work. I had a flu shot last month and my arm was sore. Not as bad as a tetnus shot, but still...

I'm anxious to hear about today's workouts. Brenda, how's it going? Tell all.

just getting a free moment now to check in. Yesterday was good-
I did the lo-hi segment of Max Cardio and followed it with Leaner Legs since it included the ab section that I missed the day before.
My legs were SHAKING by the end! Glad that was over. I need to check what I'm supposed to do now- I have the next hour and 1/2 to myself so I'll let you know what happens. Yup, I think Legs and Glutes is hard- especially the jumping squats.

Sabine, how do you get up that early? I'd love to try it and get my workouts finished so its not hanging over my head, but how?

Joy- have a relaxing day!

Ugh- I just checked and I'm supposed to do 10-10-10 today. I'm going to take a deep breath, get changed and let you know how it goes!
Hi all,

Getting up at 4:00 am was not pretty. When the alarm went off I did a huge 'ugh'! But I knew that I wanted to work out because of the conference I was attending and I knew that by the time I got home I would be exhausted (which I was). So I gutted it out. I usually wake up a 5:00 am to workout before going to work. Today, I treated myself and slept in till 6:00 am, worked out, and got to work just half an hour late. Luckily, my job is a contract job where it's based on total hours, not necessarily a certain amount of hours per day.

Anyway, today was Kickbox and for some reason I was approaching this workout with some dread. This was strange because I actually like this workout a lot. Once I got into it I was having a lot of fun and really emphasized the kicks today. I worked on getting them higher with good form. On my side and back kicks I pretty much got my kicks to parallel with the floor which made me very happy! I'm not a high kicker and this was high for me. So, I felt quite good about that. Did pretty good on the bicep work. Managed to do both sets of the crazy 8's with a 20# barbell. And did most of the alternating curls with my 10's. Had to drop down to 8's for the concentration curls as my biceps were fried at this point. Is it just me or is the sheer amount of curls just daunting when you really think about it. And to think that Cathe does most of them with 12's is just amazing to me.

Struggled through the prone planks. They are getting better and yet these are still tough for me. I did much better at the reverse planks. But I could only lift my leg up for 3 counts before I lost form and had to drop it. I'll make it through one of these days.

Tomorrow is Step and Intervals (what a great way to end the week) with Sunday off.

Hope you are enjoying your rest day Joy!

Brenda, hope you kick 10-10-10 butt!

Have a great Friday.
Ever have one of those days that you go through a workout but don't really feel like you did it? I was having a really hard time concentrating today for some reason so tomorrow I'm going to try to put my game face on before I start. I'm also going to switch from Boot Camp to All Step. My shoulder was feeling a little funky when I was doing pushups so I'm going to give it a rest, then take Sunday off.

Monday I may try to get up early to get my workout complete. I'll think of you Sabine if I actually make it!:) Great job on the biceps - I know, my arms are burning right now just thinking about it.

Have a great night!
I here ya, like you were just going through the motions but weren't 'in' the workout itself. That will happen to me from time to time as well.

Is All Step a workout you enjoy? If you're still feeling a little unfocused and it's not one of your favorites, pick one that is and go for it! Sometimes if I know my heart won't be into the 'scheduled' workout, I'll substitute a similiar workout that I really enjoy just to boost my enthusiasm and focus.

Way to listen to your body and avoid the shoulder work in Bootcamp. If your shoulder is bothering you be sure to skip the shoulder work in All Step as well.

Getting up in the AM is not that bad. After about two weeks my body was used to it and now it's really not that big of a deal. Hope that it works for you on Monday. Let me know.
Great job on the biceps Sabine. I just love the kickbox weightwork, it really pumps up my bi's - and 8# on the concentration curls is definately enough at that point...

Brenda, you are doing the right thing. I do believe the most important thing is having fun and if you are thinking a workout will not be fun-especially if its one you ususally like, its probably because your body is saying 'no'

I'm off for the weekend and I'll catch up with the check in on Monday.

I'll be thinking of you in the am when I'm warming up...

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