Danger Zone


I've gained a few pounds recently, in spite of working out
more than ever.

I just ordered a few books on how to eat to stay lean, but they haven't come yet. I just realized this morning though, that these books will probably talk about what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or maybe what to eat for mini meals during the day. But I don't think that meals are my problem. I think my whole problem is AFTER dinner, between the hours of 9pm to 12pm. This has always been the most difficult time for me to control what I eat. It is the DANGER ZONE.

I've tried just eating an orange, or just sucking on hard candies, but I always want more sweets after that! Does anyone have any ways that they have developed for effectively dealing with the Danger Zone? I really dread that time of day now!

Have you ever tried fudgesicles? (not sure of spelling). You can get them sugar free or regular. Even the regular are only 60 calories (if my memory is accurate) and very little fat. They definitely kill your sweet tooth. I very rarely get hungry at that hour but I keep these on hand just in case. Hope that helps.
This is probably the last thing you want to hear, but I thought it was interesting that Oprah, on a show last month talking about her latest weight loss and shape up, said she felt the most important thing was she ate absolutely nothing after - I think it was 7:00 p.m. (Maybe someone can jump in and correct me if I have the time wrong.) She kept saying, "Not even a grape!"

But that aside, have you tried a protein snack as opposed to something sweet? It might satisfy your hunger better and not bring on more cravings.


I don't usually eat after dinner. I eat 5-6 small meals during the day but nothing after 7:00 pm. Not only has this helped me lose weight, but has really improved my sleeping.

The thing about after dinner snacking (for me) is that one thing leads to another. First one cracker, then one pretzel....you know what I mean...it keeps going.

I eat dinner, fruit about half an hour later then I brush my teeth.
Psychologically, brushing my teeth helps a lot! LOL!

I hope this helps a little, but everyone is different.
I find brushing my teeth helpful, too! Something about the combination of clean, minty taste and the mind set of - "teeth are clean - the eating's over for the day."
I brush my teeth after dinner also so that eating is done for the day. One thing I do that really helps, though, is to tell myself that I am getting up early to exercise and if I start snacking after dinner, I'm getting up early for nothing. I rationalize that I would rather sleep later than have whatever the snack is, but I get up early the next morning anyway. Of course, that would only work for you if you are a morning exerciser.

I have the snacking problem between noon and 3pm - after lunch and before my kids get home from school. That's my Danger Zone and I am having a really hard time with it.


Brushing the teeth is brilliant for curbing the appetite. Though for me, I would go to bed early with a good book, after a long, warm bath, and leisurely get ready for bed. That way, you can't gravitate towards the kitchen :7

Yes, the Danger Zone must be planned for. Brush your teeth. Drink water or some decaf something or other, get busy doing non-food related things. And stay away from even the first high-carb mouthful or it's hard to stop. Put some protein in your last meal and then just stop eating. It's hard, but think of the alternatives!
Go to www.radiantrecovery.com for great advice. I too was craving sweets after dinner and up until bed. I read a book that said one of the reasons we crave sweets is because we are low on seratonin. The website I referred to is run by the author of this book. She suggested eating a potato or sweet potato or oatmeal or triscuits, something like that 3 hours after dinner and before bed. This has helped me tremendously. Please don't think poorly of me for admitting this, but 2 weeks ago (so Jan. 18th) I was eating 2 entire boxes of Little Debbie snack cakes a day (Swiss rolls and Coffee Cake). I ate at least 2 or 3 forms of chocolate/cookies/donuts/candy bars (usually more) a day everyday in Oct, Nov, Dec and the first 3 weeks of Jan. But since I started the potato thing on January 19th, I haven't binged once! This is huge for me! You are probably not as exteme as I was, but just check this website out. On the left hand side of the homepage, click on Potato Q&A. Hope it helps!
How about some herbal tea, either unsweetened, or sweetened with stevia (an herbal sweetner that is low glycemic and many times sweeter than sugar). Some of the herbal teas are fruity tasting, others are minty, some a combo of both. They're no calorie and can satisfy your craving for sweets.

Ie: Oprah and "not even a grape" after 7:00: she's known for going on extreme diet/exercise programs which don't last long. I would never be so rigid.
On the funny side of things, I like the Weight Watchers quote about being hungry in the evening that I saw somewhere: "If all else fails, go to bed!"

I just have to comment on the NEVER eat after 7:00 p.m. topic.... I went to a trainer a few times awhile back and he put a menu together for me etc.... He said that it depends on when you go to bed. For us late nighters.... as long as you don't eat anything approx. 1.5 - 2 hours before bed we should be good. He said that many who train intensely (he being one of them) will even wake up in the middle of the night and slam a protein shake or eat a piece of chicken! Yuck... I can not imagine eating a piece of Chicken at 3 in the morning :*

He also told me that during the night our body starves and bascily goes into fasting mode. He recommended I slam at least 1/2 cup O.J. or 1/2 of a ready-to-drink shake from EAS bEFORE my early morning workout to get the blood goin'.

I think this is all so confusing. I know that the EAS guy says just the opposite and that you should not eat before early morning workouts. I did BFL 1.5 years ago.... lost a ton of weight and gained it all back plus some when I went off the diet. My Dr. said it was because I cut my carbs down too low and my body was livin' off the muscle etc....

My trainer also said I should "never" be hungry! That if I am hungry to eat an apple, banana, orange etc.! This is absolutely opposite of what Oprah and her trainer said. My trainer said that when you are working out as intensely as I am that my body needs the food. He said that hungry feeling is my body eating away at muscle?? Hmmmmmm.........

I don't think there is any magic answer. Whatever works for you works! Maybe just try not eating at night for awhile. If you have great results.... then tape your mouth shut with duck tape after 7:00 p.m. ha ha ha ha ... Some nights I think it would take just that to keep me from my bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats (love em') I tell my DH who says "honey are you sure.... do you really want that".... I just say.... "yes, be quiet!!!!!"

Where is the super stick duck tape when we need it?
Think poorly of you!! You're talking to someone who regularly consumes a quart of ice cream per night, and sometimes even a half gallon! I've been addicted to ice cream my entire life. I have no business judging you, Jilly. Everyone's got their issues. :-(

Gonna go check out that website........

Good idea. Gotta buy me some stevia! Is that like the splenda that I bought? Or, since I'm such a coffee lover, maybe I should make myself a pot of decaf at night? Or would that make me want cookies? :-(
I hate to be a broken record, but do you keep a food journal? You honestly CAN eat goodies later in the day provided that they are the right goodies, and that you plan them in.

Not a day goes by when it's not my Friday cheat day that I don't have Jello Sugar Free Fat Free Pudding. This is my goodie that I look forward to, and I don't feel cheated since I allow it. I also eat before I go to bed. I don't like the feeling of being hungry at night.

A huge key to success in weight control is to not feel deprived. I don't know what books you're getting, but I always urge folks to check out Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss, and Volumetrics.

Just Do It! :)
Thanks Honeybunch-

Dr. Christiane Northrup is to me what Dr. Phil is to you, and she recommends the books by a Dr. Miriam Nelson. Dr. Nelson has a book called "Strong Women Stay Slim" which I ordered. I also ordered Body Rx, but I suspect that is too extreme for me.

I saw the recipes from Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss Cookbook in this month's issue of Prevention magazine, and they look scrumptious!! Now, if I could just get him over to my apartment to cook them for me. :)

Seriously, though, I will read and get what I can from all the books out there, but I don't think I need any radical changes in my diet. I just need to find a way to lose the ice cream. Can I retract the word "just" in the previous sentence? I think this is harder than when I quit smoking!

But oddly enough, posting here and talking about it and getting everyone's suggestions is really helping my determination! Thanks guys!
Hi Nancy! It sounds to me as if your not getting enough protein and fiber into your diet during the day. That's why your having such sweet cravings at night. You should be eating oatmeal in the AM, then a cheese stix w/an apple for a snack, then eat chicken, turkey or fish w/a yam or brown rice & veggies or a large salad for lunch, then cottage cheese & peach or pineapple for another snack & then your dinner. You can eat another protein at night. I was exactly the same as you and craved not only at night but all day long. Once I learned to up my protein and fiber intake I have NO SUGAR cravings any longer. Don't know if your doing this already but if not try it until the books come in the mail. Best, Kathy
Hi Nancy,

My doctor has also recommended "Stong Women Stay Slim" but I haven't got it yet. Let me know how it is! Also, I have an ice cream "problem" at night too. Since I've been on the Weight Watchers plan, I still eat ice cream (low fat kind, Not Fat Free) but I scoop it into a half cup container and just eat that. Either that or I have one of those Fat Free Jello puddings that Honeybunch has. I find that I can suffer through the after dinner hunger if I know there is ice cream coming.LOL. I don't really worry about eating it before bed because it's only a half cup and I still lose weight.

Oh yes, I also go to bed early ;)

Donna M

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