Danger Zone

>Good idea. Gotta buy me some stevia! Is that like the
>splenda that I bought? Or, since I'm such a coffee lover,
>maybe I should make myself a pot of decaf at night? Or would
>that make me want cookies? :-(

Stevia is actually from a plant. I get the liquid extract (which looks expensive, but isn't because you only use 2-5 drops or so to nicely sweeten a glass of water. If you use too much, it starts tasting bitter. It's several hundred times sweeter than sugar.)

I don't know much about Spenda, except that it is derived from sugar. I know it's many times sweeter than sugar, so you'd use less of it. OF course, with these things that are "hundred of times sweeter than sugar", if you get a powdered version of it, it has some kind of filler in. Otherwise it's almost impossible to measure out a tiny, tiny amount.
I like DR. Chris Northrup a lot too. In her book Wisdom of Menapause she gave a good rec. to DR Kathleen DeMasions http://radiantrecovery.com as well. Like HB I hate to sound like a broken record with my constant post that this is a great program to take a look at for food issues, BUT IT REALLY IS, IMO, LOL.

"Strong Women Stay Slim" is the same old stuff. Nothing new..other than that I have NO advice..

I looked at your workout pics and you look in top form! Is that your workout area?!?! Looks like a huge space. I want to come and live in Arizona too!!!


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