I agree. It's a populatiry contest, and NOT a contest of skill or talent or performance. I even called in and voted (for the first time) voting as many times as it would let me for Lisa, becasue I was afraid Jerry's football fans would pass him through (especially after he hade the HIGHEST call-in votes last week).
I think they should do like Skatiing with the stars and get rid of the call-in votes. The veiwer votes system works for American Idol, because those contestants don't have a fan base already, and they are getting votes based on their talent. Whereas here, the votes are definitely NOT based on talent, but on how many fans the person has. (I thought it was very telling that Jerry started really bumping up in viewer votes after his appearance at the Super Bowl).
Very unfair. I thought Lisa put a lot of heart and soul into the contest, and was most improved, and had a lot more to show us. Jerry not only picked up George's use of props, but his stiff way of dancing (which is fine if you're a 70+-year old man with broken ribs, arthritis, etc., but NOT a young guy).