Dana Reeves (non-smoker) has lung cancer

I know. I always thought her a kind of hero for never ever doing anything but positively supporting her husband, even through the worse. I feel so badly for her.
I was just with a group of girlfreinds and I heard this news. How sad for her, but how much sadder for her child(ren).

I am in shock! How much does one person have to go through!!!! I haven't even read the article as I am in so shocked and saddened. How horrible for her and the family. If they keep faith through this one I will be thrilled as I am not so sure I could. This has ruined my day and makes me wonder what THE HELL?!!!!!

Terri - thanks for stating that. I feel the same way. I was actually depressed over this. It does seem kind of all pointless right now. I just really want to ask whoever is in charge what the heck is he/she thinking!!
Christine-EXACTLY! I mean come on! Enough is enough. I am crying as I think of her son. I raised my son by myself and could not imagine my son having to go through the things/hell this kid had endured. I swear if anyone says it will make him stronger I will puke! Strong my a$$! Sheesh I am sorry but I am so pissed and upset right now. Anyway thanks Christine for seeing it the way I do!

I totally feel for her and her child(ern), I know what it was like to watch my parents in horror, when the doctors were petty sure that when I went in the hospital December the 9th I wasn't going to make it until X-mas of that year. And it was a battle everday, and all I could do was sit there and watch them struggle with just watching my body get worse and worse. She's went threw that with her husband and so has the children, now the child has got to do it again, with her. It's really really sad, and I wish her the best of luck on fighting this and not getting really sick.

I feel the same way - I could hardly believe it - I thought maybe she was a smoker - even though she never struck me as a smoker.

It seems to be a sick joke - I shouldn't really use the word joke because it isn't. This is absolutely HORRIBLE! I felt so bad for her when Christopher died when she was gone. She was such an inspiration - She stayed by his side for over 9 years.

She was totally dedicated to him - unlike most of the other Hollywood couples we read about.

I hope her the best and will continue to pray for her and her son.

Wow, how sad. I read the article and she seems to be so . . . .
serene about it, altho' I'm sure her initial reaction was "WTF?!".
I've read of people who develop cancer after undergoing periods of extreme stress and have a friend whose husband died suddenly at 44, leaving her w/ 3 teenagers. Within a year's time, she developed leukemia.
If there is a lesson here for us, it's that it's not important how long we live, but HOW we live. My prayers are with her.
That poor family, my heart goes out to them. As I posted under the Peter Jennings message, my father just died of lung cancer. He was never a smoker either, and very healthy prior to being diagnosed. The success rate of lung cancer treatments is awful unless it is diagnosed very early (which rarely happens). :-( If I've learned anything from my father's death it's to appreciate every day, tell friends and family how much I love them and never assume that I'll be here tomorrow.

I also hope that all this media attention will help research on lung cancer. It is the leading cause of cancer death with very minimal amounts of money going to finding a cure. Never assume that just because you never smoked you can't get it. (Not that anyone deserves to get this cancer!) Just my two cents.

I was just devastated to learn about this yesterday. The thing that makes it even worse is that in addition to losing her husband, she ALSO lost her mother - I think it was in January of this year! That is TOO much to ask one person to go through in less than a year!
This ruined my day yesterday. I was so upset for her and even more upset when I heard she went public with it because the tabloids were going to let it out of the bag. How awful she couldn't do what SHE wanted to do in her timing. I don't mean this to sound awful but when Chrstopher died I was thinking she can finally get on and enjoy her life a bit more due to not being at his side every moment which I TRULY respected her commitment to him. I was just happy she could have some "her" time and now, this! Sooo, sooo sad. Let's just hope and pray God heals her. My thoughts and prayers go out to her, her son, family & friends!
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Hi Marsha,

My father also passed away of lung cancer about 4 years ago. He was a former smoker but had quit about 20 years earlier than when he was diagnosed. You are so right about the success rate of treatments being very low. It's difficult to predict what would have happened in my Dad's case, but he died from a complication from the radiation treatments.

You are right about trying to increase the media attention on lung cancer. I hope this does happen.

I will be praying for the Reeves family and hoping for the best.

Take care, Sandra S.
I'm so sorry about your father. I have been quit now for 10 years and I foolishly thought that my risk factor was normal now. But I saw Larry King Live last night and the oncologist said that your risk factor for heart disease goes back to normal (baseline) 5 years after you quit smoking. But unfortunately the risk for lung cancer doesn't ever go back to baseline. How I regret smoking all through my 20's.!
That oncologist scared the heck out of me.

I sure hope that Dana will survive and be well again. I admire her so very much! I wish to be 1/100th the wonderful person she is.

I heard yesterday while I was running on the treadmill. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. She has been through so much already. I was watching a show last night and they said she was a nightclub singer. Can second-hand smoke do this? I was a raised in a house of heavy smokers. I have never smoked, but for the first 18 years I lived in a smokey house. Yuck!

At one point during the show they were talking about lung cancer awareness. They said it probably doesn't get a lot of attention because people feel that lung cancer patients bring it on themselves because of smoking. Maybe this will change now. It is so sad. I can't stop thinking about it.

Thoughts and prayers go out to Dana and her family.

I feel so terrible for her and was in shock too when I heard. What a sweet woman she is and she went thru so much with Christopher.
It does make me angry when people smoke around me as I choose not to smoke and don't want that crap getting into my lungs. Makes me mad to think she got lung cancer from people smoking around her too much thru her life. Just not fair!!!!

I have read several times that extreme emotional and physical stress breaks down the body's defense to disease. I could see how this would happen, especially in her case.

This is very sad but she's not dead yet. My father recovered from lung cancer from smoking although he died from Emphyzema later and I have another friend who is a lung cancer survivor.

She can beat this thing! Not everyone dies from cancer.

Not to minimize what she is going through but remember, there are whole families dying in Africa because of disease and no food to eat. People in these countries lose more than one family member at a time because of these reasons. Because they don't have celebrity, we tend not to think about that. Also, all the innocent people, including children dying in the middle east.

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