Damage Control'in on a Hump DAY!


Good Morning!

How is everyone? Im not sure 100% what the plan is here today. I am trying to decide if I should run out and do a few things in the morning or afternoon. I should probably do it sooner then later b/c of the crowds in the stores but if I put off my workout then DS won't let me do it after lunch. Descisions....descisions....:D

I had a great time at dinner last night. It was so nice to see everyone again. Now that everyone is back to work, we don't get together like we use to. I didn't over do it on the eating but my belly was bad after. I guess I ate something to rich...I had salmon.

Im also thinking that we should go pick up our real christmas tree today. That way it can sit for a day before I have to decorate it and I could do that tomorrow.

Im gonna read yesterdays thread, then Illl bb!

Good morning, Lori, and all who follow!

This morning's drive in was quite treacherous! We've got quite the storm goin' on right now, and of course, the worst of it had to take place during the morning commute. The kids have a snow day so they're happy :) I'm a bit jealous, too.

I did a 20 minute HIIT on the treadmill this morning. I'm enjoying the change of pace Afterburn is offering.

Lori: Glad to hear you had fun last night! It's always good to get together with friends this time of year. Enjoy picking out your tree :)

Jacque: Sometimes I enjoy working out "by myself", rather than with a dvd. It gives me some freedom, I guess. Sorry to hear work is sooo insane for you right now! That sounds horrible, and right around Christmas, no less! We're very busy around here, but fortunately our year end has already passed. Hope you find time for a break soon.

Hope everyone enjoys their day today! I'll bbl I think, because the phones should be slow today ***fingers crossed***

Mornin' Ladies,

I fell asleep at 8pm last night and slept all night. It was great to say the least. I didn't w/o yesterday at all. Our high for yesterday was 4 degrees so I gave Jerod a ride to school. I intended on going to the gym at lunch but didn't want to brave the cold.

I need to check my work emails, but if at all possible I will be working from home today.

Lori-I'm sure it was nice to see all the mom's and their kiddo's again. I think Canada has an awesome maternity leave program...isn't it a year??? We get 6 weeks paid, but there is always the option of using FMLA which is 12 weeks unpaid....but at my company you have to use all your vacation before you can use FMLA.

Laura-Nice job on the bonus!!! We don't get xmas bonuses at my company. I can say they sure would come in handy since DH has to take all those furlough days. We have been in an arctic zone the past few days. I hate this freezing cold weather.

Jen-I also bit the bullet and ordered precision nutrition. I'll probably just have DH give it to me for xmas. It's going to be a pretty lean xmas this year simply becuase it is costing a lot to get DS1 and the gd's here. It is a different company that is providing the "boot camp" classes in my business park. Because the classes are only 40 minutes, I was expecting a much higher intensity. I actually asked for my money back and the guy said he would give it to me. How does Afterburn compare to NROL4W? I have NROL4W but honestly haven't done it. I read it, but I must prefer working out to DVD's also.

Jacque-Sorry you are being slammed with so much work at year end. this is where prioritization comes in. Hard to prioritize I'm sure since year end isn't going to slide! I'm going to try to get into the Spring Break, registration is at noon EST today. Sharing a room works for me. Is DH's lack of work seasonal, due to weather, does it happen every year?

Wendy-So is the TV working now??? What kind of workout did you do yesterday?

Have a great day Ladies!
Hello .. thought I would try to check in quick this morning b-4 all H### breaks loose ..:D.. ok so this morning I got up the house was STIFFLING hot .. we went from being in the upper 30's and lower 40's to 68 degrees this morning .. :confused: WTH???? so I had on sweaters at first of week now i have on short sleeves .. BUT . . tonight the temps are to plummit and tmrw the high will be around 48 .. and drop down to 30 at night .. then FRI high of 42 and drop down into the 20's .. :confused::confused: go from short sleeves to a parka in a matter of 24 hours .. oh you gotta love the South :p

Lori .. hope the foot is better - and hope the search for the live tree goes well ... I love smelling mine .. just love a live tree ..

Jen .. drive carefull .. I saw all the storms your way .. think you, Wendy and Di are catching it .. seems we are all getting slammed at work .. UGH ...

Di .. glad you got a good night sleep last night ... 4 degrees .. YIKES .. and I am complaining about my 30's .. LOL ... my bonus wasnt a Christmas bonus we have never gottent those either .. would be nice too .. this was actually a bonus that we didnt get from last year b/c the economy tanked .. my collections met the goals #1 office so the incentive $$$ was for that :Dbut yes .. made the meeting worth it .. and it was a SURPRISE so makes a nice extra $$$ for Christmas :D:D I am a happy camper for sure!!

Jacque .. YIKES .... I take my complaints about my work back .. GEESH .. girl you ARE getting slammed w/work ... poor thing .. take some deep breaths and I will send some work energy to you (if I can muster any up) .. lOL .. maybe the forced rest will be just what you need for your back and joints to recover some .. (gotta think positive)

Wendy .. girl where are ya????

OK ... so PLYO was torture last night .. my doming buttocks were screaming at me last night .. but it was a great workout .. just what I needed . . now I have MORE doms in my buttocks .. and NOW my ABS have joined in .. YOWZA ...:confused: .. but I am not complianing :D .. so not sure what today will bring ... no class .. SIL has decided not to teach WED class thru the 1st of the year .. and I am not going to volunteer either .. so we will just have a break till first of year .. classes are slim anyways .. I have a much needed hair apnt this morning .. then DH is off.. feeling better and wants to process some deer meat tonight ... so I am going to help the sickly one w/that project when I get home ... so a workout might be slim to nothing today .. OH WELL .. ok .. gotta run .. have a great one!:D
Morning ladies !

Well I didn't sleep great last night but for some reason am raring to go today?:eek: Hopefully the energy lasts through the day. . .

Lori - You have me thinking of getting a tree at lunch today if DH is off early. It will be raining this weekend and that's the pits for picking out a tree. Then DH could climb the rafters this year for me and pull the Xmas decos down. You may have gotten me into the Xmas spirit after all. Thanks ! ;) Hope DS gives you time to do your run today.

Jen - Is Afterburn a combo of weights and cardio (HIIT)? or loads of HIIT to "rev" it up for the afterburn effect? Keep safe driving through the storm - saw on the news it is bad back there. Thanks for the well wishes - glad I came here to "visit" cuz you ladies are giving me the strength to make it through ! :D

Diana - well DH had a funny look on his face, but said he's OK if I go to SD for the EB weekend. I'll try to get there ASAP this AM - not seeing much interest on the other forums so will be interesting. I need to double check with the boss as to taking that Friday off but shouldn't be a problem. Fits in nicely with my payroll / month end schedule. Saw you will be down to -14 today ! :eek: Sure hope you can work at home. Let me know if/when you get signed up. I'm kinda getting excited - perhaps that's where my energy is coming from. Something to look forward to. DH hasn't been seasonal, but is in underground construction and the competitors are low bidding just to stay in business - some are taking losses which his small company cannot afford. It should pick up . . . he may need to start doing something rather than sitting around the house on the computer for half of every day ! :rolleyes:

Laura - so you had 68' y'day and we had 48' here in CA. Seems a little upside down, huh? :p Your DOMS stories are making me want to hit the weights and workouts - but I do need to heal first. Hope the stress can stay away for it to happen quicker. Today will be doing assistant's work and then digging into my piles to see what is there. Boss is willing to help (so why does a VP have that much time and I am swamped ? :confused:). We'll see how it goes.

Wendy - well hope all is well with you the past couple days. Whatcha been up to girl?

Back to see what is happening later . . .
Diana: I think you'll like PN. He's got some pretty good stuff in there.

Diana and Jacque: Afterburn isn't drastically different from NROL...mind you, I haven't looked at NROL in a while...but AB has four stages, four weeks each. The first stage is circuit style weights, higher reps. So he's got you doing 20 reps per exercise for 2-3 sets. IIRC, the reps are reduced in subsequent stages, and presumably your weight selection increases. He alternates three days of weights with three days of HIIT in the first and second (I think) stage, then each stage after that you add an extra day of HIIT so that during the last month you're doing five days of HIIT with three days of weights. He also adds intervals to the HIIT during each stage, so that month one you're doing three intervals plus warm up and cool down, month two is four intervals plus warm up and cool down, month three is four intervals of HIIT four times a week, and then the last month is five intervals of HIIT, five times a week. And the weight workouts (exercises) change each stage. It's a great program if you can do it without the aid of a dvd. I'd like to do all four months, but we'll see how that goes. Something more fun might hit the scene before I'm done ;) You know how that goes.

Laura: Nice to have warmer temps! But I think you're keeping them all for yourself when you should be sending some my way. We're going to be dealing with some freezing temps for a while I guess, according to the reports.

Yeah, what are you up to these days, Wendy? No good, I hope? ;)


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Not sure what happened to my post, but yes Jacque, I'm registered for San Diego, number 13. I haven't even talked to DH about it so I hope he doesn't mind.:eek:

Sometimes I lose my post when I open 2 windows, one to read and one to respond. Looks like mine was lost.

Jen-thanks for the info on Afterburn. I prefer working out to DVD's, or I should say I tend to stick with it more.

Laura-glad to hear you are getting some extra bucks this year. It's so hard when everyone is struggling.
Hi Girls~

I lay down with DS tonight and of course I fell asleep:eek: I was hoping to get up and go to walmart but I didn't get up until 9:40! Ugh! No way I was going out then! LOL

DS let me get my workout in earlier. I was very impressed! I did CC#6. I stopped there cause I didn't want to push my luck. Apparently we are suppose to get snow tomorrow so we will probably be staying inside and doing some things. Although....that is usually the best time to run out and do things cause no one else will be out!

Jen** How was your day at work? Quiet, like you hoped?

Diana** Yeah, we get a year off. We can also share it with our husbands. Its really 3 monthes of mat leave and 9 monthes of paternity leave. You can also take it together at the same time. Last year my sister and her husband were on leave at the same time when they were home for christmas. Of course she had to go back to work earlier. I think my brother and his wife did the same. He took a month and went hunting...there was no parenting going on! LOL We can also get 15 weeks sick leave prior to that with a dr's note...and 8 weeks without a dr's note! LOL When you pop out your baby, you just call them up and tell them that you are starting mat leave now.I think its great for the parents but not so much for the babies. Of course we have the option of taking the whole year b/c you get 55% of your wages but 6 monthes would be a lot easier on the babies b/c they aren't really scared of anyone at the age and aren't totally attached. Its harder for them when they have been home with mom for a full year. If you aren't making good money its easier to stay home b/c by the time you pay a sitter f/t its not worth it.

Jacque** Well...Im glad I could help!:D I was in the Christmas mood but not so much now. I usually take a night to wrap gifts and put on some chrstmas music. I haven't done that this year. Ive been wrapping them, whenever, wherever!

Laura** Was work crazy again? And DH is on the mend??? Awesome weather by the way! Kinda jealous but I know what to expect in my neck of the woods and it ain't 68 degrees!

Tomorrow night I am getting together with my 2 gf's to get in the hot tub, have slushy drinks , ordering food and exchanging ornaments! Im looking forward to it!

Good night everyone!


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