Damage Control with Insanity...TGIF!


Good Morning!:D

Im feeling fine considering what time I went to bed last night. It was almost 1 by the time I went to sleep and up before 6:30. Its a good thing I don't have a boss who likes to work! haha! I tell him that all the time!

So I was the last one to check in last night...not a whole lot to say this a.m. I am leaning towards a circuit workout with the TM again. Doing legs this time and not UB of course. I just have to decided which one. I would like to get a good sweaty workout in b/c I ate a lot last night! hehe!

I will bbl to report my workout!

Good Morning!

Just wanted to stop in quickly to say hi! On my way to get MIP out of the way! I have to food shop and pack this morning before work! Heading to A/C right after work with the girls! WOO HOO! Be back on Sunday afternoon! I will try to get back here and catch up on personals before I leave this morning!

Have a great one ladies!:D
Hey Girls,

Quick check in for me. Lets see how fast I can type this without making any mistakes! LOL:D My boss is around so I am taking the chance on checking in with hopes that I don't get busted! hehe!

So todays workout ended up being some of the leg work from PLB, mostly up and I did 5 miles on the TM. It was a good sweatfest.

Wendy** Enjoy your trip!!! How many girls are you going with? I wish I were doing something girlie this weekend. Work, work...work!

I will bbl!
Good Morning girls!!

I can finally report that my Insanity rotation is complete!! :D:D:D I did Max Recovery yesterday and Max Cardio Condititioning this morning. I did skip out on Cardio Abs, but really, after MR yesterday, who needs it? ;)

The boss is out of the office today, so I think I'll have time to catch up!

Gonna go read and will BBIAB!!

TGIF Ladies,

It's been a long week and I'm looking forward to the weekend. Why do people like to have early meetings all the time?? I prefer 10am or later for meetings. It gives me a chance to answer any voice mails, emails etc and plan my day. Oh well, a short w/o will be had this morning. Probably 4ds bootcamp or kickbox.

Oh my, HST left me drenched yesterday. On top of missing wt training the last couple months, the step ups (used 15#) and hover squats were just what I needed.

There is a local HM in the fall that I've done several times in the past. I received an email yesterday saying they are having a spring HM in March. It's the same route and I find myself strangely interested. The only drawback could be the weather. I'm going to think about for a couple of days.

Wendy/Jen-Congratulations on completing the full Insanity rotation. Way to go girls! Your rotation looks good Wendy. I'm sticking with GS for a few weeks before I pick something else. Have a great time in AC.

Lori-nice w/o this morning. Was it hard to run after doing legs? I know you say you don't like doing leg weights, with all your running it's probably okay not to.

Morning Ladies ! Time for the HAPPY FRIDAY dance, yes ? ? ? :eek:

Went to DH's hockey game (mainly so I could watch the Sharks on a TV since we don't get it - DS2 had our tix for the game). DH's team lost big time and the Sharks lost in a shoot out. :confused: Ah well, it was nice to get out.

Not doing a workout this AM cuz I have a meeting at lunch and some meeting prep work I have to go shopping for before work so I can come home straight after. I have 4DS Bootcamp/Bi's & Tri's on tap for this evening.

Lori - Unlike you, I was tired when I got home at 11:15 and doubt I was awake much after the head hit the pillow. Slept all the way through *inserts a Woo Hoo* until 5:30 which is at least an hour longer than usual lately. Nice you got your workout in - the Pyramids . . . may try to insert those into my rotation with an up or down only - thanks for the idea ! ;) So you have work this weekend? I'll still be working on more "facelifting" to the house and may tackle some of the deep cleaning since we have company the Mon after Thanksgiving weekend.

Wendy - nice job getting your workouts in too. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned - so will you be working out or you gonna just enjoy yourself? I'm guessing we can visit FB to see how your weekend is going as it happens? :p You usually post pics ? ? ?

Jen - NICE JOB on completing Insanity as written. I did well the first month but shortly after M2 started all things went to crap for me. Ah well, somewhere along the line it did benefit me - I feel my endurance is much better than previously. I need to do a run to see how that is going too. Perhaps I can fit that in this weekend. Though we have mountain lion sightings on my running path so would have to be TM for me.

Laura - the weekend is here girl ! You excited with big plans? How will the WAAAARRRR EAAAAGGGGGLLLLEEESSS, GO TIGERS be doing this weekend?

Diana - How is the rotation going for you? I am feeling sore (not bad but mildly) in every muscle but the bi's which will probably be sore tomorrow after hitting them tonight. And you have an Avs game tomorrow? I didn't see that the Sharks play them tomorrow - you have me :confused:.

Time to get this bootie in gear and get outta here to start the day. Have a great one girls !
Wendy: A salad for dinner after a big-azz piece of cake is what damage control is all about!! Congrats on finishing the rotation! Don’t you feel accomplished? I do. You rotation idea looks great, but I don’t think it’s enough Shaun for me ;). I’m keeping it pretty simple for the next month with more focus on weights, but I want to use the deluxe dvds as much as I can. So I’m planning on using his upper body workout twice a week, doing one leg workout per week, and then doing at least two HIITs (a la month one Insanity methinks) and one long steady state, probably a run. I also gave a bit of thought to tacking on a 20 minute steady state session after the shorter HIIT sessions. That may be a bit ambitious, though, we will see...Have a blast this weekend in A/C! (And a martini for me:p).

Lori: I think I’ll jump on your idea of not eating after dinner. As I was snacking on sesame sticks and pub cheese last night, I thought "Hmmm, maybe Lori is on to something...." :rolleyes: My diet all day was pristine, and then I blew it. Are you really up for a girls weekend even after staying up playing cards until one? I bow down to you. I just can’t handle that anymore :eek:.

Jacque: I’ve been so in and out around here lately that I missed what rotation you’re doing. Are you doing your own thing or something written by someone else? How’d the PT appt. go yesterday? Sorry to hear you’re having such troubles with that. It’s awful frustrating when you’re dealing with limitations.

Diana: Thanks re: the Insanity rotation. I’m glad to be done with the strict routine, even though I know I always "perform" better when I’m following one. I’m not sick of Shaun though! So I’ll be sure to get my fix every week for a while. Are you and Jacque following the same rotation?

Laura: I have a feeling you might be one of the 150,000 without power! Hope that’s not the case and we hear from you soon.

Ok, seriously, it took me about an hour to write this. WTH? Darn work :mad:;).

Will be poppin’ back in later to see what’s shakin’~

Hey Girls!

I have FIVE MINUTES before I have to head out the door! Just wanted to wish you all a good weekend!

I cut MIP short because of the busy morning I had planned. I did each circuit cycle only 2 instead of 3 times but it was enough. I am worn down for some reason. Not sure if Insanity has taken it all out of me or if I might be getting sick (grrr!) but I am glad I had to cut it short. Blessing in disguise I think!

Gotta go!

Be back Sunday afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TGIF .. but Friday the 13th :confused:

Yesterday was a day straight from H### :mad: it was two Mondays rolled into one .. OMG .. it was worse than INSANE .. I would have sworn it was a full moon .. I didnt stop all day .. and today is not much better .. my head is pounding and I am ILL ... :mad::mad::mad:... come on 5;00 ... please dont let me get a migraine before my FRI night begins!!!

No workout to report on my INSANE THURSDAY :mad: ... forced rest day .. my bod needed anyways .. today is REVABS strength workout .. IF I can manage to get out of here .. and my head doesnt get worse.

Lori ... I am sneaking in here too ... UGH .. work sure does interfere w/a lot of things huh??

Wendy .. WOOHOOOO .. sending {{{{ good luck }}}}} vibes .. have FUN .. WIN WIN WIN .. and be safe!!! :D think DH winnings is burning a hole in his pocket.. he wants to go back .. I told him he should bask in the glory of his winnings for a bit longer .. LOL .. he is off this weekend (2 weekends in a row is VERYRARE) have fun!!!!

Jen .... WOOHOOO on completing Insanity .. although we all know how much you *heart* SeanT .. have a feeling you will still be seeing a lot of him ;)

Di .. ITA .. this week even w/an off day has been excrutiatingly LOOOOOONGGGGG .. I am so ready for 5:00 it is not even funny!! So you gonna do the HM?????

Jacque .. my power came back on WED late afternoon .. tree on a line just down from my house .. OH WELL .. My Tigers play GA bulldogs this weekend .. gonna be a tough game ... I hope we "bring it" ... and WIN ... WAAAARRRRRR EAGLE .. WIN!!!!! sorry the DH AND the sharks lost .. bummer ... LOL aobut you watching the sharks while DH played .. that sounds like something I would do .. LOL!!!!!

OK .. sooooooooo tomorrow SIL and I will probably do and INSANITY workout .. then I think SUN we are gonna try an advanced REVABS workout just to see what it is like!!

OK .. I gotta run .. gonna pop another Advil Migraine .. UGH .. they are having Thanksgiving lunch here today .. but I am being good and skipping .. gonna workout instead .. have a great day ... hope it is a GOOD Friday 13th !!!:D

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