Monday mornin' already here!
Just finished a 3-mile run. Our visitors are all runners/bikers, so I had company this morning. There were 4 of us. We ran 3 miles in 30:48. Not Miss Lori's speedy 6 miles in 50 minutes, but I'll definitely plead altitude and hills for us!
So, Diana was asking about my next rotation. Here's what I've decided. I've been running 3 days a week, and I'm going to keep that. When we're in the States 6 week from now, I will depend on my running when we have to travel, so I need to be in good running shape. I'm just going to tweak the other 3 days. I was doing:
Tues: upper
Thurs: lower
Sat: circuit
I'm going to turn my Tues workout into a total body weights workout. I'm going to keep the leg weights moderate so that I don't sabotage my upper body training. But it will be a chance to work on form and on really going deep into the moves.
Thursday will be lower body, and I'm going to use the 4 STS plyo leg workouts.
I've been debating about Saturdays. Part of me wants to keep the circuits, but I'm also thinking about interval training. I think I'm just going to pick the 4 workouts that combine what I want: Low Max (cardio and legs), Intensity, Circuit Blast, and . . . not sure on #4. Too many good options.
So, that's my new rotation. Whatcha think? Good cardio and legs without totally losing my upper body? Obviously, I won't make upper body gains that way, but by going light on legs on that day, I'll still train the upper hard.
Gotta jet. Time to get kids to school. BBL.