Mornin' Glories.
Well, hallelujah today is my day off! I love it when days off come this quickly after a weekend!

Jacque:: I meant quad stretch, not hamstring stretch. DUH. LOL I stretch it out every day after my work out when I am quite warm but it still hurts like mad. You know in SS Debbie doesn't do any quad stretches except for one which is probably at the end of the leg work out yet she works legs every day. I didn't realize it for the first couple of weeks so I really didn't stretch 'em. I am thinking that could be my problem so I am stretching them on my own every day now. I've also lightened up on the ankle weight work using only a couple of pounds instead of 5. 5 pound ankle weights for these work outs is admittedly quite heavy (I guess I want to be wonder woman or something! LOL) and probably put strain in that area when my legs were up in the air for several exercises that are done. Sorry you aren't feel your best these days. Keepin' fingers crossed that it doesn't last as long as it did last time. Sorry no work out for you y'day but it happens. Don't fret. Just lace up and kick some azz today instead!
If you are planning on doing a BM work out in full today then you will surely make up for lost time. If you REALLY wanna make up for lost time, do MIC. OMG doing that work out in full could kill a person I swear! LOL
Laura:: The pain you describe sounds like what it feels like when the arthritis in my neck acts up. It's awful. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often. {{{FEEL BETTER}}} vibes comin' at ya! So you are all packed up?? Where are you going? You are all over the place so I can't keep up! LOL I didn't get the entire Insanity program, just the preview disc but it's a full work out. I'm excited and scared to do it all at the same time!
Diana:: Congrats on the weight/fat loss! That's AWESOME progress! What kind of eating plan does she have you on if you don't mind my asking?? Good luck with the new rotation! Hope BC class was fun!!! Does the rec cntr close often for maintenence?? That's a bummer. I feel sorry for those who don't work out anywhere else. I'd be pissed. Don't feel so bad on stalling with the early AM work outs. When I get around to doing one I stall like mad before it actually gets done! LOL So did your DS try to find a job out in Oregon before he moved out there?
Today's work out will be....heh heh...I guess I don't even need to say it, right?
Off I go to finish my coffee and decide what else I will do today! I feel so "free" as the house is picked up, laundry is almost all done so I'll have time to have a little fun! Perhaps (since DH is back to work), I will take a ride to the outlets and shop for new sneakers! I need them BAD and saw some I liked when we were there a few weeks ago!
Lator Gators!!!
Well, hallelujah today is my day off! I love it when days off come this quickly after a weekend!
Jacque:: I meant quad stretch, not hamstring stretch. DUH. LOL I stretch it out every day after my work out when I am quite warm but it still hurts like mad. You know in SS Debbie doesn't do any quad stretches except for one which is probably at the end of the leg work out yet she works legs every day. I didn't realize it for the first couple of weeks so I really didn't stretch 'em. I am thinking that could be my problem so I am stretching them on my own every day now. I've also lightened up on the ankle weight work using only a couple of pounds instead of 5. 5 pound ankle weights for these work outs is admittedly quite heavy (I guess I want to be wonder woman or something! LOL) and probably put strain in that area when my legs were up in the air for several exercises that are done. Sorry you aren't feel your best these days. Keepin' fingers crossed that it doesn't last as long as it did last time. Sorry no work out for you y'day but it happens. Don't fret. Just lace up and kick some azz today instead!
Laura:: The pain you describe sounds like what it feels like when the arthritis in my neck acts up. It's awful. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often. {{{FEEL BETTER}}} vibes comin' at ya! So you are all packed up?? Where are you going? You are all over the place so I can't keep up! LOL I didn't get the entire Insanity program, just the preview disc but it's a full work out. I'm excited and scared to do it all at the same time!
Diana:: Congrats on the weight/fat loss! That's AWESOME progress! What kind of eating plan does she have you on if you don't mind my asking?? Good luck with the new rotation! Hope BC class was fun!!! Does the rec cntr close often for maintenence?? That's a bummer. I feel sorry for those who don't work out anywhere else. I'd be pissed. Don't feel so bad on stalling with the early AM work outs. When I get around to doing one I stall like mad before it actually gets done! LOL So did your DS try to find a job out in Oregon before he moved out there?
Today's work out will be....heh heh...I guess I don't even need to say it, right?
Off I go to finish my coffee and decide what else I will do today! I feel so "free" as the house is picked up, laundry is almost all done so I'll have time to have a little fun! Perhaps (since DH is back to work), I will take a ride to the outlets and shop for new sneakers! I need them BAD and saw some I liked when we were there a few weeks ago!
Lator Gators!!!
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