Damage Control September :)

Today is my last day of plyo legs. Hopefully a bike ride tonight. We didn't get many miles in this weekend, so we're trying to make up for it this week. It's with great sadness that we had to dig out our bike lights already. On a brighter note, To the Max was on the daily deal last week, so that's on its way to me! :eek:

Diana, I totally missed your post about your Grand Niece. Happy to hear she's doing better. I can't imagine a baby that tiny. My nephew seems so small at seven pounds. I like your idea of paying your DS $1 a pound. I think I'll steal your idea for my DS. Due to meds he took when he was younger, he still carries a great deal of weight around his mid section. We're doing a nutrition course and he walks two miles everyday. Last year we used BC, upper and lower premix three times a week. I'm going to try GS, time saver premixes this year. He's really motivated. I just added Fed Up to my Netflix queue, that should motivate the whole family. :) Great job on finishing Meso 1. I've decided to go back down the STS pyramid, so we'll be doing a portion of Meso 2 together. I'll be a week behind you.

Off to workout, school, and grocery shop (blech). :)
I did 20@30/30 of sprints in the park today for my workout! Weather was gorgeous! :) Ass is too sore for weights today!
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Hi Ladies,

No workout for this sick chick. I didn't workout yesterday or today. I did sleep very well last night though. My stuffy head, sinus headache, sore throat and ears are no fun. The sinus headache is the worse though. I'm not running a fever, so I hope to get back to my workouts tomorrow.

Thanks for all the prayers for baby Belle. She is 1 week old and is doing amazing. She definitely has a long road ahead of her. They are hoping she will be well enough, big enough, strong enough, to take home by the end of November.

DS and I both weighed in for the 10wk challenge. This is my post 6wk challenge ending weight and starting weight for the 10wk challenge. I don't have all the stats, but am down over 2#'s. I'm going to have DH take pics now and when the challenge is over. The diet has made a huge difference in how my clothes feet and actually seeing some muscle definition.

Wendy-I can't believe you are doing sprints after not really running for a long time. You will be speedy quick with all the sprints you are doing. Nice work! I never succumbed to Cathe on Demand. I have all the dvd's already and just pick what I want each day. It does sound good though, getting rid of all the hard copies etc. What if your connection is bad, or network/internet goes down?? Those are my reasons so far for not subscribing. There may come a day though.

Tina-looking forward to plyo legs, yes I am! I hope to start meso 2 on Saturday or Sunday. DH won't let me ride when it's dark, and I wouldn't really want to anyway. It will be getting dark earlier soon. Did I $1 per pound....I'm paying him $10 per pound lost. If he loses 10#'s, he gets $100.

What happen to the rest of our group...Hello Laura, Jacque and long lost Lori Ann.

Hi Ladies.

I was reading my ACE manual for the past couple of hours and needed a break so I popped in to say hi! :) I enjoyed my FULL (and gorgeous!) day off but tmrw it's back to the grind- working 9-1 and 5-8. :)

Di:: Thanks re the sprints. Speed has always been the hardest thing for me to improve and even though I say I would one day like to complete a marathon still, I'm not sure that I will ever make that commitment so distance just isn't as important to me as speed these days. Plus, when it comes to being prepared for Spartan races, hills, sprinting, navigating rocky trails, and intervalling a run with body weight exercises is more important then endurance training. Does that make sense? :) Oh, I have no worries about internet service going down and leaving me Cathe on demand-less because she is no longer a go-to instructor for my work outs. No one is actually. I am, more often then not, my own personal trainer these days. ;) I still use my dvds but do not depend on them nearly as much as I used to. I DO still want to complete a TA rotation one of these days though. :eek::rolleyes: Anyway, I digress...still being an avid Cathe work out user, I can understand your hesitance in paying for on-demand. I'm still arguing with myself over canceling...I'm certainly not using $20/month worth of her work outs. Not even close. :confused: I would really like to unload a lot of my remaining dvd collection too but I put several up for sale a long time ago on ebay/amazon and they never sold. I should revisit and adjust pricing to get rid of them...perhaps their "run time" expired and I don't even know it! :confused:
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Yesterday I did plyo legs, but bowed out of a bike ride because I felt sick most of the day. Woke up feeling better and tried TTM, extreme premix and it kicked my fanny. If I rated workouts by the amount of sweat I have to mop up after, this would be a 10 out of 10. Crazy sweating, and it's cold here today. I did BC, upper/lower premix w/ DS after. I warned him about the upcoming GS workouts. ;)

Diana, you probably did say $10 a pound, but my inner checkbook saw $1. I think once we have a nutrition plan in place, I'll up my bid to $5 (maybe $2.50), he has more money than me. I hope you're feeling better and your workout went as planned. :)

Wendy, how tough if the ACE exam? How long does it take to complete? Blah, I hate tests!
Yesterday's work out was 3 rounds of 8 exercises with 18 seconds of rest between each 32 second work period. Exercises were as follows::
Side Slide Lunge Right
Side Slide Lunge Left
Myagis (core work done in push up position with hands on gliding discs)
Ice Skaters
1/2 Kneeling Alternating Shoulder Press
KB Alternating Swings
Alternating Bent Over DB Rows

Today's plan is a run after work outside b/c I think it's going to be a nice day!:)

BBL for personals!:cool:
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Hi Ladies,

This morning was BR Day 8. Still not feeling 100% yet but am much better.

We are taking MIL to breakfast tomorrow morning for her birthday and get to meet DS1's girlfriends daughter if that makes any sense. The daughter spent most of the summer in Washington DC, Spain, and California with her grandparents so we've never met her. Her name is Natalia and the girls loved her and even told her she wished she was their twin too! Natalia is 9yrs old and I think the girls liked having an older "sister" so to speak. DS, Liz and Natalia are all going to Portland over the Columbus day weekend.

Wendy-I totally understand! I more into the HIIT type workouts now myself. I still like to do a minimum of 45 minutes though. I know you never liked school, but you sure do have to study a lot. ACE is top notch and with your other certs under your belt, I'm sure you'll do awesome on this one too!

Tina-TTM extreme premix is one of my favorites. I'll probably do that one this weekend! We have snow today.....seriously...it's only September. It's supposed to be in the 70's over the weekend and back to the 80's next week.

Hello - and happy FRIDAY

Yes I am still alive .. sorry I have been MIA! there are no words as to how busy - short handed - pulled in every direction - and stressed out I have beena and am! :confused: however .. I am still here .. been missing our check in - but havent had a spare second to get here ..

I have been exercising - mainly Pi-Yo -Zgym - and T25 .. LOVING Pi-Yo .. and surprised at the strength gains I have been getting from it - hopefully when the weather turns cooler I can get back to some running .. IF THE BODY cooperates .. right now ..there is no way I could run .. stress is still attacking my body/tummy (have got to find time to call dr about it)..

Wendy - the spartan races look fun!! I love the picture of you in the mud!! LOL .. WTG on the sprint work! and good luck with the ACE exam!!

Di - hope Baby Bell keeps getting stronger and bigger!! sorry you are sick .. ugh .. we have another girl out .. I swear I think she has that mysterious respritory disease .. she has been sick for 3 weeks now .. terrible!! $10 a pound .. wow .. talk about motivation .. that should work!! ...e eeeekkkk .. SNOW ???? geesh .. it is stil 98 degrees here .. yikes!!!

Hello to all that follow ..it has taken forever to type this .. better run ... have a great weekend .. and I will try to check in more often!!
Hi all!

Sorry I've been mia, I've been busy but also had trouble logging in for some reason.

School is in full swing, only piano hasn't started due to the teacher being ill. I've been butting heads with JTrain with prealgebra.

Workouts were low key this week:
Sunday- off
Monday- slide and glide muscle conditioning premix 30 min I think
Tuesday- LIS UB express 19 min
Wednesday- turbo barre lower body express 52 min
Thursday- yogamax express 2 30 min?
Today- tabatacise 1-2 with core 2 37 min

Does anyone use table talk app for this?i was using the cathe app, but now that I'm logged out on my iPad, I can't get back on because I forget my password! Then I couldn't get on from the websites, checked the FBpage to see if there was something wrong, but nothing. But I just starting putting in some passwords and one of them worked, but I don't remember which one! And I haven't gotten an email update in forever it seems. But maybe that's because I was having trouble getting on. And I couldn't get there time wise on another device...

Happy Friday!
Yesterday's work out was 10 minutes of walking lunge intervals, 10 minutes of sprint intervals and 10 minutes of steady state running at the park.

Today's work out was this::
W/U:: 2 rounds of 10 reps each of Toe Touch Squat, Split Stance Squat, T Squat and Push Up with Ankle Mobility.
Weights:: 3 rounds of 10 reps each of Reverse Lunge R, Plank to Push Up R, Reverse Lunge Left, **Plank to Push Up Left, DB One Arm Row R, Floor Bridge with Moving Arms, One Arm Row L. (**final round of plank to push up was only 5 reps each time)
Conditioning Round 1::8@10/20 of ice skaters and weighted speed squats.
Conditioning Round 2::8...@10/20 of jumping alt lunges and low impact alt lunges.

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I did it again, checked in and forgot to hit submit on Friday. I finished Meso 3, so this will be my rest week. I plan on mainly kickboxing and riding all week. I took Saturday off and we rode 50+ today. I had DH try the ab section of TTM when we got back, he was pretty grumbly, "really, this is the one you had to choose"?! :D

Diana, glad to hear you're feeling better. I had some sort of 24 hours bug on Thursday, couldn't get out of my own way. Have you used your Garmin yet? It was so windy here today, head wind no matter which way we turned. I wish the Garmin had a wind speed read out, it could justify the poor average speed reading. How's the baby doing?

LL, what pre algebra program are you using. DS uses Teaching Textbooks for all of his math. It's 100% computer based and the instruction is fantastic. Great job with keeping up on the workouts. I don't know how you find the time with your school load. I can barely keep up with one.

Lori, good to hear from you. Sounds like you need another vacation, or a new job. ;)

Wendy, when do you take the Ace exam?
Good Morning Girls.

Up n Adam for another early a.m. work out session! WOOT!:D

Tina, So you finished your STS rotation? :) That's funny re: your DH! I remember when I had DH do Cathe's infamous drop set push ups with me at the gym. He was not a happy boy. :p Prior to that, he had done Pyramid Upper for a while and admitted right away that it was a very difficult work out! So I didn't actually schedule my ACE exam yet (I think you get 2 hours to complete it, btw) but I have to be certified within 6 months of hire at the new place. I started mid August so I need to have taken/passed the exam by mid February. Even though I just passed NASM in June, I hear ACE is quite different so I can't just "review" the material and jump right into testing. That being said I'll be scheduling my exam for no later then (and hopefully sooner!) mid January so I have a month to study & retake it God forbid I don't pass the first time! :eek:

LL:: I think I downloaded that table talk app a while back when it was first announced here. I didn't "get it" so I deleted it. :confused: I take it your DS isn't liking pre-algebra?

Laura:: Yes, the Spartans are tough but fun too! Sorry you are still so stressed out. :( Glad you are loving PiYo. I still consider buying T25 at times but then I think since I have Insanity I don't really need it. :rolleyes:

Di:: Glad you are starting to feel better. I hate being sick! Awww, that's so sweet that your DGDs love Natalia. :) Seriously - like I said on FB - If I only knew I wouda' just gone to college for this crap! LOL :p Although most places still want a certification so it wouldn't really change much short of my going into business for myself which won't be happening any time soon if at all! :rolleyes:

BBL w/my work out!:cool:
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Hi Ladies,

I had a busy but wonderful weekend. Saturday we took MIL out to brunch for her birthday. We also got to meet Liz's (DS1's girlfriend) 9 yr old daughter Natalia. She is a lovely girl. Then it was off to run errands etc. I also managed a BR w/o and started Meso 2. Disc 13 which was CST. Sunday I did another BR w/o and disc 14-legs. OMG, it was trisets and super tough! DH and I also had a couples massage for our anniversary-26 yrs on the 17th. :)

Today is the first day of the 10 week weight loss challenge! There is a 6:30pm class tonight followed by a meeting afterwords. Jerod will not be able to make the w/o because he has class. Hopefully he can/will show up for the meeting.

Baby Belle is doing amazing. She is getting stronger everyday. She finally has her eyes open. They've been covered since her birth on the 3rd.

Laura-sorry about all the stress. {{{{HUGS}}}} I never caved on PiYo and am not sure I will. Sounds like you are getting good results from it and that's what matters!

LL-You are doing great keeping up with your workouts!! I think trying to teach my kids would be very difficult, you are amazing! I tried using tapatalk on my tablet but don't really care for it. I use my laptop most of the time. I have to say using MFP and keeping macros close to what my coach suggested is working for me. I hope to have the results of the 6 week challenge tonight.

Tina-I just started Meso 2, we can commiserate together! DH installed my computer and cadence sensor yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Perhaps this next weekend.

Wendy-You are rockin' the morning w/o's. I can't believe I get up at 5am to workout. Trust me, I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to. I just know that I won't exercise in the evening. It's really the only way I will get it done. With your other certifications under your belt, I'm sure the ACE exam will be a piece of cake!


Hello ..

well finally broke down and went to eye dr - been seeing spots realy bad in my GOOD eye - having migrains .. long story short .. boils down to STRESS - he wants me to follow up w/my regular dr - so I will be going today and see about the on going tummy issues also .. *sigh*

Di - glad Baby Belle is doing good .. that is great .. good luck on the weight loss challenge .. to you and DS

Wendy - T-25 isnt like Insanity -but you are rocking your own workouts .. lol .. no need to get any new ones!!!

LL - hey .. at least you are keeping up workouts .. that is all that matters!

OK .. we are busy (shocker) .. gotta jet ... have a great one .. planning on doing either t-25 zwow or pi-yo tonight .. seeing as i have missed four days of workouts .. $%!$#%$# .. have a great one!
Hi Ladies,

I attended the bootcamp class last night at the new gym. I stayed for the talk afterwards about the challenge. It was the same information for the last challenge so I didn't need to stay after all. A couple of the girls from the rec ctr were at the new gym too. I knew they were going there but hadn't run into them yet.

I also got my stats from the 6wk challenge- down 2lbs, BMI down .3, body fat percentage down 1.7%, skeletal muscle percentage up .9 and my body age went down 1 yr. Not a significant change, but I can definitely see a difference in the way I look. I'm finally understanding the reason behind taking before/after pics.

This morning was STS disc 15, Back & Biceps. Biceps work is so tough for me.

Laura-Now that your health and DH's health is being affected by all the stress, maybe it's time to do something about it. We all have choices, maybe you need to look at alternatives to whatever is inducing all the stress in your lives. It sounds like your workouts are the only thing helping with your sanity! I know that all too well. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you really need to take care of your health, it's all you've got.{{HUGS}}

I also got my stats- down 2lbs, BMI down .3, body fat percentage down 1.7%, skeletal muscle percentage up .9 and my body age went down 1 yr. It will be interesting to see how things change by Nov 7th.

bbl to see what everyone else is up to.
So far this week I've done; In The Ring, X10 (premix X38), BC (premix upper & lower), 4DS (kickboxing/weights) and a really dark night ride. I have my bike light charging for tonight's ride. It gets dangerously dark around 7:00 now. I think I'm going to do a Peak Fit workout tomorrow, I haven't done one in ages. I'm supposed to be on a rest week, but I could help myself with 4DS today. I really like the kickboxing workout all the way through.

Happy Anniversary Diana! :) We have our 25th coming up at the end of this month. We'll do our usual long ride up the coast of Maine and then come home, clean up, and grab the kids for a family dinner out. The way you feel about bicep work, is how I feel about shoulder work. I'm such a wimp in the shoulders, I wipe out really fast. That said, I know you can curl way more weight than I can. Congratulations on the continued weight loss success! :)

Off to get my bike ready and suited up. This cold weather is a real Debbie Downer!
Hi Girls.

I didn't work out Tues or Wed. Ugh. Hopefully I will find the BGR soon and get something done this morning before work!:rolleyes:

So such as my life has been lately, I went on another job interview yesterday...I have no intention of quitting the new gym job as I just sunk $500 into getting a certification for it BUT I might consider replacing the studio...I love it but it has it's drawbacks so it might be time to move on soon...

Anyway, I interviewed at the local YMCA. Very nice facility. Small. Simple. Clean. The deal would be that I would be a "wellness coach" which is akin to the "floor trainer" duties I have now at the gym. No selling of PT though. All PT is by request of the members. Either the member will be assigned a PT by the supervisor based on who she thinks the best match would be, or, if the PT requests a certain trainer then that's who they get. Because there are no sales involved, the $ for training is lower then the gym but inline with the studio and the Wellness Coach position pays a bit better then the gym. If she has a shift available that I can work then I will take the job on a very part time basis right now along with the gym and the studio. The idea though is to replace the studio with the Y down the line....fingers crossed! Now if the gym works out financially for me then I'll quit the 2nd job altogether but I need to hold on to a 2nd job until it is clear weather or not I can survive at the gym...There is also the possiblity of the gym not working out and having the Y replace it and staying at the studio. .....Hope that all made sense! Sorry for rambling!

Ok, time to find that BGR and get sweaty! BBL!:cool:
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Morning Ladies ..

had time for quick check in - ystdy I did ZWOW #86 and ab challenge 11 - it was a tuff workout - DOMS: legs, shoulders and core! :) dare I say my burpee tolerance is improving :eek: and my flexibility (credits to Pi-Yo) today will be first attempt back at heavy weights at lunch - wont get to workout this afternoon b/c have to stop by a friends house .. then on home quickly to watch the game - yes Auburn is playing on THURSDAY .. ugh! WAARRRRRRR EAGLE tho .. we are playing #20 Kasas state (there) .. hope we show up and show them what we are made of!!

Di - Happy Anniversary .. any plans? I wish I could do something about the stress - it is not something I can run from - I am just trying to learn how to stay positive and pray for a positive outcome - have to find a way to keep the FAITH!

Wendy - wow girl - lots of decisions for you - and lots of options - that is a good thing!!! I am sure you will make the right decision!!!

Tina - it is getting dark here earlier too - around 7 yup .. pretty much total darkness - the days are shorter for sure!!!

Ok .. better run .. have a great day .. and WARRRRRR EAGLE!!
Hi Ladies,

This morning was a 30 min BR w/o, short but not easy! Yesterday I had to cut my w/o short in order to get DH to work.

DH has gout ....again....ugh. He was off Monday & Tuesday, I drove him to/ from work yesterday, he's home again today. He cannot walk and is using crutches. I'm so frustrated. Not much fun for an anniversary.

We did go for a couples massage on Sunday for our anniversary, at least we did something.

Baby Belle finally had her eyes uncovered and opened. She is doing so good. The current technology for preemies is amazing.

Tina-It is an active rest week! I workout during those weeks too. I'm ready to start disc 16, hopefully tomorrow. DH installed my computer and cadence sensor but I haven't had a chance to ride yet. Perhaps this weekend! I should probably try to run too. I love the cooler weather, but we are in the 90's today.

Wendy-it's okay to have rest days, no worries there. Another job....I think I like having a steady paycheck and not having to jump around so much. I'm happy that you are doing what you want, hopefully you'll find a good job and only have to work at 1 place. House is the house hunt going??? Any bites on your house?

Laura-I'm sorry you have to deal with so much stress in your life. I still haven't sprung for Zgym yet, but am keeping busy with STS and BR right now.

Hi to LL and Lori..
Hey Ladies.

Finally worked out y'day!:rolleyes:

3 rounds of 34 secs of work and 18 secs of rest for these exercises - Alternating db reverse lunge, db front squat left, alternating perfect push up, db front squat right, bear crawl. Then 8@10/20 of hand to hand kb swings and ice skaters.

Not sure if I am going to work out this morning-We are heading off for the weekend for a wedding right after work this afternoon and we are having our agent do an open house while we are gone so not only do I have be ready for work, but packed AND have the house in tip top shape before I leave this morning. To top all of that off, I am going in to work early so I'll have even LESS time this morning!:eek:

Di:: Yay for the BR workout! You know I'm a fan of "short n sweat"! ;) Ew, sorry about DH's gout. Hope it clears up quickly! A couples massage? How nice! Love that Baby Belle is improving! Sounds like she's going to be OK! :) All of this job hopping is making me kinda crazy :rolleyes: but I am determined to find a combination that works both in the hours and the money! Even with this job at the Y if I take it, I will be at the 40hr per week mark so it's not like I'm working tons of hours - just a wacky schedule. Right now my biggest concern is a bigger paycheck how ever I can get it! Once I start getting clients at NYSC, that won't need to be such a concern anymore....

Ugh, I am out of time...sorry ladies. Hello to everyone! "See" you on Sunday or Monday when I get home!:cool:

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