Good morning girls ! (at least it is mid-morning for me

I'm so sick of too much to do at work and have so much catch up at home that I am feeling overwhelmed to the max. Then there are the things I want to do for ME ya know? Day at a time and that is how I'll take it. Had a hockey game last night - we won, but better than that, they guys played well. (Sorry Diana . . .

). It was a great battle and we just happened to have some of the breaks.
Anyway - that took away from my workout time so nothing to report for yesterday. Seems it is happening alot lately and is driving me crazy ! I'd love to get one going now but DH is sleeping and the workout room is next to the bedroom - can you imagine him dreaming he is getting run over by elephants in Africa as I jump around in the room next door to an Insanity workout?

So that will have to be fit in later. I'm painting again since all I got done last week was patching and cutting in. Should finish that up today or tomorrow no problem.
Not sure if I'll do candy tonight since we don't get many kids - most of those that come around are driving into our neighborhood with vans and piles of kids with ADULTS who have bags too! ?

Not quite the same as neighbor kids - we have a block with only a handful of kids here - most of us have adult children. I did put on my hockey gear at work yesterday but that will be the extent of dressing up for me this year.
Babble, babble, babble - can you tell I am not wanting to get started on chores?
Wendy - good to hear you are enjoying your new job - hope you stick with it. Just keep thinking of DC'ers when you are eating today and it may help - you are good at portion control so that works ! Sorry about Auntie Flo (I'm so glad she has left my "family", LOL!) and hope you get some sort of workout in, or not . . .

I'm up to something with weights after Insanity (which I will probably just stop when you girls are ready to move on). I've got about 2 weeks worth of workouts to do but not really "feeling it". I love them, but want weights back in my plan more. P90X or STS will work for me along with Insanity or other cardio.
Lori - my UB definition has kind of improved (I think I have dropped some fluff around my muscles) but they aren't as large as they were before Insanity. I'm with you on wanting more, more, more . . . !

Hope you have a fun day with DS and Halloween.
Diana - So you are thinking STS rather than P90X? I never finished P90X since it bored me and at this point, push ups and pull ups have to be limited for my shoulder issues. Both require lots but thinking STS is easier for me to modify. How is the weather doing there lately? I have heard of so much snow - is it too much or just the usual but early this year?
Jen - well I sure hope you can enjoy your weekend after working hard for a couple weeks now. Partying tonight or just hanging home?
Laura - if you pop in today, hope the party is fun - you must post pics of yours and DH's costumes girl !
OK - need to go hunt down some sort of motivation and just may find Wendy in the process . . . BBL