Damage Control on Halloween! That's just INSANE!!!! :)~


Morning Glories!:D

I am going to have a bad day food wise today and that's not even including any candy! We are going up to SIL's house early this afternoon and she is supposed to be serving lunch. From there we are going to a Halloween party (dinner). UGH! I am still battling my way back from A/C and other bad meals that have happened since then, I need this like I need a hole in the head! :confused:
Oh well, I'm done complaining. Thanks for listening! :)

Today's work out is MIC. This work out is majorly tough for me! Probably the hardest of the month 2's!!!! Anyone wanna do it FOR me!? :p

Well let me get this posted and then I'll brb with personals.
Laura: Joey is dressing as Optimus Prime. It's a cute costume. I am going to be a pirate but really wanna be Heather Fox (I forget her name in the movie!)! ;) LOL So will you be sharing pics of your Halloween costumes with us please? :)

Diana: So did you do SB y'day? What's on tap for today? I hear ya on repetitiveness in a rotation. It usually wears on me as well but for some reason I am okay with it when it comes to Insanity. Perhaps the work outs are so tough that they are killing brain cells and that is why I don't mind it! :p:D

Lori: You seem to be quite lean. How can you NOT have definition?? I hear ya on hating new jobs. At the beginning I was very much thinking that perhaps I had made a mistake with this job but things are really starting to sink in now so I'm feeling much better about it. My friend keeps asking me how I am doing and how I feel. She wants to know if I am going to run scared on her at any point! lol I think I'll be okay but I am giving it until the end of the year to make a final decision. My choice is to either go f/t for 2010 or give my notice so that they can find f/t help.
Good Morning!:)

How is everyone? I set my alarm last night to workout but the darn thing didn't go off:confused: I use the radio as my alarm and DS must have been playing with the buttons yesterday. I usually always check it but last night I didn't. When DS woke me up I was super stun and couldn't figure out why it was light out and why he was up! Until I looked at the time and it was 7:48! Ugh! So I pondered for a while b/c it was such a nice morning out that I wanted to run outside but I couldn't reach anyone at work to tell them this and I also knew I was going to be leaving work early for trick or treaters. So I decided to get my a$$ in gear and I will run later , after treating is over and DS goes to bed.

Wendy** Oh no....more bad food days! LOL Well, Im being good for you;) What happened to our competition that you started girl??? I do have definition...I just want MORE!! More!! More!! I don't want to look like a man or anything but I would like to have alittle more UB definition going on. Hope you have a good day. Is Joey excited? DS won't put his costume on!

Diana** I can see where your DH is coming from. DD as so many viruses on her computer that it will cost over $200 to fix it all. Its just as well if we bought her a laptop which I thought about doing for Christmas. But by the time I tack clothes on to that...it would be one expensive christmas. Plus she as that trip coming up in May, which is costing a small fortune. What are you plans for the weekend??

Laura** I like the trick or treating part of Halloween...love having kids come to the door (love the dog barking even more:confused:;)) I just don't care to get all done up and go out. Hope you have a good night. I will go out and make an appearance. Probably from 10-12, something like that.

DS had his H1N1 vaccine yesterday! So releived. He as to have another one in 21 days time, I think they split the kids vaccines in 2.

I will bbl!
Hello again....

Well, I ended up getting TTOM this morning so now I have cramps. I took ibuprofen but if it doesn't work well enough then I will be trading up MIC for CC&B and will do MIC tmrw as I should feel better. I can't believe I have only one more full week of the Insanity rotation left to do!! What is everyone doing next? I know Jen thought about P90X and I think Diana is considering STS. What about you, Jacque? Lori isn't doing an Insanity rotation so I won't even ask her. :p

Lori:: I was doing very well with said competition (had hit an all time low weight that I can't even REMEMBER the last time I was at!!!!) until A/C rolled around. :p I have recovered partially but haven't had enough time to recovery fully yet so I am at the weight I was at b/4 gaining last summer instead of being a few pounds under it. Things just keep coming up that ruin it for me! :mad: Today is gonna suck eating wise, Wednesday I might be going out to dinner after work and then then over the weekend I have plans both Friday and Saturday night that involve bad eating and/or alcohol! ACK! Having a social life and healthy eating do NOT mix well AT ALL! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Yeah, Joey is very excited for today. It's all he keeps asking about it's driving me and his father NUTS! :p

Good morning girls ! (at least it is mid-morning for me :p)

I'm so sick of too much to do at work and have so much catch up at home that I am feeling overwhelmed to the max. Then there are the things I want to do for ME ya know? Day at a time and that is how I'll take it. Had a hockey game last night - we won, but better than that, they guys played well. (Sorry Diana . . . :eek:). It was a great battle and we just happened to have some of the breaks.

Anyway - that took away from my workout time so nothing to report for yesterday. Seems it is happening alot lately and is driving me crazy ! I'd love to get one going now but DH is sleeping and the workout room is next to the bedroom - can you imagine him dreaming he is getting run over by elephants in Africa as I jump around in the room next door to an Insanity workout? :eek: So that will have to be fit in later. I'm painting again since all I got done last week was patching and cutting in. Should finish that up today or tomorrow no problem.

Not sure if I'll do candy tonight since we don't get many kids - most of those that come around are driving into our neighborhood with vans and piles of kids with ADULTS who have bags too! ? :confused: Not quite the same as neighbor kids - we have a block with only a handful of kids here - most of us have adult children. I did put on my hockey gear at work yesterday but that will be the extent of dressing up for me this year.

Babble, babble, babble - can you tell I am not wanting to get started on chores? :D

Wendy - good to hear you are enjoying your new job - hope you stick with it. Just keep thinking of DC'ers when you are eating today and it may help - you are good at portion control so that works ! Sorry about Auntie Flo (I'm so glad she has left my "family", LOL!) and hope you get some sort of workout in, or not . . . ;) I'm up to something with weights after Insanity (which I will probably just stop when you girls are ready to move on). I've got about 2 weeks worth of workouts to do but not really "feeling it". I love them, but want weights back in my plan more. P90X or STS will work for me along with Insanity or other cardio.

Lori - my UB definition has kind of improved (I think I have dropped some fluff around my muscles) but they aren't as large as they were before Insanity. I'm with you on wanting more, more, more . . . ! :p Hope you have a fun day with DS and Halloween.

Diana - So you are thinking STS rather than P90X? I never finished P90X since it bored me and at this point, push ups and pull ups have to be limited for my shoulder issues. Both require lots but thinking STS is easier for me to modify. How is the weather doing there lately? I have heard of so much snow - is it too much or just the usual but early this year?

Jen - well I sure hope you can enjoy your weekend after working hard for a couple weeks now. Partying tonight or just hanging home?

Laura - if you pop in today, hope the party is fun - you must post pics of yours and DH's costumes girl !

OK - need to go hunt down some sort of motivation and just may find Wendy in the process . . . BBL
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Hi ladies,

This is the first weekend we don't have football. Jerod made a competitive baseball team and they start winter workouts next month. Baseketball starts in January.

I've spent the morning looking for that darn TV receipt with no luck. We finally ended up calling Sony and they are sending us a letter to have the TV repaired under warranty -without the receipt!

I ended up doing Imax 3 yesterday and it wasn't nearly as hard as I remembered. Must be the effects of insanity!:) I also ended up sending my HR monitor to polar for service. I sen't it back last year too. I have a polar F11, anyone got any options for a replacement HR monitor?

I think today will be legs and KPC. The rotation calls for L&G Extreme, but I thing I will do GS Legs instead. Oh, tomorrow is my last day of spin class...not to worry..Holiday Meltdown starts on Monday. I'm kind of looking forward to all the stair running with weights etc. Can't believe I just said that.

Wendy-Sorry TOM is interferring with your w/o today. Get that workout started...I'll be right there with yah! You'll feel so much better after your w/o.

Lori-Have fun taking DS trick or treating tonight. Hope he gets over his fear of his costume. DS#2 needs a new computer, his finally died. DH and I decided he could use some money from his college acct to buy a new one but we are putting a $$ limit on it. He'll have to look for one on sale.

Jacque-Yea yea, you won this time..but uuuhmm didn't we beat you last time-so we are 1 and 1. I am actually considering STS since it allows for 4 days of anything I want to do and only 3 days of weights. I'm not sure I want to jump into another long rotation though. Maybe play it by ear for a few weeks before choosing a rotation. It might be nice to throw in Insanity for the cardio though. Have fun finishing up the bedroom you're working on.

Hi Jen and Laura-have a fabo weekend.
Good afternoon girlies!

So so so glad it's Saturday :D And Happy Halloween to all!

No workout for me to report today again. I haven't worked out since Wednesday actually :eek: Just haven't been feeling up to snuff at all, but I am feeling a bit better today so I'm thinking I might just be up for Shaun tomorrow!

Wendy: This diet thing is a constant battle. But I think if you give yourself a bit of a break from it, just for the mental relief, it allows you to jump back in with conviction. So relax today and enjoy your day ;) Tomorrow you can worry about getting on track.

Lori: What time is trick or treating over for you? Are you planning on running in the dark?

Jacque: No party for me tonight, but my sis might just end up here after the festivities tonight so CABS might still be in order ;) I know exactly how you're feeling right now being overwhelmed. Sorry to say I have NO advice, either :( One thing at a time is the best I can do, but you have my sympathies for sure. Things do always workout though! Keep your chin up!

Hi to everyone else! I had a quiet night around here last night but that seems to have "corrected" itself ;) So I'm off to tend to the mobs but hopefully I'll bbl~

Back for a minute here . . .

Finished painting and need to go shopping for some sale foods. DH seems to want to go also which = longer than usual trip. :confused: It's OK though - will give me a little break from running, running, running around. Plan is to hit a workout while dinner is cooking . . . Don't know what but think I'll skip Insanity for today.

Diana - yes you did not only beat us last time but I believe you wiped the floor with us ! :eek: It really was a good game and you couldn't tell who was the best team. Fun time. Woo Hoo for the TV repair ! Bummer about needing a computer but the sales should be starting really soon so a good deal will most likely be on the horizon. I'd love to do STS again though I might shorten them a bit. I really need to cut back on my time I think until I can catch up. Just found out my bro and a couple kids will be here the end of Nov and then my assistant is having surgery so will be out a couple weeks ! UGH ! Her job is basically all daily tasks which somehow I will have to do in addition to my own work. Need to work on some help for me at that time or I'll never survive. And speak about right before Xmas when I'd love to take some time off ! :mad:

Jen - well I am glad to have company with misery and you and Laura are helping on that front ! :p ;) Nice when someone understands. Glad you are feeling better - I'll probably be tackling Shaun with you tomorrow ! Enjoy your "mobs" tonight !

Off to get ready for the grocery shopping - Enjoy the evening ladies !

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