Damage Control on a Thursday in August is HAWT! ;-)


Hey Girlies! Up and atem chick-a-dees!:D

I don't know why I'm so full o' energy this morning. I'm still sore as hell! My calves are killin' me. I got up in the middle of the night to pee and almost fell over from the pain! :p The back is still sore too. OUCHEES!

So I am trying to decide weather to take my rest today or tmrw. Either way, the next time I work out it's gonna be a run. I am overdue.

Now that I have figured out my tight quad issues, remedied the problem and am seeing improvement, I have decided to push my recovery week off another week. This means I'll be doing SS through next week still. The book recommends recovery after 4 weeks of work outs anyway. That being said Jen, will you be joining me at any point?? If you want to start this weekend, I'll be starting week 4! :D

So the scale is down again today! I'm so happy! I hope this is a lasting trend. I have changed my eating a bit over the past several days and I think it's helping. I have been keeping my cal intake lower then usual while raising my fat intake. Seems the fats are helping to keep me full so that I don't want to eat as much, thus lower calorie totals. Interesting! :)

Jes:: I am looking for any job with good hours and decent pay that I can find! LOL Mostly looking for office work or daycare stuff. So how are you feeling after work out #2? Did you check out Insanity using the link that was posted for you? What do you think? ;)

Jen:: My logical brain knows the job hunt will take some time with the way things are today...heck, it could take FORVER...I was just talking to someone who's been applying for 6 months and has gotten NO BITES, NADA, NOTHING...not even a phone call to say "sorry, you don't qualify for the job.". It's scarey out there...TRULY.

Diana:: YIKES! Sorry about the phishing scam. Good thing the cc company caught it right away. That's fabulous! I once got a phone call when my cc company thought a purchase on my card might not be mine. It's alarming at first but I'd rather be safe then sorry. They can call me to verify a purchase any time they like! Yup, I pre-ordered Shock Cardio. Totally different from Insanity I am sure though so for me, it's not a factor in wether I buy Insanity or not. :) People are now complaining about Insanity of the O/F but I'm paying no attn. Everyone is different and you won't know how you feel about something until you try it for yourself. I am still interested...

Jacque:: If you want to be sore, do SS with Jen and me! :D I'm tellin' ya, it creeps up on you big time! :eek: Sorry you had trouble with the 3 month free promo thing. Hopefully that is all figured out now. Yes, on the fence about Insanity for sure. I want it because it's crazy and kick-azz but not sure about spending all that cash for a program I probably won't utilize in the fashion it was intended. You know me though...I'm a push-over so I bet I'll cave at some point! :p:D So did you find a good shirt to wear for the GWF's preview? Can't wait to hear what it says when you download the info tonight. Did you get the display watch with it??

Guess that's all for now but I'll be back!:cool:
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Good Morning!

This morning's workout was Burn It Off and PUB, but I only did the "up" half of the pyramid. I was running a bit short on time and "oomph" :rolleyes:

Wendy: Maybe you are so energetic because you somehow stole all of mine? Hmmm? ;) I'm exhausted today. So yeah, I'm thinking I like the idea of a couple of weeks of SS. So when exactly does your Week 4 start and what are we starting with? Congrats on the friendly scale! That never sucks :D Great job getting that workout in yesterday despite your pain. You are a better woman than I, my dear.

I have a truckload of work to do over the next few days and I think I've spent enough time avoiding it. Hello to everyone else!! Will tackle a few tasks and bbl~

Happy Hump Day ladies !

I did get my GWF set up online but am a bit confused as to why it is automatically setting me at only 30 min of exercise and 5K steps per day? Won't let me choose anything other than "Custom Plan" ? I did not find much info in scanning the "instructions" so we'll see.

Wendy - I do think I have a shirt I can wear that will work and then with tomorrow being Friday casual dress day I should be fine. It has only been in the mid 80's so no need to wear really short sleeves. :p Well I'm a wimp and if I was as sore as you I'd probably be hitting a nice really warm bathtub and relax for the day. Throughout the day I would be doing short stretching bouts. Hope you get to feeling a bit "looser" once you get moving a bit more. I don't have SS - is it a lower weight more endurance type and thus creeps up on you? Why are you, our little energizer bunny, so sore? Missed the complaints about Insanity - what's the jest of them?

Jen - nice job on the workout - I think PUB either up or down is a great workout - I still feel it the next day no problem. Hope you get lots done so you can pop back in for a break !

Diana - thanks for the info on the GWF. I was successful and it looks like we just won't get billed for at least 3 months? Wonder if we get an extra which the website shows 1 FREE month? There is a place you can add your own foods - however, I'm not seeing a very quick way of finding them unless the lists go with last used rather than the sorting they are currently using. Fit Day may be much easier since it is already primed for my eating habits. Let me know if you figure out a way to add the info from Fit Day. I suppose you could add just one meal with the total day's cals? Hmmmmm . . . Maybe worth an email to customer service. I'll let you know if I get that far first. You gonna let us know how it worked for you yesterday? :rolleyes:

Hey Jes, Laura & Lori ! Hope all is well with you girls !

Off to get to work. Today should be a run or cardio type day - not quite sure yet what it will be.
Good Morning Jacque!

I have some good news for you that I think will make you happy. Today is Thursday, not Hump Day ;) (Don't scare me like that :eek:)

I just changed my settings yesterday, but do you think I can remember off the top of my head? My mind is a sieve. I think it's under a tab called Targets, which may be a sub-heading under the Settings tab...(?) I'll take a peek and let you know.


If you click on the Profile tab, you'll see another just underneath it slightly to the left called Targets. That's where you can increase your Target numbers. HTH!

Hi Ladies,

I know I was supposed to w/o this morning but I am too tired. DH fell alseep with the TV on in the bedroom and everytime I tried to turn it off he said he was watching it. Really...you're snoring:mad:

Wendy-I peeked on the OD and saw some folks aren't happy with the lower cal burn of Insanity. They want to burn 500-700 cals per w/o, but that's now HIIT training works. It still lookes like something I would enjoy.

Jacque-I ended up with the same settings as you, 30 min exercise and 5K steps. It did beep at me last night around 9:30 that I did reach my 5K steps goal. I didn't have much luck figuring out how to change anything. I'm wearing it for 3 days and then plugging it in to the computer to see what kind of graphs and charts are available. I'm a little frustrated with it at this point but once I get it all figured out I'm sure it will be fine.

Jen-Hope you're ready to be bombarded with GWF questions from Jacque and me. Once I get it all figured out I'm sure I will love it. Oh, DH isn't in to fitness but doesn't bother me to much about all the fitness stuff I order etc. He did ask this morning why am I still wearing that pedometer...I told him it also tracked how many hours I slept. He said...I can tell you that, you don't need some gadget on your arm for that!:D

Mornin..Lori, Laura and Jes.
Just a quickie question: my display will not sync to the armband. Is there a time frame you need to wear the armband first before it will sync? I have tried adjusting the length of time I press the armband - it beeps?


Oh yeah - sorry Jen - I am much happier now too !
Poppin' in to quickly report my work out and then I gotta get showered up and be ready to head to MIL's when DH gets home around 4pm.

I went to the gym and ran 5 miles with Grace to ITread 24/60 Run Intervals. I was originally going to do the shorter interval work out (21/30) but I got to the gym earlier then anticipated so I figured I'd go for it since I had time. :)

Off I go! Hope to BBL but if not then definitely in the A.M.!

Hope you're all havin' a great day chickies!
Home for lunch and figured out I didn't register my armband, load the software, etc. I didn't read about those things anywhere? Either I'm just crazy or still in a weird funk and missing things?

Got it uploaded and Jen, Diana, I'm concerned at the cal burn it is showing since I put it on around 7 AM, it is now 12:45 and showing a cal burn of 900 and all I have done the past 5+ hours is pretty much sit at my desk or walk down the hall/stairs a few times? Seems high to me? Any opinions?

Wendy - had to check out the Insanity comments and now I am slowly getting interested. We'll see how much help this GWF is - I liked Cynthia's comment about 4 lbs lost in 10 days eating carbs! I want to eat carbs again, I REALLY DO ! ! ! So it is 5 days of HIIT in a row? I am really into cardio right now - and do think STS will be very HIIT based but not 5 days a week. Hmmmm . . .:rolleyes: Good job on the run - have fun at MIL's !

Diana - LOL about the ?'s. I am not feeling like this is very self explanatory - OR - this peri-meno is totally destroying my brain ! :eek: How is your cal burn? Seems when I add cals to my days I add lbs to the scale. If I have burned 900 cals in half a day with no workout I really am wondering here ? ? ?

Jen - HELP ! :p Kidding ! I am only showing 1700 steps so far and don't understand how I could burn through 900 cals being sedentary? Have you had days like that?

OK - off the GWF subject now. SORRY Girls but I am hoping for some answers with this new gadget.

Weather here is UGLY - muggy, overcast and only about 70' but I feel very lethargic. Will need a whoopty doooo exercise plan for after work. Perhaps a CC or some Jillian cardio? Kickbox was kinda fun in Gauntlet y'day . . .

Back later . . .
Jacque: Did you finally get it to sync or are you still having trouble? As far as the calorie burn, I suspect that since you put in on at 7AM, it's estimating the calorie burn for the hours from midnight until that time. If it's approximating 1/cal a minute during sleep or the time you aren't wearing it (which is what it does for me), then I'd say it's right on the money. Knowing I burn 1 cal/min while sitting at my desk, you're talking 12.75 hours (midnight to 12:45 p.m.) times 60 cal/hour for a burn of 765 calories. Plus you increased that burn by walking down the hall and stuff. I think you're good so far!

Diana: Your dh's comment cracked me up. DSO isn't into fitness at all either, but he's trying :) I just lent him P90X and he's done four workouts so far. Man oh man, talk about an azz-kicking! I'm happy to answer any questions you have about the GWF (if I can).

Wendy: Wowwie!! 5 miles while still recovering from Insanity the other day? You're my hero :D Have fun at MIL's tonight!

Back to work. Only about a half hour left...woo hoo!

Jen - Yep, got it synched. Ohhhhhh - since midnight, makes much more sense ! OK - this may help me lots then ! ! ! :p Did you make your piles go down today?

Can't wait to see what a workout really burns - may put the HRM on at the same time to compare.

OK - off to finish up a few things.
Hi ladies,

Well it's been pouring rain here. I'm not sure if I'll be heading to bootcamp or not. It's pretty dangerous if we can't be on the turf field. Usually if it rains we still have class under the pavillion. We can do jacks, dips, jumps, step ups onto the benches etc. I'm not really in the mood for that.

I tried to use my ipod this afternoon and it was dead. I plugged it in to the computer tonight...I got nothin'! It's not charging, I can't even get it turn on. I've tried all 3 of my usb ports and downloaded the latest itunes software. Not sure what the life expectancy is, but I've had it at least 2 1/2 years, maybe 3 1/2. It's the nano and I love it.

Jacque-nothing seems to be straight forward as far as the GWF is concerned. I fumbled my way through the setup so I can't really help you. I finally checked my email and discovered that I'm signed up for the 6 month program???? Not sure what happened there. Maybe I get the first 3 months free and can cancel after that. Who knows. I did read that the cals burned are from midnight to midnight, but the sleep info is from midday to midday. I found some FAQs that seemed to help a bit.

Jen-thanks for making yourself available to us (me & Jacque) as we fumble our way through the GWF set up. I think it will be great once I get it all figured out.

Make or break time....going to bc or not.....

Back to report my CC#3 workout:

GWF shows 350 cal burn w/7.1 cals/min during the workout, 10 min later I am at a 6.5/min cal burn. That makes me anxious to see the diff with a step/kickbox/weight workout and the afterburn.

HRM showed about 460 cal burn, HR up to about 168 max during the last few 10 sec sprints, level 10, 10, 9, 8. Killer - was afraid I wasn't gonna be able to reach the buttons to slow it down ! :eek: Def better done outside for that one ! :p

Feeling pretty good - was kinda yucky all day and don't know if it was the weather, work crap or my lack of wanting to eat factors? But I'm ready now !

Diana - bummer about the Nano. I had one and loved it but knew I couldn't get my CC's loaded onto it with songs too so opted for an 80GB. Not quite a nice size for running, but it is working well - attaches to my TM and plays throught the TM speakers so that is a nice feature. Have you tried googling your iPod problem to see if there are any others who have had the same problem. I've found many times I can get an answer that way. I ended up erasing mine one day and since DS loaded it at his exGF's dad's house I don't have a connection here ! :( One of these days I'll borrow the software from a friend of his and hook it up to my house. Mine is an old one the size of a pack of gum. The new ones are so small they are cute !:D

Guess I need to check my email too and see what I ended up getting? :rolleyes:

Off to hit the shower and make my little furry girl her people food for mixing with the dry. Enjoy the evening if anyone makes it back !

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