Damage Control on a Monday...BIG yawner! LOL


Good Morning Damage Controllers! :p

So today begins my recovery week from SS. I got the TLT series for free last week. Michele has been cleaning out her fitness collection and giving stuff away on a first come first serve basis on FB. I never wanted them enough to buy them but for free I couldn't resist. That being said, I am tossing out the kettlebell idea and putting these work outs in it's place. I figure it's a great time to try 'em! In addition I will do cardio and probably take another pilates class or 2 at the gym this week.

That being said, I haven't quite decided what's on the work out agenda for today so I'll let you know later when I finally decide!:p

Jen: How ya feelin' this morning girl? Tired? I went to bed early (9:30) and slept like a rock. Up at 6 and feelin' good. Oh and I braved the scale this morning! We really didn't do badly with food as I said and I didn't FEEL bad so I braved it and I am happy to say that I didn't gain an ounce! Same exact weight as I was on Saturday before I left! YAY! :D

BBL to see what's happenin' around here!
Hi Ladies,

Just poppin' to say I'm heading down to Drill Max this morning.

I'm so tired and don't want to go back to work!

Happy Monday Girls!

Good Morning ladies!!

I think I'm recovered from the big weekend :p I got home yesterday and napped a bit, then pretty much watched t.v. for the rest of the day :rolleyes: Hit the sack around 10 and zonked out for the night. When the alarm went off this morning, I only had to snooze it about six times :eek: Regardless, I got up and did Shape It Up to start week two of the SS, and hope to get a short run in tonight after work. That's TBD though, because it's going to be in the 90s here today.

So...Foxwoods Report: We had soooo much fun! It was so great to meet Wendy, who is an absolute hottie btw, (for those who haven't met her in person), kind, sweet and very easy to hang out with. I look forward to doing it again sometime. I do have a few pictures, though not as many as I planned to have, because admittedly I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures. Plus, I wasn't at all familiar with the camera I had, so that was a task in and of itself. But once I upload them I'll let everyone know so you can check 'em out.

I'm going to go get some work done for a little while, but I'll be back often today because the boss is on vacation this week. Last week was hellish, but this week will be a breeze. I'll check back in with y'all in a few...

Oh yeah, btw Wendy, glad to hear you have no damage to control today!! I wasn't so brave. I think I'll give myself a day or two of clean eating before I brave the scale myself, cuz I'm kinda scared right now tbh :rolleyes: Let us know how you like TLT.
Good morning chickies,

Well I duffed on the workout yesterday too ! Went furniture shopping - it was a bust because as usual, what I was trying to get DH down to see was gone and discontinued. Ah well, $ to spend another day or elsewhere. Did get the dog clipped before the end of the summer and before her hair got so thick I couldn't get the clippers through her. That was good. Should have had a slight deficit even without a workout. I'll just continue my rotation as it is scheduled and not do the makeups. May sub Plyo legs for another of the leg workouts though cuz I love 'em.

Wendy - Woot Woot no weight gain. Good for you. Probably makes it easier to be hanging with another who is food conscious ! For the exercise naiive - what is TLT?

Jen - LOL at not wanting to check the scale - I get that way sometimes too and after a couple days of controlling the damage I am probably happy I waited. I'm sure you'll do just fine !

Glad to hear you ladies had such a great time. It would be a blast for us all to get together one of these days !

Diana - I'm kinda tired too - I seem to see a pattern of that with me when I don't workout for a few days. Drill Max is a goodie - those walking lunges with the plyo jumps are killer. I get stuck and have to stand up straight once in a while or I can't make it back up ! :eek: Hope work goes well - it has been 5 years since I've taken a week off - going back from a long weekend is hard for me ! I love staying home and tackling chores.

Laura - hope you have time to catch us up a bit on your vaca . . .

Lori - back at work today? How was your weekend?

Laura/Lori - I added myself a facebook page this weekend and have asked you to "befriend" me if you have time. :D Thanks !

Toodles until later . . .
Back from my lunchtime walk. Wow, it's a scorcher today!

Jacque: Weekends are for doing things like furniture shopping and dog clipping :D No worries about skipping a workout! Which leg workkout have you decided on? Yeah, I'm think a few days (or a week!) away from the scale will be beneficial to my mental health ;)

Diana: Did you get that Drillmax done? That one is a toughie for sure!
Just finished TLT Strength in Movement. Not a bad work out but I wouldn't have been happy if I had paid any significant amount of money for it. Fits in nicely this week though since it's a recovery week....I will do all four plus some cardio and I should be good to go for another 2 weeks of SS! I am probably also going to head to the gym in a few to squeeze in a 30 minute run. I feel like I need some cardio!!!!
BBL to catch up on personals chickies. ;)
Jen - Today's scheduled workout is Leaner Legs - should be a good burner since I took 3 days off ! :eek: You'd have thought I was on vacation ! :rolleyes: I am thinking it is a shorter workout and after abs are done I'll see if I'm up to a short run or incline walk to help make up for my less than stellar weekend - y'day only hit 3600 steps even with the shopping ! Way to walk even with the heat you are having - we are a mild 73' here at lunchtime.

Wendy - good to hear you didn't pay for the workouts that only "make the cut" for a "rest week". When does Joey start school? Our kids here are back this week on Thurs.

Back after work & workout ! Enjoy the day ladies !
Monday .. back to reality .. and it sucks! :confused:

OK .. so first day back and had to go to jury duty .. and what is worse??? I GOT PICKED :mad: .. what is worse?? I KNOW the people/plaintiff's family :mad::mad: what is worse??? the mother of they guy is best friends w/one of MY oldest friends :mad::mad: the mother is opinionated and will NOT let me or my friend hear the end of it if it dont go their way :mad::mad::mad: UGH .. that just SUCKS!!!!!! :(

Now at work .. have a HUGE stack of paperwork to muddle thru .. will take forever! but I must say: I HAD A KICKARSE VACATION!!! :D:D:cool: one of THE best .. even w/the mishaps at the beginning .. just AWESOME .. we dove, we played, we lobstered, we went sight seeing, we shopped, we barhopped then bar crawled, we ate the FINEST food .. we consumed too many to report alcohol units :eek: :D ... THE BEST. What is even better .. had a safe trip home .. my babies were fine and were SO HAPPY to see me .. everyone is fine and healthy!!! :D

BUT .... :confused: .... now it is payback time .. I will probably PASS OUT in class :confused: :eek: :confused:... hoping I can remember and be able to perform my routines ... how embarrassing would it be to pass out in class .. b/c mind and body has been WAY on VACATION for LONG TIME :cool: .. at least the diving may contribute to some calorie burn and muscle burn .. I know just getting the dive equiptment on in the boat was a major workout in itself ..then the dives .. then you have to lift your weight and the dive gear weight BACK into the boat :confused: .. when I get the pics downloaded I will post thme on picture trail.. may take a while cause I am playing catch up BIG TIME!!!! :confused:

Hope you girlies worked out plenty for me .. b/c I consumed enough for ALL of us!! :eek: :p

Wendy .. hope you like the TLT .. that is Traci Longs DVDs right?? is there 3 of them ?? if it is the ones I have .. they dont seem hard doing them .. but work such odd angles of the muscles you may have some nice DOMS from them ...

Jen .. I bet you and Wendy had a ball .. I bet both of you are gorgeous FIT women!! ;)

Jacque .. if you think exercising after 3 days off is bad .. feel REAL sorry for me .. try 8 days :eek: :eek: ... get ready for some complaining tmrw!!

Di .. Drill Max in the a.m. .. YIKES ... the thought of it makes me tired!!

Lori .. hope all is well!

OK .. gotta jet .. not sure what I am gonna tackle in class tonight ..will prbly stick to circuit class .. a little bit of everything!! :) . ok have a great one!!!
Howdy girls,

I did manage Drill Max this morning. Knew I was running a little short on time so I skipped the 3rd cardio with the stability ball. It is my least favorite cardio segment and I especially didn't want to miss the jumps in cycle 5 or the football runs/squat thrust jumps..etc..my fav. Although I cut it a tad short still burned over 600 cals.

Made time late this afternoon for a long walk. TG I did, I'm at over 12K steps so far. I set my target steps at 8500 which is still hard to get with a desk job. Once I start feeling comfortable I can get to this target I will increase to 10K.

I'm really feeling the stress of Jerod going back to school (starts on Wednesday), football practice starting (tonight) and just having to be to work earlier is getting to me. I need to start setting my alarm much earlier than I like...not as early as Jen so I guess I can't complain.

Wendy-What kind of w/o is TLT? While you away at Foxwood's, I mentioned I was considering another round of P90X? Would you like to join me? I'm still asking for Insanity, not sure if those could be done in tendem or not.

Jen-Well I'm just following a rotation...and lucky me...started the week with drillmax. I had originally planned on doing heavy leg training at the rec ctr today....but noticed the rotation calls for B&G tomorrow...and PLB later in the week. I think legs will get enough this week...and lets not forget bootcamp class! I probably should brave the scale soon, but I'm holding off until I've had a few clean eating and exercising days. Our temps this week are in the 70's to low 80's. Just perfect for an afternoon walk.

Jacque-I didn't workout yesterday either. By the time I got around...dh asked me to go to lunch and shopping (lowe's) with him. I chose that option instead of staying home and w/o. I've basically had a week off from exercising. I'm counting cleaning the garage, basement and painting a bedroom as exercise though!

Laura-sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. I can't believe you were picked for the jury considering you now the person involved. I'm sure your dives as well as carrying all the equipment helped keep the cals in check. Good luck getting through your stacks of paperwork. I was off all last week too but stayed home and did tons of cleaning...garage, basement, cleaned the carpets, painted a bedroom, tons of filing and shredding... It feels good to have it done! Hope you have great class tonight!

Lori-I saw the pic of you holding that fish..yuck. I grew up camping and fishing but once I had to start gutting my own catch...decided I didn't really like fishing anymore. I was about 12yrs old.
Hi Ladies.

Finished dinner not too long ago. Cleaned up but still have to wash dishes. I just don't wanna yet! :p DH and DS are taking a shower so I'm stealing pc time while they are busy. ;)

So I went to the gym at 4 and did Itread 21/30 run intervals. I did it at a slower pace then usual but that's okay. I just wanted a bit of cardio today.

I work tmrw so I am planning on doing another TLT afterwards. I can't see having to rest in between these work outs so I'm not going to. I will add on some cardio again if I have time. If not, I have wednesday off so I can do some then. Insanity perhaps? ;)

Diana:: Good job on DM this morning and awesome calorie burn! So now that you have had time to mess around with it, are you happier with the GWF? Wow, you must be a mind-reader! I was telling Jen this weekend that I was considering bailing on the CLX Push idea and trying a P90X rotation instead. If you are game, I'm in! I could use the company! I will be finishing up SS in another 3 weeks and should be okay to start the X right away after that so let me know. :) I am not sure when I will order Insanity but it may be too intense to pair up with the X...for me anyway. Who knows. You could try it and if it doesn't work you could back off.

Jen:: Be brave girl! You ate and drank the same as me so I will bet that you are FINE! In fact, you didn't eat any pizza saturday night when we got back to the room so you are probably BETTER off then I was! ;)

As Laura mentioned, TLT is Tracy Long Training. The one I did today was classified as an interval work out meaning weights and cardio. It wasn't intense like a Cathe work out. Very different. They focused on smaller muscle groups and balance and stuff like that. It's all about functional fitness training. Sorry furniture shopping was a bust. I'd be so upset if something I liked got discontinued like that. :( I think Joey starts school on Sept 3rd. This is what I heard but I need to verify it before I take him there! LOL

Laura:: I don't understand how you got picked for the jury if you know these people!?!? That's odd. We shall see if I am sore tmrw from TLT. It wouldn't be the first time I was surprised by some DOMS that I didn't think I'd get! I've also done plenty of w/o's that I thought for sure would make me sore and really didn't so it goes both ways!

So I let Pure Strength pass me by. I'd rather use the cash for Insanity TBH. I have plenty of weight work outs to keep me busy. :)

Guess that's all. I need to get to those dishes now I suppose...:rolleyes:

Have a great night girls!
Hi Ladies:)

Better late then never right?:p I had a good weekend, with just DH and I. It was so nice not to have someone tugging on my shirt tail all the time and as soon as we got home, he started acting up. Of course, he was perfect for my inlaws but I think he was punishing us for leaving him:mad:

I like camping but not in the middle of no where. I think I would enjoy it alot more if I was on an actual camping ground!

I ran on Fri and Sun. Then today I started back at STS after a looooooooooong break:confused: so today was disc 25 and a 12 kms run. I took DS with me and it was windy. Pushing the stroller in that wind was NOT fun at all!

Wendy** So no to the NY marathon:( Boo Hoo...poor me:rolleyes: I have to find some where to do one. My friend is doing one in Houston b/c she as a relative there but Im not game to go that far away from home. Good job with the run. Im going to start back at the CC workouts to get me ready for my next race.

Diana** Yes...that poor fish!:confused: I did not want to hold that thing up but I was trying to live outside of the box this weekend so I ate whatever was put in front of me and I did whatever I was told to do:eek: I didn't eat anything gross though...LOL

Laura** Sounds like you had a great vaca! You have to keep that in mind when you tackle all that paper work. Im surprised that you can be picked for jury duty if you know the people. I thought that was a way out. Knock in wood...I have never been picked for jury duty yet!

Jacque** I added you as my friend on FB so you can see all my weird family pics now. Im waiting for the day to come when DH ask me how I know all these people and I have to tell them that they are my Cathe friends! LOL

Jen** Sounds like you had a awesome weekend with Wendy!

I will try to get here tomorrow, it probably won't be until tomorrow night though ,when I am back at work!

Hola chiquitas !

Got my LL done - tired tired tired. Not thinking I'll run tonight, will work on some housework to get some additional steps in and kill 2 birds with 1 stone ! ;) (that would be following Jen's lead, but I'll never get in 24K steps no "whey" !)

Laura - I'm with Diana & Wendy in wondering why either side would choose you as a juror if you know one of the party's involved? :confused: LOL at bar crawled ! :p I think I love that terminology, yeppers. Sorry for the piles at work, but definitely worth it when you have such a great time ! ;) Can't wait to see the pics. Hope your class went well and you remained upright! :rolleyes: Seems we may be in trouble here in DC land as you consumed enough for all of us and so did Jen & Wendy. Lookout to Diana, Lori and me, huh? :eek:

Diana - wowsers, 600 cals for all but the one segment in Drill Max. OK, now I'm gonna have to do it the same way (I don't like that one either - the one where you do the dancing around and waving the ball at the same time?) and see the diff between the two of us. Would be interesting . . . Nice job adding in a long walk and getting such a high step # today. I think I've gotten there once and it was one of my weekend days where I didn't stop most of the day. Way to go ! ^5 to you ! :p I got lots of cal burn that weekend I did all the gardening - was my highest days so far. I'm sure you stayed busy so that is just as good in my book ! ;)

Wendy - aha, Tracy Long . . . sounds like an interesting set of workouts with the balance included too. I like yoga type workouts but am having a hard time with some of my joints not liking the poses and not being limber enough. I definitely don't stretch enough. One of these days :rolleyes: if I can get myself to a weight where I am happy, I want to play with some of the other types of workouts I like. Funny, that reminded me of going through college and not taking any classes that I didn't need so I could get through quicker ! :eek: Of course I have never taken them to this day, 25+ years later. :p BTW, sorry, I did end up doing my workout rather than your dishes ! :D

Lori - glad you made it - thanks for befriending me ! :) I saw the pics of you and hubby this past weekend. Funny how after all these years you have ideas in your head and the people look so different. And your avatar even looks different than those pics. You look too cute just sitting there and relaxing. Nice that you got away with DH by yourselves. Good for you !

Well ladies - I got to head out early tomorrow AM so may not be here until later either. TTFN
Hi ladies,

Well I made it through bootcamp tonight. Of course I decided to wear my hr monitor so I could compare the cal burn with the GWF and then everyone wants to know how many calories are we burning. My HR monitor is set to my height, weight, age, etc so it really is my cal burn. I told them my cal burn for tonight was 560...which the GWF had 543...they seem to be very close for me. One of the girls has a hr monitor and swears she burns over 1000 cals in a bootcamp class. I truly find that hard to believe because she is a short, small framed girl...I've probably got 30#s on her and am 3 or 4 inches taller.

We did a lot of cardio which is why the cal burn is higher. Some nights we do more sprinting in between walking lunges, pushups, hovers, squats, dips etc and those nights are only in the 400-500 cal range.

Lori-I hate running in the wind...and a stroller to boot. You are amazing! Nice you could spend a weekend alone with DH, even it was camping. We had our oldest before we married (hope that doesn't change anyone's opinion of me) and never got those first few years of "us" time. I know you had DD already so you were in the same boat.

Jacque-Nice job getting LL done tonight. My rotation has B&G...and PLB both this week. I did learn that the heavier/taller one is...the higher the calorie burn in...simply because they have more body to move. My higher cal burn may because I carry extra fluff:(

Wendy-For some odd reason, I'm actually looking forward to doing P90X. I'm not sure why I'm leaning towards that over doing another STS rotation though. I did make huge strength gains in STS, a lot moreso than I did in P90X. I really need to work on pushups and pullups and lets not forget abs...the X covers all of that.

Need to finish up the laundry and clean the kitchen...ttfn
Jacque** Its probably the straight hair that makes me look so different. I had it cut a couple of weeks ago and its so hard to manage when its shorter and curly. Im only just getting the hang of it:confused: I straightened it b/c I thought it would be best not to have any gel in my hair....I didn't want to attract the flies! Have fun with your house work.

Diana** I don't think anyones opinion of you will change...you silly gal!:pI think we are losing more "us" time now then we did back then. Life has gotten way to crazy if you ask me. I was talking to DH just now, he loves his job and he loves the business but he wishes sometimes that he worked for someone else. He as alot on his plate....more then I probably need to know about and it stresses him out. Good job with your workouts today!

I am getting soooo tired! Its almost 1 a.m here, I don't think I am going to be able to stay awake much longer!!


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