Good Morning Ladies,

I managed to get through bootcamp last night, it was tough for me though. We did a lot of stair running, walking lunges (forward and backward), shuffles, crossovers, pushups, dips, core work etc.

This morning will be Intensity, looking forward to doing a w/o I know instead of fumbling my way through LIC. It's just the last segment that I struggle with and I rewind...rewind...rewind until I get it, but then I'm late for work.

Laura-saying a prayer and sending healing vibes for Buster. Hang in there!

Lori-no doubt the weight will come off soon enough. Give yourself some time to enjoy your baby and spending time with your family. Have you planned any races to run this year? Have you considered the downloads, you can put them on your phone and plug your phone into the tv or laptop and do the workouts that way.

Wendy-Actually, it was my second time doing UB trisets. I like it okay. Is today yoga day for you? I haven't tried either yoga w/o (are there 2?). How do you like them?

Intensity....here I come!!

Happy Tuesday..BBL
Good Morning,

You got it, Diana! I did Yoga Max this morning. I haven't done yoga like that in a looong time and I could tell! :eek::eek::eek:

Diana:: I enjoyed both Cathe Yogas. They are more athletic style which I prefer. Yoga relax is stretching w/yoga based moves in it-very nice. Yoga max is like the yoga I used to do back in the day...*sigh*...It's a real burner!:eek: Have fun with Intensity! I haven't dusted that one off in quite some time!

Lori:: Wow. Having all of those kids sounds exhausting! IDK where you get your energy from! :eek: Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! ONE cookie isn't the problem. It's when you eat A BOX OF COOKIES after a work out that you need to be concerned!:p Yes, starting to feel better already! Thanks for asking.:)

Laura:: Get well vibes for Buster comin' atcha' girl! Please keep us posted on his condition. Poor fur baby. :(

Hi Ladies,

I only managed the step portion of Intensity, definitely need to work my way back up to that one...and to think I was considering Imax 3!!! I finished up my morning w/o with Abs from High Reps.

My backside needs some work so I'm heading to the rec ctr at lunch for heavy leg & glute training. My legs are sure to be sore tomorrow!

Wendy-I'll have to throw those yoga w/o's in sometime, haven't touched either of them.

Hi Girls,

I managed 40 mins on the TM. I was going to do a circuit using Circuit max...confusing it with Drill max so that didn't workout to well. Then DS2 started fussing so that was that. He is having a nap now and I think I am going to get everyone else ready to play outside.

Diana** I did Intensity for the first time last week and I enyed it. Its pretty catchy as well. I have kind of steered away from step workouts cause I don't do them very often. I will probably do some races this summer...depending on if DH will be around. I heard that there is suppose to be a half here in May but I haven't heard much about it. That is something I would def train for! Ive enjoyed my baby and family enough now...I need to get rid of this poundage:rolleyes:

Wendy** I think its funny that you think I only had one cookie;) Is that the way I made it sound? I didn't tell you about the other cookies...or peeps...or handful of chips...yada yada...When the scale doesn't move its for a good reason. Its almost 4:30 here and I have been super good today. I just need one good day under my belt and I can keep going.

I will bb tomorrow. I don't know what tomorrows workout will be. I can only do circuits in the a.m cause DS is gone to preschool and not hogging the tv. It will probably be another run.


Well - I got my Baby Boy home - he is a sick baby! But glad the vet let me take him home - he wouldnt have rested in a pen ..heck he is used to a soft comfy couch or bed!!! He did eat about a cup of chkn and rice - and kept his meds down - his tummy is TERRIBLE upset and urine full of blood - hoping the antibiotics kick in SOON!!! :( One minute he seems a bit bttr - the next I think he is dying! IDK .. sigh! We have him confined to the house . . so we are having to take turns going home at lunch to take him out - yes that is an HOUR drive for us ... UGH .. but hey if it allows him to stay w/us .. and get rest .. and NOT get into anything he shouldnt so be it!! The Dr still thinks this is all kidney/UTI/Bladder cystitis .. and I hope he is RIGHT!!!

Lori - well you ARE breastfeeding .. and dont really need to DIET diet .. soooo dont beat yourself up too bad!! thnx for the thoughts about Buster - I am hoping the Vet is right on it and he will start to better tmrw!!

Di - Bootcamp sounded insane - how is your foot doing??? thnx for the prayers for my baby boy!!

Wendy - I have not done any of the yogamax stuff .. is that from the LIS ??? I havent done it b/c I do like the more athletic flowing yoga instead of the more relaxed hold the pose forever yoga! but if that is what it is like .. heck I need to try it .. thnx for thinking about me and my baby dog!

Hello to Allee -

OK - so IF my Buster is OK - thinking SIL and I are gonna do AT tonight .. I need it .. although .. you know when I stress out my tummy rebels and I have NO appetite!!! UGH
Good Morning!

I did the ballet barre segment of Turbo Barre (27 mins) + STS Extended stretch this morning (15 mins). Good stuff. I can still feel my legs...:)

Laura:: I saw on FB that you did AT so I guess your fur baby is doing ok??? Yes, the yogas are in the Low Impact Series.

Lori:: So did your day end as well as it began in regards to your eating?

Diana:: How sore are YOU this morning after the heavy leg work you had planned? :eek:

Hey ...

Well my baby dog's eyes are a bit wider open .. and he seems a little perky .. some improved energy - :) - hoping today he turns that corner and make a good stride in improving .. he barked for first time in a while last night .. (like he was hungry) .. but he wouldnt eat .. unless I HAND FED him! but hey .. that is something right?

Wendy - yes SIL and I did AT last night .. we both think last time we did it .. we did it on 4 layered step :eek: no wonder it killed us!!! Last night on BL they took the girls to a ballet workout .. all I could think about is Turbo Barr - tuff tuff painful workout!!!

so I am not as sore as last time we did AT .. but DOMS in back and arms tho!!! ;)

hello to all that follow ... I have to run home at lunch to check on the babies and let them out .... so my lunch workouts will be on hold for a while!
Hi Girls,

I have been up for a while. DS2 only woke at 3 last night so when I woke at 6:30 I thought my left boob was gonna explode so I got up to pump. While I was up, DS2 woke and so did DS1...so we all pretty much stayed up then. Soooooo, I did 50 mins on the TM before DH even went to work. Then my SIL text me and said that the girls wouldn't be here at all today....so I have a free day. Its to bad I have no where to go and if I go shopping then I will only spend money I don't need to spend. And its freezing out!

Wendy** My day ended pretty good. I did have to have a cookie and I snuck I couple of DS2 smore crackers into my mouth:mad: But all in all it was a pretty good day. My parents were here earlier and my dad was looking in the cupboards for some chocolate and I gave him everything I could find! I have yet to do all of the Cathe workouts. I may do something else later today.

Laura** Sounds like your dog is on the mend! Hope you get your workout in later!

I will probably bb later. My day is going to be a little more relaxed then normal.

so far so good ..

Well - my baby dog .. seems a bit better!!

SIL and I are gonna try to do CSS if all is ok w/my baby!! :D:D
Hello Ladies.

This morning's work out was Yoga Based Ab Circuits and various portions of Yoga Max totaling about 15 mins worth...

Laura:: Hope Buster is doing okay!!!

Lori:: Good job unloading the chocolate on your dad! I remember when one of my milk ducts got infected. OMG. It was painful and it caused me to run a fever as well. It was awful. :( The kicker is that I didn't even BF successfully so I suffered through that for nothing. :rolleyes:

Hi Ladies,

OMG, my legs and the rest of my body are so sore today. So my legs were sore from leg training at the rec ctr on Tuesday, and the ViPR class totally wrecks me every time! My body was already hurting when I was getting out of the car after class.

Not sure what this morning will be, something to work the soreness out of this body that's for sure. I also have bootcamp class tonight.

My weight isn't moving, my trainer said it could simply be due to the medication I'm on for Bronchitis. Only 2 more days of medication to go then hopefully the scale will start moving in the right direction.

Wendy-I did weighted ab work at the rec ctr and my abs are sore too. I like the yoga based abs. Your rest week is almost over. ;)

Laura-glad Buster is doing better. Wow, AT on 4 risers, you are crazy girl! The cardio gets me every time (both times anyway) in this w/o. :D

Lori-Seems you have a plan to get in your w/o's. Hope the weather is good so you can start running more.


Well ... My Buster is feeling better - but now SWOLLEN - we will have to call the vet back - I am not sure what is going on .. but it is scaring me!! :(

SIL & I did CSS last night - that is a fun and fast workout - didnt think I was real sore till I started exercising - but my hammies were telling on me during some of the exercises! Tonight is to be STS TB .. but again .. depending on whats up w/my baby dog!!! :(

Wendy - wow girl all the yoga you are doing you should feel long and lean!!!

Lori - hope the little one lets you get in a workout

Di - they were doing the vipr things on BL the other night - I can see where it works the entire body!!

Hello to long lost Allee!

OK .. it is tense at work - I am stressed b/c of my baby dog - ugh - I need some time to CHILL OUT - ugh .. have a great one .. i will BBL to see what everyone is up to!
Hello again.

Okay so I am changing up again for Month 2 of the rotation. At first I was going to just bail completely but I've thought better of it. ;) I want to do all barre type work outs for my resistance training so I was initially going to set up a rotation of 3 days of barre and 3 days of cardio alternating. Well then I decided that I would miss AB too so I started thinking of how to incorporate it once a week. That lead me to the best idea! I am just going to replace the 3 weekly weight work outs with Barre wether it be upper, lower or full body. I won't split upper like the rotation does. I'll just do 2 complete upper body work outs for those weeks. I will also be inserting the cardio BUM BUM from BBL in place of either CSS or S&G each week or maybe adding it on to S&G could work too!

The work outs I will use for this are:

All three Squeezes (Squeeze, Squeeze Strong, Squeeze-Lower Body Challenge)
Tonique Premier
Brazilian Butt Lift
Turbo Barre
Booty Barre

I'm excited to get started! :D

BBL for personals!
Happy Friday!

Today was scheduled as a rest day but hah! After 3 days of recovery work outs that just was NOT happening! I needed to breathe heavy already! :eek::p;)

Ended up doing the BR 20 min cardio interval work out and Stretchmax #1. Tmrw I start back up with the the rotation! :D
Good Morning Ladies,

Our trainer was a little kinder to us in bootcamp class last night, stair running alternating with ab work on the bosu. My legs are still fried from ViPr training though. We have weekly challenges and they draw a random winner each week....I won a free session with a trainer of my choice!:D

I'm considering giving yoga relax a try this morning. I'm also considering changing up Month 2 of this rotation. I've tried the majority of LIS dvd's and would like to incorporate them, but doing them every week is getting boring...and I miss some of my favs. Also, triathlon training starts soon and one of my friends wants me to run a 10k on memorial day.

Wendy-you've given me your exercise ADD.;) Do you have any good recipes planned for this weekend? I'm putting a pork tenderloin in the crockpot for tonight.

Laura-how's buster doing today?

Lori-what's on your agenda today?

Diana:: I cooked cabbage last night because we are having cabbage and noodles with fishsticks for dinner tonight (a mom recipe not a cookbook recipe) and I wanted to get a jump on it so we could eat sooner rather then later as I have a 30% off coupon for Kohl's that we want to use tonight! :D I'll have DH start cooking the noodles and making the fishsticks before I get home later. As for a cookbook recipe, I need to pick something out!!! Pork tenderloin in the crockpot is the best! Congrats on winning and enjoy your free training session! So what are your plans for changing up the rotation for the month? :) In addition to doing barre work outs instead of traditional weight lifting this month, I have just decided that I will be doing only the shorter premixes of all of the LIS work outs that the rotation calls for. This way I can add more stretching/yoga if I want + it will change it up and last but not least, I just don't feel the need to do 45-60 minute work outs 6 days per week for extended periods of time anymore. Short spurts work for me! :) LOL'ing at giving you my A.D.D.! :D Is that good or bad? :confused:
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Hi Ladies,

I went for my first run this year, 3 miles. It was a pretty slow pace and I even had to walk a bit up a hill. I wore my garmin and will be keeping track of my time and distance as I start the triathlon training. My foot is bit sore but not unbearable, my hips and legs will sure be feeling it tomorrow.

Planning on riding my new road bike this weekend with a couple of gals from my bootcamp class. We are all training for the same TRI. The weather is supposed to be in the 60's, perfect!!!

Wendy-Woo Hoo for 30% Kohls coupons. I have one too and plan on using it tomorrow. Zach and Jerod both need jeans, and I want some new spring/summer attire & shoes. I'm considering changing the STS days to Endurance (high reps, me, power hour, etc) during the tri training. Oh yeah, Zach will be 22 tomorrow....makes me feel old.

Hi ladies,

I woke up at 4:30 when DH got up..UGH:mad: I finally got out of bet at 5am and started laundry. Hope to clean out some kitchen cabinets and hopefully tackle the girls room that I've been procrastinating on.

I'm really torn regarding the rotation. I'm kind of growing bored with doing the same cardio w/o's each week. The triathlon training officially startes on April 9th. Today will be UB of some sort, giving my legs a well deserved break. I'm not sore from running yesterday, weird. Bike riding may be on tap for today too! Gotta get goin' on my riding!

On the agenda today other than w/o and spring cleaning, getting a pedicure and using my 30% discount at Kohls!!!

How's everyone else spending their weekend???

Here is the work out I just did:

Booty Barre Upper Body
JM Fast Fix Kickbox w/o #1 (upper body focus)
35 dip station knee raises for abs
50 frog style rapid pulse crunches
half of standing abs from Criss Cross Cardio
StretchMax #3

Time for a quick shower and then off to my mani/pedi appt!:)

I'm really torn regarding the rotation. I'm kind of growing bored with doing the same cardio w/o's each week. The triathlon training officially startes on April 9th. Today will be UB of some sort, giving my legs a well deserved break. I'm not sore from running yesterday, weird. Bike riding may be on tap for today too! Gotta get goin' on my riding!

No worries Diana! I am getting farther and farther away from the rotation as it's written with each moment that passes myself so you won't get any guff from me! :p
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