Damage Control...Hump Day! :)

I tell ya, I am amazed at how I have changed over the years....notedly since having my son. I used to be the one who would stay up until 11 or even midnight at times on work nights and later on weeekends wether I had something to do or not. I would have to get up at 6:30 am for work and have to set the alarm for 30 mins before so that I could snooze it several times before I got up. I would be out of the house in an hour from the time I got up....15 mins of coffee/pc time and 45 mins to shower and eat.

Since having DS? I go to bed by 9:30 most nights wether I have to work the next day or not (actually wishing I get make it 9 these days but that's a tough one!) and up early every morning (again, wether I am working or not). If an alarm clock is necessary then I rarely snooze it at all anymore. I just jump out of bed and have 45 mins to have my coffee and "play" before my morning starts and then another 2+ hours to work out, shower and eat before leaving the house.

I don't know why I posted this...I guess I was just thinking about it.

So today's BBL work out will be....*drum roll please*.....BUM BUM! It's a cardio/lower body sculpting circuit! I will also do the abs from KCM K/B. I will have time since BUM BUM is 35 minutes long. I will get everyting in and have a few minutes to spare if I start on time. It will be perfect. I'll try to post a review from work! :D

I don't have time for personals at this point but I will do them as soon as I can! Hope everyone has a great day and I'll bbl!
Good Morning Ladies,

Well I did the biceps segment of B&B last night. I started too late in the morning to do the entire w/o. Oh....I upped my bicep curl weight to 45#. It was tough but I can tell I'm getting stronger. This morning will cardio...leaning towards lowmax but may choose a shorter w/o so I can tack on some abs.

Tonight is our ladies GTG! We are going to the Bonefish Grill. I've had lunch there several times and its quite good. Tonight is a featured Best of Denver restaurants and they are serving a multi course meal. It should be great fun.

Wendy-anxiously awaiting the BUM BUM review!:p I do not miss the days of getting up super early to get my kids to daycare and get to work on time, by 7am. It was a very stressful time in my life. My DH worked 4/10's so I had to take and pick up the kids....DH basically got up, showered and headed to work. Same as he does now. I do laundry etc in the mornings too. Its hard not to when I'm working out right next to the laundry room!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning ladies !

Woo Hoo Hump Day ! Month end so Friday will be my fav day this week for more than one reason ! :p

For my cardio last night I did 4DS Double Cardio. Today's workout will be tri's and Athletic Step. Hopefully this will go smoothly - I may need to do these SC step w/os a bit closer together to get them down. Too far in between and I forget the moves. We'll see . . .

Well I got message that I did not get the job I interviewed for but got some good feedback and the recruiter has "invited" me to join her at an ag HR forum in May. Said to contact her anytime so I will attempt to network, find a mentor or at least some info on better directions and how to present my experience to "sell" myself and keep trying to do productive things at my current job. Not too bummed - heck I haven't interviewed for 12 years and never for an HR position !

Like Wendy - I'm off without personals this AM. Need to get my weightwork done. BB @ lunchtime.
Good Morning!

Alright everybody....dont freak out or die but I am taking a rest day today:p I knew it had been a while since I took one and when I went to bed last night I didnt bother setting the alarm because if DS slept in and I got some extra sleep, then that would have been great. But if he woke me up at the normal time, then I would probably do a little something. Anyway, he didnt get up until 7 so my plan is to go to work without working out. I may run to walmart though and get a yoga dvd to do tonight and some abs work....if DH watches the hockey game with his buddies. I had to check and see when my last rest day was and it was Jan 24th:eek: Almost ashamed to say that! And that has been my only rest day this year:eek::eek: Geez louise...no wonder my knees have been botherhing me and if I plan on training for this marathon I really got to take adequate rest days or I will be falling apart at the seams! Im guessing my rest days with training with be before and after my long runs.
Its easy to take a rest day when I have to work all day. Who knows...maybe I will take tomorrow to!;)

Lets see how far I can get with personals!

Wendy** I hear ya on everything changing, part of being a growen up I suppose:confused: Growing up sucks!:p Thats why I always ask DD why she is such a hurry to be an adult when she has the rest of her life to be a grown up. Thats also why I told her that if she wanted to growen up things she can move out! LOL

Jacque** Bites that you didn't get the job but Im guessing you figured that out by now. My SIL applied on a new job and it will be next week before she finds anything out. Waiting is the hardest part!

Diana** Oh...DD FINALLY apologized last night, 3 days later:confused: I accepted it but also told her that actions speaking louder then words....DH said he never heard that saying before! Enjoy your night with the girls!

Well...I have been informed that DH is thinking about going into the city today with the guys to watch the Canada v.s Russia game! I think they may be looking to escape their wives!:confused: DH hasn't been to far lately so its entirely up to him if he goes, just hoping I don't get called into work, thats all. He also picked DS up yesterday afternoon and I had a hour long nap...so he has earned lots of brownie points.

I may bbl!
Hey ..

last night's workout was awesome .. it was hot and so I was drenched - had 2 new guys and 3 new girls ..the guys started cramping up 40 min in and had to leave . the girls did not do well at all .. it is a HARD class .. the guys siad they liked it .. it was hard an they needed to build up their legs to be able to do it .. LOL {insert evil grin} .. DOMS report: back - core and shoulders

Wendy .. woohoooo .. cant wait for the *bum bum* report!!!!! :D

Di .. thanks for th BC w/o .. man those look like TOUGH classes .. I may try one this weekend ...

Jacque .. sorry on the job .. but yayaya on the good contact!!!!!

Lori .. I think I fainted after I read you were taking a rest day :eek:

Hello to Jen ..

three of my girls stayed for Zumba .. there were a good many people going in .. didnt recognize any of them .. and they did not look "fit" .. just saying they would NOT survive MY class .. so maybe I dont have to worry about loosing MY members ... Today I have a hair apnt .. SIL is teaching cardio kickboxing tonight .. I am gonna do elliptical and weights at the gym at lunch ... I am doming so bad maybe I need to take rest day .. ??? cant believe my back is doming so bad .. down the entire spinal muscles :confused: .. Ok .. better run .. had DRAMA BS yesterday to deal with .. that has left me PI$$ED and w/a major headache .. mabye I need to go and do yoga at lunch instead .. to calm my mind!!! OK .. have a great one!:D
Ok I am back for the review that I know you are all DYING for! :p I liked BUM BUM a lot. No equipment needed at all. Felt the burn for sure! I was incorrect though. It's not a circuit tho it is described as having cardio in it. It does have some cardio moves and is fast moving over all so my heart rate became elevated through out the work out and I was sweating for sure BUT I would not qualify it as true cardio and would definitely have added a cardio w/o to it if I had time. It's a great burn for the lower body though and the entire work out is done standing. Lots of new moves I've never seen before. Definitely has a little latin flair to it. :D
Wendy .. thanks for the review .. hmmmmmmm .. so take it you have mixed feelings on it .. we will see how your "bum bum" feels tomorrow to get the after affects :p
Back for personals...my boss left when I wasn't looking. Coat gone. Lights out in office. No idea if he is coming back and my work is pretty much done! I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it until it's time to leave! :p

Lori:: This is not a grown up thing, this is a mom thing. Everything changed for me after Joey was born....YOU ARE TAKING A REST DAY!?!?!? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I think that the world may end now! lol ;)

Di:: Thankfully DH works early hours so although I have leave a bit early to drop DS off in the AM, DH picks him up after work so I don't have to. The exception is when he works O/T like he has been doing this week. When that happens I adjust my hours a bit to get out earlier since I then have to pick DS up from school. Now that I am back to work full time DH is doing more around the house. He makes dinner almost every night!

Jacque:: Sorry you didn't get the job but if you aren't too bummed about it then I guess it's okay! For a first time interviewing in 12 yrs and for hr I'll bet you did well, just not what the company was looking for? Heck, I didn't get a job I interviewed for over the summer that was several steps down from what I do now so go figure! With so many people needing work out there these days it's tough no matter who you are!

Laura:: Glad to hear your class was a success. Sounds like ZUMBA will be no match for you! :D
Wendy .. thanks for the review .. hmmmmmmm .. so take it you have mixed feelings on it .. we will see how your "bum bum" feels tomorrow to get the after affects :p

I really liked it Laura...it's just not a cardio work out, that's all. :)
Hi Ladies,

This morning I ended up doing a CF premix that I hadn't done before. Well it ended up being the 6 cardio drills from DrillMax. Followed that up with med. ball abs for a nice workout.

Wendy-thanks for the Bum Bum update....DS3 rides his bike to and from school..thankfully. Actually all the boys rode their bikes from about 4th grade on...until they got their drivers license. The middle school is 1 mile from our house and the HS is 1.3 miles. Right now I'm tryying to get Jerod signed up for the summer camp, Jr leader program. We have to pay for the summer program, but when Jerod is 16 he can actually get paid for being a leader. He will have to take a first aid and cpr class in order to be a leader. The jr. leader is for 13-15yr olds to train them to be leaders. It sounds like a good program.

Jacque-I love the double cardio...fun fun. I'm sticking to Step Moves for awhile until I can run through it smoothly. It's getting better, but not quite a 100% yet. Glad you have a contact in you pocket...one that will encourage/mentor you.

Laura-They are tough classes...especially the stair running. We are also supposed to doing at least 5 cardio sessions per week and 2-3 weight lifting sessions in addition to our class. i won't knock the Zumba folks, at least they are moving...although I'm quite sure they may drop dead if they took your class!;)

Lori-This is only your second rest day in 2010???? Dont forget your body needs recovery time to perform at 100%. Don't negate all your efforts by not resting! You will do great in your marathon, I have no doubt about that at all.

Jen-you must be swamped at work. Have a great day.

Hi girlies!

I'm getting a little breather this afternoon while the boss is in Springfield for meetings. Although, saying it's a breather is kind of ironic, because it appears I've come down with a crappy cold. My head and throat hurt and I'm completely stuffed up :mad: I had barely gotten over my last illness I caught just two weeks ago!

Wendy: I hear you on the changes to your lifestyle after becoming a mom. I do think it kind of goes back to the way it was, a little bit, once they're older. I still don't stay up as late as I used to, but I can last longer than I could when they were young, and we all know how I like to sleep in :p But when they're young like Joey, you internal clock is more in accordance with theirs, I think. Well, I have to say that I did Bum Bum on Sunday, and I'll have to respectfully disagree regarding the cardio factor. It got my heartrate up quite a bit. Now, I'm certainly not in a peak state right now so that might have a lot to do with it, but I was beat afterward. And my Bum Bum is still feeling the DOMS from it a little bit~

Diana: Hope you have fun tonight out with the girls! Sounds like a great restaurant.

Jacque: Sorry to hear about the job, but I'm sure something will work out for you soon. Everything happens for a reason, and this one just wasn't the right one for you. My month end is Friday too, plus I'm on for meetings, so work it nuts for me this week. Will be happy to see the weekend.

Lori: I didn't think the term "rest day" was in your vocabulary :p Good for you! Enjoy it.

Laura: Bum Bum was fun. It was enough cardio for me, but I think you'd probably think otherwise. I have to admit though that the jury is still out on this series for me. I'll keep it for sure, but it might not be something I use strictly as a rotation. It might be a mix-in.

'Spose I should get back to work. Will bbl I hope!

Whew - lunchtime finally made it !

Diana – I’m doing Meso 2 wk 2 right now. Done with CST, tomorrow is Legs and Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun will be BB. Spoke with DS1 last night and they received their return from the state. Since it we’re in such a bad state (no pun intended) I stopped my state taxes the last couple of paychecks so we owe a bit less than $200. Wasn’t gonna wait like we did last year. I typically have to go way over board on the exemptions and take out additional in order to get to the amount we really do owe. Have fun tonight at the GTG - the restaurant sounds like fun - best of the best ! Enjoy.

Wendy – ohhhhhh, missed the “its” part. Wondered why you put a box of cheese ! DUH ! PB cups you said . . . how long did they last? I’m with Lori – in fact I even downed a spoonful of PB after dinner – wasn’t hungry – just had the craving. Funny you & Jen don't seem to be as thrilled with BBL as most others. :confused: And here I was hoping I had just found the magic cure to my behind getting shaped up quickly ! :p

Laura – have heard fried pickles are good but out here in the West I have never seen them anywhere. Sounds a little strange to me, but I’ll take your word for it! Zumba would be fun for me – I love dancing ! Not sure it would be a “workout” though . . . Way to go with working your newbies to the max !

Lori - good to hear about DD finally apologizing - good to hear you sticking to your guns. And Great to hear you taking a rest day ! You really need to rest especially if you are doing a marathon. Yep, waiting is hard - guess it does give you time to make sure you really want the job too. At least I am employed and not looking desperately !

JEN ! ! ! - good to hear you taking a little bit of a breath. Doesn't it seem like one month blends into the next - like nearly every week is month end? Hope you decide to kick these sickenesses once and for all ! Just not fair !

Time to go eat - something non-carb - the scale is creeping up again ! :confused:
Hello again.

Well I re-read the BBL rotation and it has everything built into it that I need (upper body work/abs/cardio) so I have decided to nix GS for now and just follow BBL pretty much as written. I will,however, add an upper body work out to the first week cause they don't include one in the rotation but they give an extra rest day so I have the perfect place to put it! I will also likely do different cardio then just the Cardio Axe work out. Other then those 2 things I am going to give it a go! Wish me and my butt lots of luck! LOL :p

I guess my review didn't come across the way I intended because I really enjoyed the BUM BUM work out. I just thought from reading the description that it would be more cardio intensive then it was. No big deal. Now I know. I enjoyed it though and felt the burn. Trust me! Thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up! :)

Tomorrow will be Cardio Axe and High and Tight. Can't wait to try them out! I will give Cardio Axe a shot tmrw and see what I think. It's very dancey though so it may not be for me. Not a big deal. I have plenty of 30 minute cardios to keep me happy instead! HIgh and Tight is a half hour toning routine using bands and ankle weights. Probably gonna be a good burner! :D

BBL for personals!
Well I just saved myself time tomorrow morning! I decided to give Cadio Axe a go just before and it was just as I suspected. Not my cup of tea. I got about 10 minutes into it and couldn't take it anymore so I quit. :p I will be subbing in other cardios for sure during this rotation! It's all good though...no big deal. It will not ruin the rotation for me or make me regret purchasing the program! So now the question is...what cardio should I do tmrw morning?? Decisions decisions! :D
Hi Girls!

Well, I punched a very long day at work! Ugh...it was sooo boring! Time went by soooo slllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyy~! Eck! Hopefully tomorrow won't be so bad. The phone barely even rung. Finally at 3:30 I went to walmart to get a few things and I was very happy to see a long line up:D cause that meant I didn't have to go back to work! LOL My boss went home for lunch and when I turned around he was coming in with a bigmac:confused: so I didn't even get that :confused:hour of downtime I am use to!

When I went to walmart I picked up a pilates dvd...mainly b/c it came with bands and I need new ones. And I also picked up a yoga dvd with 3 different workouts on it. I was hoping to get a yoga workout in tonight but by the time I put DS to bed it was to late. I have to come up with some kind of rotation taht incorporates weights, yoga and the marathon training. I am half tempted to stop STS and do 2 weight workouts a week, 1-2 yoga (those being my rest days) plus the running.

Wendy** Im getting a kick out of the fact that there is a workout called "bum bum" LOL I thought you were making a joke at first! To funny! Enjoying the previews though but I don't feel the need to buy them! I kinda like my bum bum!:D Re: work, our work computer faces outwards so I can't even get on and pretend that I am doing work. If I had a little computer in the corner i would be searching the web all day long!

Diana** I know I need rest days. To be honest I didn't realize that it had been that long. I know that I had intended to take Sundays off when we went out on Saturdays nights but I must have behaved myself and got my workout done. Thats why I am hoping with this training I will get some good rest days in. I haven't really been following anything yet and I will have to tweek it to my schedule. This week as been really mild so I am hoping to get my long run in on sat!

Laura** I know a girl that went to Zumba last night...of course...not the same Zumba class you are talking about and she is the furthest thing from fit. Maybe thats what its targeted towards.Some people need to have fun in order to get there workouts done...not everyone likes to be tortured like you did to those 2 people! hehe! Does it make you feel like your a monster!???

Jacque** I was hungry all day as well and i didn't even workout! I can't imagine if i had!:confused: Im usually not to bad when I don't workout! I tried to get mostly good things in today though, lots of good carbs! No brownies! On bit of a brownie kick last week! Ah...the right job will come along when you least expect it and your right, it would have been alot worse if you had nothing!

Jen** Sorry to hear you aren't feeling so well. Hopefully it doesn't last long.

Well...my house is pretty quiet. DD went to bed shortly after she got home from dance class, Im not sure whats wrong with her. Maybe its withdrawl from the computer and texting??????

BB in the a.m! Im thinking circuit tomorrow morning!


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