Damage Control goes Insane: Tuesday!!!


Good Morning Chicas. :)

Sorry I was MIA y'day. I have no real excuse. :confused: It was my rest day though so no work out to report. Today will either be another X-make-me-sore-as-freaking-he!!-workout (chest and back or chest, shoulders and triceps) or Insanity's CP&R. It depends on weather I feel like starting off the week with cardio or lifting. I feel pretty good this morning so far but as of last night I was still sore from doing L&B on Friday!!! My butt recovered over the weekend but my lats were still complaining last night! Unbelievable! :eek:

I worked a full day y'day. Ofcourse it was slow going in the morning so I spent a lot of time "looking busy" but after lunch things picked up thank goodness. I don't like being crazy busy all the time but having nothing to do for more then a few minutes stinks. It makes the day drag! :( They want me there f/t eventually. I sure hope that they can keep me busy. I don't want to be staring at the clock every day!!! :eek:

Okay, let me get this posted just incase Lori is lurking in the shadows and about to hit "post"! :p

BBIAB with personals.
Good Morning!

I rolled back over today when the alarm went off:confused: It was one of those mornings where I couldn't get up. Still trying to catch up on sleep, I think. Then I lay there for a while thinking that I really should get up. If I hadn't went back to sleep shortly after, I would have gotten up but then I slept for another hour off and on b/c DD was making a bit of noise while she was getting ready for school. Atleast it won't be so rat racey trying to get out of this house. I usually don't finish my workout until 8:30 and right now its 7:45 and I have nothing to do only sip my coffee. Hopefully I will get a workout of some sort in tonight but its always hard when I have to put DS to bed...oh wait...I have an idea...why don't I let DH put him to bed!:rolleyes:

I took out a few christmas decorations last night. DS wanted to play with everything that was breakable of course. I managed to get the tree up but not decorated. I usually go crazy and try to get everything done but Im going to try the opposite route this time and take my time. Prehaps i will be more cheerful when its all over! LOL I love the holidays but I hate putting lights on the tree! Not only that, I have been the only person to do it at work the last 4 yrs:confused: so I have to do that one to!

I also went and picked up my parcel from sears yesterday. I ordered a blouse to wear to our christmas party. So I get it and I take the top out and the packaging says "satin blouse" and I haul out a cotton tank top. Im thinking...WTF is this? I started wondering if this was what I actually ordered. Not to mention it was $50. I tried it on and it was o.k but I was still super confused so I had to go online and try to find the top that I wanted. Yeah..they messed up. Not to mention the thing had beading and a bow on it! Not something I would order at all! Ugh! So now I need to reorder it again.

Sorry for all the rambling......

Wendy** My job is very much like that! I have to pretend that I am busy alll the time. LOL Or atleast in the beginning, I don't really care that much anymore and I can usually find some things to occupy my time. Enjoy your workout today.

Jacque** Sorry to hear your arm is still bothering you. Are they going to do anything with it...or can they? I think that would really bother me...like a toothache!

DS just woke up and I guess he forgot about the christmas decorations cause he is going around like a mad man! "Ohhhhh...wow...what is it!"

Lori:: Loved your comment y'day morning about getting the coffee from your mouth to your legs. I hear that one loud and clear, girl!!!! :D So....DID TAYLOR BEAT MICHAEL????

Jen:: (((HUGS))) How'd it go yesterday? Rough week you had. You must be glad it's over. How's your friend and her son doing?

Jacque:: Yikes, you can't catch a break lately! I was hoping you were going to be resuming your normal daily KICK AZZ ;) work outs these days but I guess not yet. :( BLOAT is my middle name right now. UGH! I checked in the mirror last night to make sure I still had visible abs though and I do so it's cool! :D
Hi ladies,

Busy at work yesterday and didn't sleep very well...so there was no morning workout to report. I can say that bootcamp kicked my butt last night though. We started out with 10 min of stair running. OMG, we were all wiped out with that. We did all but 5 min of our workout on the stairs. We did side squats with a leg lift, tricep dips with hip lift, pushup with side rotation and one other exercise I seem to have forgotten. Then the torture started again with another 10 min of stair running etc... Needless to say the stairwell was hot and stinky for the class after ours.

Not sure what I will be doing today. Some kind of upper body weights. I was leaning towards GS C&T but have done those for about 3-4 weeks so think it may be time for a change. Thinking of BBC this week. I'll decide as soon as I get downstairs. I also want to see how I do on the BBC killer cardio after Insanity.

Wendy-good job on the X w/o's, something else for me to consider. I hate being bored at work. I've been cleaning out my file drawers and organizing my current projects. Yep, Taylor Swift beat Michael Jackson. I really like Taylor's music but do agree she is very young to win such prestigious awards. Good for her I say!

Lori-Hope you can get your order straightened out quickly. You seem to order online a lot, do you not have shopping nearby? I'm surrounded by numerous shopping malls within about 15 minutes of me. I hate going to the malls but occasionally DS2 wants me to buy him something so I'll make the sacrifice. Of course I make sure to stop at bath & body and VS. Have fun with your xmas decorating. Will be doing the same this weekend.

Jen-So sorry to hear about your friends ex. I'm glad her friends can support her through this most difficult time. How is her son doing? I can't imagine losing a parent in that way.

Morning Jacque, Laura and Brighton!

Good morning girlies!

I was kind of slow moving this morning. It took me a while to get out of bed and get my butt out to the garage. Therefore, I opted for a month 1 Insanity workout. PCC it was, and holy plyometric, Batman, that sh*t's bananas! Wendy is right, it's really not any easier at all. It's shorter, but certainly not easier! It felt great though.

Lori: You crack me up! I like that you had to go online to see what you actually ordered. Did you forget? Way to go for having the Christmas spirit already! Mine usually arrives about a week before Christmas, I'm a Hum Bug until then.

Wendy: Thanks for the hugs. It has been a sucky week and yes, I'm glad that part of it is over. Now we're going to work on tracking down life insurance proceeds, and this is where I'll finally feel like I'm helping and being productive. I'll be able to fill out the forms and make the calls and stuff for her. Up until now I've only been able to provide a shoulder. I know that's what she's needed, but it has made me feel a bit helpless. My friend and her son are doing as well as can be expected. Their divorce was very amicable and they were still very close, and he was a fantastic dad. He was always there for his son, and he always took him on vacations several times a year. (If you look at my friends list on FB, you'll see a pic of Jake and his dad on one of their many vacations.) As you can imagine, this has left a huge void.

Diana: OMG, aren't your legs killing you now after all that stair running? Do you wear your GWF during bootcamp class? I'd love to know what sort of calorie burn that generates. Yes, fortunately my friends has an excellent network of friends to help her and her son through this tough time (because her family SUCKS.)

Jacque: I'm sorry to hear you are in pain with your arm again. Plus carpal tunnel? Ugh. I hope you are taking it easy enough so that it has ample time to recover.

Hi to Laura and Brighton!

I gotta get some work done but I'll be back ~

Good morning ladies !

Quickie checkin before PT this AM. Work will be very busy again so won't be back until tonight. Plan on doing another circuit style workout with low weights again until I can get my hands to cooperate a little more. Last night's C & W worked fine, my tendonitis feels a bit better - I can make a fist and it doesn't hurt, only when I pick something up so I am seeing progress. Perhaps the light weights is helping a little? :rolleyes:

Wendy - good you took a rest day y'day. Let me know if you need work and I can email you some of my projects ! :p I don't think I am ever without something to do - WISH I had to look busy cuz I love to play on the internet and read. LOL at checking for your abs in the mirror ! Good one ! :D

Lori - Too funny again - DS running around looking at your Xmas decos "Ohhhhh...wow...what is it!". My GS1 has a favorite sentence too "what's that?" I know it is very typical, but it is so much fun to see them so inquisitive. Nice you slept in this AM - I was tossing and turning but found a few positions to get a few hours of sleep. Not feeling too badly. I am getting Physical Therapy twice a week now - sometimes helps but last couple of nights it hasn't. I can't figure out what is causing it - only happens when I lay down? :confused: I need to make an appt with my regular doc and possibly get an MRI for further evaluation. We will see soon - this is my third week and the Rx was for 4 weeks. Hope you get your workout in tonight. Don't feel too bad about doing all the decorating - I've been doing it all for years and have definitely cut back now that the kids aren't around. Had to really push myself to do a tree last year, but the lights are my fav part ! See my picture trail to see the outside when I take the time to decorate.

Diana - Woo Hoo what a great workout last night. I loved running and exercising on the stadium stairs in high school for summer training before Vball season. Was a blast. ITA about Taylor - think she does a great job with her music, love her interviews but she is "green". Michael was a favorite musician for me - my VBF had his poster in her room in elementary school. Though he was not here for the year - I think it was due to his upcoming tour and the movie they made from the vids of the rehearsals. Another strange but very talented one gone.

Jen - glad to hear you will be able to help your friend out with some very valuable issues that need to be taken care of. Sounds like it will take a long time for the pain to heal but slowly it does. Love your descriptions of Insanity workouts "holy plyometric, Batman, that sh*t's bananas! " They are too funny. I have yet to toss in an Insanity - not sure if the moves irritated my neck somehow since that is exactly when I started having my nerve issues. Will attempt it again - perhaps this weekend after TDay foods.

Off to get ready for PT. Back tonight for a wrap up of my day and some sort of workout !
Hi Ladies,

Thought I would check in even though I have nothing to report. I had a early lunch cause I was hungry. Sleeping in a little didn't help at all. I am super lazy AND don't feel like talking to anyone! LOL I need to run out and do afew things so maybe the cold air will wake me up:)

Wendy** Good job with the workout! I am looking forward to hitting the weights tomorrow. This time of year makes it harder for me to fit everything in. I have to work this weekend but Im willing to bet that something will come up.

Jen** Sounds like you got your butt kicked in the garage:D Prehaps I should do a Insanity workout this week:confused: I think I may have wasted my money. I have managed to do all of them atleast once but I have to really be in the mood to do one.

Diana** Interesting workout last night. I wouldn't worry to much about missing your workout this a.m if you did all of that last night. I do order online every once in a while but probably not has often as it sounds. We don't have Sears here so we have to order from the catalouge. We don't have GREAT shopping here by no means and we don't get the bargins that you can get. I wanted to get something that I knew no one else would have on this season. If I buy something at the mall...someone else will have the same thing on. Now...they won't look has good has me of course! But you know...;);)

Jacque** Oh DS was soo tickeld when he got up. Then we went to the sitters with 3 little snowmen, I think they may take the place of the pumpkins he has been carting around for the past month.There is a little girl at the sitters who waits for him to come b/c she knows he always has a ton of toys. Anyway, he is very passive at the sitters (weird...he should try that at home sometime) When we got there the little girl took 2 of the snowmen out of his bag and tried to take the one out of his hand has well. I had to tell her that she coluldn't have them all. Im assuming that the sitter watches them closer when I am not there, she is to busy talking when I walk in...yack...yack...yack. Hope you feel better soon!

Alright...I will shut up now!:confused:

Hey Ladies ..

reporting from a distant asylum today .. I am in another office this week .. and yesterday was UBER insane .. and today I actually have time to check in w/my girls!! had a great weekend .. VBF and I went shopping SAT .. ok .. the girl is a PRO shopper - she KILLED me .. I didnt get an official workout in .. but I am going on the record that powershopping w/VBF should be considered a workout in itself .. I was POOPED when I got home ..I am not a very good shopper .. but managed to find lots of good deals and got a pre-lit tree for my pool room .. gonna have a real one in the living room ... :D having our annual girls dirty santa ornament party at my house this year .. have to get my Christmas spirit butt in gear :eek:

Lori .. LOL at DS .. bet he is ready for Santa!! ITA on Michael Jackson .. the only thing he did this year is try to start a tour .. and then passed away .. SAD and yes we lost a great artist .. but the Michael I loved dissapeared a LOOOOOONG time ago .. the shell of a man he was when he died is not the same person we all adored .. too many drugs .. too many surgeries .. too many people using him turned him into something unrecognizable sad ..

Wendy ... kudos on the workouts lately .. P90X huh?? bet your muscles ARE screaming at you!!! LOL

Jen .. {{{{ hugs }}}} so sorry about your friend's eX .. that is horrible .. sending prayers and hugs .. it is good she has a friend that is there for her .. you know sometimes our friends are our life lines!!!!

Di ... bootcamp DID sound like a killer .. wow!!! are you going to see your DGBs??? I know you are excited!!

Jacque .. good luck w/the PT session .. glad it seems to be working .. dare I say .. my knee is better (nock on wood) .. my shoulder still has some bursitus in it .. but trying to lay off the pushups and let it heal too ..

Brighton ?? hey .. I missed the intro .. I am Laura .. the wild child from the South .. married 23 years - no kids - but two huge baby dogs that are probably more spoiled than most kids are .. LOL .. have an adorable nephew that I get to spoil rotten too!!! I dont really work in an asylum .. only feels like one sometimes .. I work in a large utility .. and my main job is COLLECTIONS .. so I am usually stressed 95% of the time :eek:

sooo I managed to do the first disc of Insanity yesterday .. AT LUNCH ... I know I am insane .. I thought that it would be easy .. and it is easier than I rememberd .. but i still was a sweaty mess .. and had to put my wet hair up and finish the work day like that .. :eek: .. but glad I did at lunch .. b/c classes are canceled this week .. and work was insane .. ended up leaving 45 min late .. got home only to find our LA hunters driving up behind me and they BS'ed outside w/me for about 45 more minutes ..so I would have missed my workout if I didnt do it at lunch .. today going to do the Insanity recovery disc at lunch .. anywho .. have a great day and I will try to touch base later!! :D
Just checking in .. where is everyone .. must be busy busy .. just reporting that Cardio Abs and Balance was done at lunch .. and boy did I get sweaty again .. sweaty hair and all .. but we have so much company down it wont get done if I wait till I get home ..

OK .. have a great one .. see you girls tmrw!:D which is my TGIF- day before TURKEY DAY .. WOOOHOOOOO :eek:

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