dairy products??


I was just wondering why alot of people cut out dairy in their diet when they are trying to lose weight. It seems to me that diary is good for you especailly if it is skim, low fat etc. Thanks for the reply.
I reckon becuase many dairy product also have high fat content and people are phobic about fat in their diets.

All current research however is pointing to enhanced weight loss with increased in-take of dairy products, so the latest decision is that the trade off of some fat with your cheese or glass of milk or yoghurt is worth it.

Women, starved of calcium, are currently reccommended to consume three servings of dairy per day and I am downing a yoghurt in the morning, cheese with my lunch or evening meal and milk with a couple of cookies right before bed. But then, I have always been a dairy girl so this is no hardship!!

And I hate skim anything, skim takes the taste out. Rather than low fat cheese, just do what the Fab 5 guy from Queer Eye says: "eat a variety of foods, all food groups, just don't eat so darn much of it".

Love that programme!!!

Like Clare, I've read that dairy consumers have an easier time losing or controlling weight. If one doesn't have lactose intolerance or ethical issues (with the dairy industry), then it's a great way to get easily absorbed calcium. One does have to chose carefully because of the saturated fat but there are lots of non-fat & low-fat choices.

I also agree with Clare about cheese. There are some great lower fat cheeses like queso fresca & goat cheese but forget the fake cheddar. I'd rather use a little of a good quality cheese. It's all about portion control.

It's funny...everytime I start thinking about something I come to these boards and someone has posted about it! Anyway, read "The Fat Fallacy" by Will Clower. It's main premise is that the French eat all sorts of butter and breads and cheeses and creams, etc. yet are, in general, healthier than us Americans with all of our diet obsessions and fake foods. I'm about halfway through the book and it's very interesting. He also has a website: http://www.fatfallacy.com

Hi Jane,

Let me begin by confessing that I am biased towards the non-dairy camp because I am so highly allergic to dairy (molecules of milk protein can cause a life-threatening reaction for me). Because of this allergy, I do find myself reading a lot of literature that is anti-dairy. One of the interesting things that I have found is that many people are lactose-intolerant in some fashion and just do not know it. When they cut dairy out of their diets, they often find that they lose weight (really just cutting out the bloating that lactose-intolerance brings), clear up any sinus problems (who knew that was connected to milk??) and feel a lot healthier. I have seen this happen to my husband who has had to cut out most of the dairy from his diet because of my allergy. A friend of mine also recently cut dairy from her diet because of cholesterol concerns and has said that she can't believe how much better she feels. And these are people who never considered themselves lactose-intolerant. I guess it's certainly something to consider when you're examining your diet!

Hi Jane,

I believe Muscle & Fitness Hers has an article about how dairy can help weight loss in the most recent issue - I haven't had time to really read it in detail yet.

My take on dairy falls in line with Clare and Debra. I use skim milk and low fat yoghurt and cottage cheese, but when it comes to cheeses in general, I think going with good quality helps a person to limit quantity. Not to mention that there are some really fantastic artisan cheese makers in my area, so the good stuff is always close at hand.

Take care.

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