Daily Check in Weekend of June 18th & 19th, 2016


Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did Turbulence Training - total body workout - leg emphasis. I added on shoulder meltdown.

Have a great day everyone.

This afternoon I did Cathe Live Athletic Training followed by Mark Lauren Mobility RX w/o 1. Athletic training was more tiring than I'd expected or perhaps I was also low on energy after a late breakfast and no lunch. Mark Lauren had me groaning and sighing again, but I am still convinced I need to make more time for this type of w/o.

Have a great day!
Excellent workouts today you two. Great job!

This morning after having nearly 6 hours of uninterrrupted sleep for the first time in over two weeks (Yay! Celebrate), had a short walk in the rain, stopped into a cafe for a light brunch & coffees & went to do some indoor rock climbing which felt pretty awesome. Workout this evening was Tracie Long's KickBack + added a long set to failure of tricep band pull back/aparts holding very light weight.

Hope everyone's Saturday has been nice!
Elsie, I thought you were moving soon. Will get you away from all the noise and construction?

Today was a rest day for me. I got shin splints from my walk yesterday, sigh.

Tell your spouses that are father's Happy Father's Day! Have
Hi Everyone,

This morning I did another TT workout - upper body focus + Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped Cardio Tabata workout. I just love her.

Henriette - I do not know of this mark lauren guy - i've seen his name but have never inquired. i think I will since a few of you have mentioned him
Elsie - sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday and I'm not referring to the workout
Annette - Shin splints? I've had 'em. I usually only get them when it's time to change my shoes it seems
Sandy - hope you are having a great weekend
Hi Ladies,

Today I wanted to try some of my new DVDs. I popped in P90x + Kenpo Cardio plus. Now I know why I don't do the P90 w/o's. They may be good, but they do nothing for me. I am totally not motivated to do them. I did it for about 10min and then decided no way... No one is making me do this, if I am not enjoying it, it is a waste of my w/o time. I love working out, but not like this.

So after 10 min I moved to CE Burn it off followed by PFS Flexibility. Don't think I have tried either of them before, but Michelle Dozois and Chalene Johnson are definitely nore my cup of tea.

Have a lovely Sunday.
Ok since I usually take the weekends off here is your Father's Day story; this morning I go downstairs to let the dog out. I step outside so that she will actually do something. She sees something in the yard near the door. I go over and it is a cat a young cat with a can of dog food stuck on its head. I try to get the dog away and call for my hubby at the same time. The poor kitty was meowing in the can. Hubby came out and put the dog inside.

Then we proceeded to work the can off the cat's head. We got it off and the cat had food plastered to the side of its head. She let me pet her and rubbed up against my leg and then she ran off.

She might have been in the can all night since middle son had heard strange noises before he went to bed.

She didn't fight us so we probably got to her before she went into shock.

We saved the kitty before church.
Sweet heart you are Annette. Yesterday was a horrible day to me, really knocked down by hard spine and bones oain I had to go to the ER where they gave me some painkillers. Today I feel much better so I managed to do Butss and guts and Stretch max with the ball. Michelle Dozois and Chakene are on my waiting least as well as Trx with Mark Lauren but for now no weights and no gphigh impact, I just do what I can
Sandy - I am so sorry to hear about all your pain. I can't imagine pain so bad you need the ER. Poor you. Michelle Dozois is great in a different way. It was hard to find PFS though. Her bodyfit 360 are easier to find but quite expensive so they're on my wish list. As for Chalene... I found both TurboFire and Chalean Extreme on amazon.co.uk for 20 pounds each... Now they 66 again. So if you see them on sale go for it. TF I got on sale on Black Friday so I am hoping for good sales again next Black Friday.

I really like alternating days with low impact and no weights, barre or yoga style stuff which I do far too little. A whole new world is opening up to me with all those types of w/o's.
Oh, Sandy, so sorry to hear about your ongoing pain. ((please take care & keep us updated)) Sounds nasty. :(

Aww, Annette ....good job on you & your dog helping a little creature! Cats can really get into trouble sometimes. Did you see if it had a collar/belonged to someone?
Yes, we have been in the midst of moving out of province & yes, it will most definitely be away from this bloody noise. It's been years of this. Moving around in this area (Vancouver, Lower Mainland) is mostly for the rich. Sorry to grumble!!

Great job on your workouts, ladies. I really like Suzanne Bowen too Ceci. Henriette, sorry some of your programs are not clicking with you. I do not have any of the P90's. Sometimes things just do nothing for us. No point in wasting your precious time on it, IMO. Hope you may be able to re-sell it.

I didn't work out today .....I am too busy. Be back tomorrow I am hoping.

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