Daily Check in Wednesday October 10, 2012


Good Morning everyone,

This morning I did not feel like getting out of bed. Once I got started, however, my energy levels increased.

Today I did 4DS legs with Cathe's CCC in between sets. I managed about 26 minutes of cardio (I have not done that workout in a long time. It's a toughie). I love working out with two computers and creating my own circuits. I burn way more calories and only end up tacking on an extra 10 or 15 minutes in total to my workouts.

Carmen - still sweating after the shower? ha ha

Conni - glad to see you are working your abs - any changes?

Annette - good to see you got in a workout despite all that is going on for you e.g. homeschooling, working, MIL etc.

Zhaoyang - 25 pounds in each hand for rows? wow! I have back issues so have to go a bit lighter with any kind of rows

I hope Wednesday is good to you all.
Hi Siobhan,

I try to do alot of core work because I am long waisted and have been fortunate to always have good stomach muscles, but I don't want any pooches going on!!

Today was SJP. I have not done this one for a long time and I was tired by the end. I have doing so many drill type workouts, the steady state stuff is not easy right now. I am not happy about this...
Thanks CeCi.

Today I did the first 20 min. of Cardio Kicks for some reason Cathe's workouts hurt my feet, too much bob and weave maybe I don't know but I have noticed that about her workouts lately. Taebo works for me because you are stationery most of the time unless moving side to side or kicking. Cathe has you moving upper and lower body all the time thus my feet can't take it anymore. sigh. Signs of age I guess,:(.

No workout tomorrow I have an orientation for a new district to sub in so that is all day.

Have a great day!!:)
Cardio and shoulders. Boring is good. I'm trying to re-immerse myself in my other studies, actually.

CeciFifi - The 25 lbs aren't that much because I'm bigger than average. Regarding your back (and Calico's feet), I believe in avoiding pain, and I'm happy that I can still do enough to get back in shape. I'm in no hurry either.

Zhaoyang :)

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