Daily Check in Wednesday June 15, 2016


Good Morning Everyone,

It's just sooooooooooooooo busy at work these days and - the work can be quite intense! So many people in need of support.

Today I did Turbulence Training - leg focused workout - but still a circuit. It was tough. I added on a TT 4 minute Tabata.

Annette - I did not know you are a preacher. Every Sunday, when I tell the kids "we're leaving at 9:45 for mass" this shocked look comes over their faces, like they've never heard such words before. Must be their own form of resistance, hoping I'll say, okay, stay home - which I do from time to time.

Elsie, been reading some of your posts. you are very knowledgeable and - a good writer!

Have a great day everyone.
No Ceci, my FATHER was a preacher. I grew up a PK or Preacher's KID.

Today it is just sooooo HUMID and it is not even hot. I did about 32 min. of the Advanced #11 Taebo and was sweating buckets, then went to the gym and managed about 40 min. worth of weight work, mostly cable work for some variety.

Have a great day!!
Hi girls, yesterday was a forced rest day for me, today Suzanne Bowen's Barre Amped Boot camp, which I found really good, it really stretched me well with smooth movements but it was also intense. I will definitely buy some more of her dvs. I am dealing with some health issues in this period so please excuse me if I will not post regularly. Take care
Hi ladies!

I woke up with a very sore left knee today... No idea why. Even driving was painful. Every time I had to step down on the clutch I was in agony. Good thing today was an upper body day.

This afternoon at bball we ended up having only 4 kids... And 4 trainers. Crazy! I think people think it's time for a summer break even though next week is meant to be the last training. We spent the last 20 min or so playing 4 on 4... So incl. the trainers and afterwards I realized I had forgotten all about my knee hurting and it actually felt fine again. Weird! I guess that was super active recovery but apparently just what I needed.

Tonight I did KCM Split sessions upper body and boy do I feel it!!!

More dvds arrived today and even unpacking the packages was exciting. ☺

Have a nice evening!
Hey my fitness friends! Wow, what excellent workouts everyone is doing. Bravo!! I love that Split UB one, Henriette ..one of my faves!

Oh, Ceci, it's funny you say that as many times I look back at my posts & see all the grammatical errors I am making. It is funny how we lose that when our occupations require no actual writing any longer! lol. I am so glad to hear that the Open D post has inspired you to make your own body care items. It is a lot of fun! When I get back into the swing of things again, I plan to get back into the herbal infused oils, salves etc. that I was very much enjoying. I really want to create a violet infused massage salve for fibrocystic breasts etc. which myself and my sister have. It is expensive to buy and gets used up quite quickly. Hmm, back to your career, I wonder why so many people find themselves needing extra support this time of year? That is very interesting to me. I will be joining a group in a couple of weeks to help with social anxiety. Wish me luck! :)

Annette, my first serious bf was the son of two pastors and to this day, I feel that they were some of the most generous souls I have ever come across. They made a permanent impression on my own heart.

Sandy, very nice to see that you are taking your injuries as an opportunity to try out new things. Suzanne Bowen is very intelligent in her approach, IMO. ((hugs))

I have not worked out for a couple of days. Noise here (demolition etc.) all night and as I type. It is going to drive me crazy! Even the cat is in a bad mood because of it. lol. Hope to get back before long.

See you tomorrow! :)

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