Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Good morning fitness ladies,

Last night: KPC
Yesterday I was feeling off, I think becuase of a lack of sleep Monday night (only 4.5 hrs which I am not used too). I got 8 hrs last night...hope I feel better today..if so...

Tonight wll be: Power Max

Have a good day!
Hi good morning Cathy and everyone who post later. Cathy I hope you will feel better today. Yesterday was a rest day. Yesterday was the first day of my period and I had a terrible headache. Today I feel OK. I will do cardio P90x and Kenpo X. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
OK CAROLE~ I have DOMS and sitting and sleeping hurt my glutes, thank you vey much! x( I believe freestyle type workuts are to blame.}( This morning I have a tennis match and I will have to move in spite of DOMS. Actually the moving may help my situation.
Any way I am happy to be changing up my rotation in this way.

Today will be upper body/abs(Body Max segment) & Ankle weight work of L&G

Mariangeles~ hopefully that headache subsided; they can be nasty
Cathy~ I hope you are all caught up on sleep soon! It is great to be well rested :)

AKA "Likes2bfit" }(
Good morning Cathy, Mariangeles and all that follow.....

ME last night, felt good.

Today is a steady state cardio and it is grass mowing time but with the temperature moving up in the mid-90's today with heat index over 100 with the humidity factor, I believe instead of pushing, I'll ride...I hate riding that lawnmower but I don't want to wind up in the ER with heat exhaustion either.....

I'll may try Christi Taylor's Step Heaven tonight. I've previewed it and it looks fun. It will take some practice, I know that!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Morning all!

Last night was Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, Biceps. WHOO HOO!!! I was a hurtin' unit when that was over. I think I have a tiny bit of DOMS this morning, but I know already that I love that workout! I also did Coremax #2. The stability ball wasn't quite the same as the one at Target, but I managed;)

I have absolutely no recollection what's on my schedule for tonight!
Good Morning Fit Women,

Yesterday was Core Max 1 only. Pressured Wash the house and shoulders and forearms were burning...carrying ladder around, holding wand upright alot, etc.

I just finished 200 walking lunges up the mountain with my neighbor. I took 10# dumbbells instead of 15#'s. We did 4 sets/50 reps each. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be as it goes pretty fast. My neighbor wants to do them again soon!!!

Also used the new bench and did leg curls (3 sets of 8's). Will do KPC tonight after clean max to enhance the mountain climb from earlier. I got to walk around Water Country in a bikini next week so don't want no cellulite showing.LOL

Good Morning Fitness Friends!!

Yesterday was kickboxing and mowmax (ugh, takes one hour of pushing and I did it at the hottest part of the day, that BETTER count for something!!:p )
Today I used my new barbell and thank you Connie, I used your suggestion and did PS. I did legs and abs and it was a great workout. I LOVED the barbell. And it was a good workout to start with because Cathe NEVER changed the weights on the barbell once. So I didn't have to fumble around trying to get that done! I realized too that I had never done the leg workout of PS, so it was completely new to me. I really enjoyed it.
I will definately walk or do some other cardio later.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Hello, Ladies!

Great workouts!

Today KickMax, CoreMax, & StretchMax. I think that's enough Max's for me today!

Have a great day!!
Good Morning Fitness Phanatics!

Mariangeles glad you rested yesterday. I can RELATE!

Have fun playing tennis with those DOMS Judy!}( Aren't they great?

Take it easy in the heat Jane. It catches up with you quick. And you don't want to be in the hospital and miss BC tomorrow!;-) :7

Hi Shelley & Tammy!

Charlotte-glad your mountain lunge walk went well!:) I had a feeling you were gonna enjoy it.;-)

Last night was PUB and the step combo from my brand new BodyMax! It went by sooo quick. But after LowMax yesterday morning, I felt like I was not even getting my feet off the ground. I liked it tho! :7
This morning I did 20 min.cardio from KPC followed by L&G's. I thought KPC would kill me, but it actually felt really good to loosen up. Don't know how I'll be feeling later tho after L&G's. I had DOMS to begin with. That's ok tho.}( I think I may be a masachist.:7 (excuse the spelling)

Have a great day everyone! Don't forget Bootcamp party tomorrow whoever's joining in!!:7 :7 :7
Good morning everyone,

I am really enjoying the Cardio Blast rotation. Really fun and interesting..
Today was PLB and ME abs.
If you are a praying person, please send some over my way. My DH is having some major problems dealing with his MS, depression and extreme frustration regarding the treatment at the Clinic, etc., so we would really appreciate the support and the faith right now.

Have a great day.
Good morning ladies...

Cathy...I know how off you can feel without enough sleep, it made my long run on Sunday so much longer...

Judy!!...I bet it is the Freestyle you have the DOMS from. I always remember my first week. I still get it off and one and yes in the glute area. I do think tennis will help but be sure to stretch out good first.

Jane..yes be careful in that heat. I've been watching the humidity here also. Seems at about 70-80 % most of the day...yuk...

Charlottte...good job on the walking lunges..and up a mountain...wow!!

Tammy...HSC is alot of fun.

Becky...I'm glad you got the barbell! I like it in PLB, the standing segment.

Shelley...aren't the GS workouts great! I like the Back & Bicep premix on GS BSB...

I'm doing my Freestyle legwork and an oldie...Imax1!, then abs and shoulder, bi's and tri's.

Have a great day...:)...Carole
Prayers for you and your DH Conni.
I'm so sorry for what you both are going through.
Know that a lot of people care for you and you DO have our support and prayers!
Have faith Conni. Prayers go with you and your DH. God will get you thru this. Take care and know we are all here for you.

I did my brand new IMAX2 (which I purchased on the road trip) and I loved it! It was so much fun! And I could actually DO all the blasts. (I have to take heart attack breaks during IMAX3!) I think IMAX2 may be one of my new favorites. :)

Have a great day everyone! :D
HI again everyone,

Emily - Imax 2 is one of my very favorites too! I still haven't gotten all the way through 3 , and I love Imax1 but think it's a real killer. My fav's are Imax 2 and Lowmax. Congrats on getting thru it on the first try!!!!!:7
I did ps legs & abs this morning and just decided I could do more, so I did Allstep. I love that one for a short step workout. It's the first Cathe tape I ever did and I got it free with a step at Kmart. I've long since gotten rid of the step (too small & cheap plastic), but LOVE the workout! It took me forever to get the choreography though!:p

Anyway, happy days to everyone!!!
Good morning, beautiful ladies! How is everyone doing?

I think that today I am going to brave Step Blast. I have never done it and the choreography looks a bit tricky, so wish me luck!

:) Missy

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