Daily Check In, Wednesday Feb. 26


Hi ladies,

Today was DrillMax minus the last segment. ( ;) Siobhan)..
DH still not improved, lots of doctors on the case now. This is not uncommon for MS patients. They can have a normal surgical procedure and it can really misfire the brain and cause all kinds of trauma. Hopefully they can get a handle on things very soon...

Have a great day.
Conni continuing to pray for your dh.

I did half of Totally Hot Cardio ( still a learning curve think I have most of the first half figured out) then I did the cardio portion of Cardio Camp workout so I could feel like I did something.

My weight is climbing and I am not happy. Could be several reasons I just need to get a hold of it again.

Not to mention I have a milestone birthday coming up very soon.:eek:

Have a great day! :D
Hi everyone,

Short workout for me today. I did half of providence.

Conni - I hope everything improves. You all deserve some good news.
Hello everyone! lots of evening meetings for me so no workouts lately. But tonight's meeting ended early and I got in an intense 12 min workout and I'm in total afterburn. I've showered and I'm still sweatin :D

Conni Prayers for your family.

Great workouts ladies.

Enjoy the evening.


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